Chainlink...No No No No No

No no no no no
Sell sell sell sell
Sell sell
No no no no

Attached: Screenshot_20190622-113142.jpg (1080x2160, 530K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I can't believe the Brazilian did this!

>what is NDA

linkies are fucking embarrassing

Just check on twitter. It’s teue


Have sex.


Neat, so Oracle will be running a node.

unfathomably bullish, oracle partnership incoming

>that doesn’t have anything to do with it
This obviously means that there is something going on but the website is just not a part of it. If you can’t understand this you’re low iq and you should sell your link ASAP.

Go dillate

They’re already partnered lol.

How new are these people wtf.


g-guys I think we made it

>companies doing STANDARD PRACTICE of registering all domains which could look like they belong to their company before someone else gets them
>linkjeets start Bollywood dancing at absolutely nothing

I love it.

Attached: cdg.png (600x610, 565K)

fernando literally and unironically just caused the next great chainlink bull run

Who is this nigger?

stfu (((fernando)))

Attached: 1561227176446.jpg (1064x1108, 102K)

>they actually think the word link means something to do with their shitcoin
>they literally do not know what a link is in terms of the fucking internet


>yfw LINK is pumping regardless

Attached: 1506908993230.png (381x495, 76K)

Link is fundamentally flawed
The first time the majority of api providers return false information to nodes will be the last time chainlink is used for anything important. API providers can and will be the target of attackers.

>yfw LINK is pumping regardless

Attached: 1561150038057.png (503x689, 273K)

Attached: 1551928724778.jpg (549x577, 55K)

>gif related
add another body to the pile

Attached: anotha one.gif (1059x596, 2.44M)

First Hudson and now this. We just lose. Neckbeards sois keep dabbing on us bros

it's simply fundamental
what's so hard to understand about that

Attached: 1561178030610.jpg (378x484, 103K)

Checked again, You may appreciate this pal

Ok have fun with your little crypto cumshot Rajesh.


Looks like we're not making it this year, marines..

Attached: 1543438078324.jpg (1024x1024, 218K)

Imagine how ridiculous these schizo associations look to someone not used to them.

hey retards. If this were bearish, he'd be denying association with that URL outright. Proving it was indeed some biz larp. He's just saying it has nothing to do with the presentation. Meaning Oracle registered the domain. 1000 eoy

>literally making your weekly wage when Chainlink jumps up $0.01

Attached: Rentfree.jpg (232x162, 5K)

>fernando literally and unironically just caused the next great chainlink bull run
back where I'm from, we call this pattern the "FernandO"

>Checked again, You may appreciate this pal
right back at you, thank you for the great track

Attached: file.png (3832x1246, 722K)

>same dude doing his own personal presentation about link
>says .link domain that was just bought has nothing to do with link
>implying buying .link domain has nothing to do with link
if link has nothing to do with .link then why buy it? if its worthless why be the first one to get the domain? that mister is very strange logic

Nda isn't a reason to go out of your way to fud

>trusting a beaner

just kys