Listed on zelcore yesterday, first fiat to nuke gateway

>listed on zelcore yesterday, first fiat to nuke gateway
>airdropping $90k worth of nuke at current prices tomorrow
>girls already strip for Nuke and are willing to suck dicks for 50 nukes
>automatically hyper deflationary, supply goes down every day
>is stable at the sixteenth decimal and doesn't burn during transfer so won't self destruct
>number #1 in volume on ddex
>pizza dapp to be released Monday, you can literally buy pizza with nuke

If you don't have a bag then give up user. This is the most obvious moon mission in biz history. This is the next ethereum and if you don't realize that then you will never make it.

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Yeah! You get that, believe it or not nukes is #BOMB

Why even bother shilling to these retards? Biz will buy high as always

I want nuke to give financial freedom to common people. I'm already rich from investing in nuke early. It's not about making money anymore for me. Biz helped me get out of a really dark place and I want to help other Anons.

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It's a bigger better bomb. Bomb has flawed code. It's why their ddex volume is shit. You can't trade bomb on chain without losing one bomb on every transaction.

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Nuke is a porn project, thats weird

We are all wolverine' sons, we will survive a nuke madness and return as rich kids.

Fill ur bags kids, dont miss nuke blast !!

Why? You afraid of girls user?

Have you ever been to r/girlsgonebitcoin? Have sex incel. Nuke is the front runner in the new technology of deflationary projects and it will give common people a chance at financial freedom.

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I think he is afraid of sex. Girls like financial freedom and money. That's why they get naked for nukes. He needs to stop being angry at women.

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This crap literally is a scan there is a token address showing 297k nukes owned by a single person probably the admin. The same Fat horny bloke sitting in his parents basement asking nekkid pics of girls yesterday morning on their telegram. Please explain why you are random banning anyone who even asks questions about your shitty project? Why you lied about the BOMB token and paid people in shitty nuke tokens to retweet your bullshit? And while you're at it explain why you're getting all these random Asians to shill this shitcoin by begging on the telegram group?

Attached: Screenshot_20190622-202939_Telegram.jpg (1080x1920, 663K)

So I heard nuke threw a porn party the other night. Why would I want to be associated with porn? Ew

Have sex incel.

We have airdropped over $100k to people in developing countries and will airdrop $90k to them tomorrow. Even though they get the coins for free they don't dump because they know nuke will be $1000 eoy.

You are a sad man. Sort yourself out.

Have you ever been to r/girlsgonebitcoin?

Have sex incel.

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free money+naked chicks..

are ppl seriously complaining or am i high right now

When will NUKE retards realize that they completely killed their reputation when their scammy founder intended to exit scam, and then hosted a porn contest for nuke? Or then showed their TG a vid of them masturbating with a dildo?
NUKE is a fucking scam and that slimy dev is going to exist scam

dildo was a camgirl horny for nukes, grow up ya lying turd

This is why nobody will ever fucking like this fucking project. Other communities and TGs use NUKE as an example of what NOT to do when shilling. Every TG for a small project that I'm in has mentioned NUKE by name as an example of what they DONT want the project/community to be like.

stay salty asshole, we got bitches gettin naked for our nukes and all you can do is let your inner bitch crybaby out on biz

i'm out, gonna get my dick sucked for nukes

Founder has control of 400k nukes. If they wanted to exit scam it would be easy. They don't want to exit scam. They want to give financial freedom to common people by allowing them to pass on generation wealth in the form of nukes.

As far as the girls getting naked for Nuke, that's the most bullish thing I've ever heard. Have you ever been to r/girlsgonebitcoin?

Who hurt you? Stop hating women and had sex incel.

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This is biz. They buy low and sell high. They will fomo in to nuke at $10 and sell the first dip. We should be thankful to them for all the free money they give us.

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Contrary to what your nigger instincts think, acting like an obnoxious MUH DICK nigger is not good for a coin. You think Bitcoin would've taken off if Satoshi acted like you faggots? Or Litecoin if Charlie Lee acted like you?

Good job user. Haven't paid for sex in nukes yet but I look forward to it.

Go to r/girlsgonebitcoin. Realize that bitcoin became popular through prostitution and dark web drug sales. Nuke token is the only token with a chance of becoming as valuable as bitcoin because the founders are anonymous and aren't cucks.

Have sex and stop hating women incel.

They got caught saying they were about to exit scam. The only reason they didn't was because they got caught and the price immediately crashed.
>They want to give financial freedom to common people by allowing them to pass on generation wealth in the form of nukes.
Oh, i'm sure, a community like NUKE, led by such an honorable dev, really cares about such a noble cause, and didn't just ripoff bomb because they were butthurt they missed a moon mission.
>Founder has control of 400k nukes. If they wanted to exit scam it would be easy.
This is the problem and you think it's a good thing?

>They got caught saying they were about to exit scam. The only reason they didn't was because they got caught and the price immediately crashed.

This is a lie, someone faked screenshots. It was probably you.

>oh I'm sure...

Nuke dev and nuke community is 1000x better than a woman hating incel like you who is afraid of nudes for nukes contest.

>founder has control....

Check satoshi btc wallet. Sometimes the only person you can trust is the dev. Dev of nuke has galactic iron hands. It's why price has pumped so high so fast.

Have sex incel.

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Yeah $90k of the $750k you're currently sat on. And the only reason you're airdropping is to shill this piece of shit so you can successfully exit scam. Only hope those poor desperate Asians you're targetting figure out what you're up to and run far far away from this shitcoin

>Nuke dev and nuke community is 1000x better than a woman hating incel like you
A project led by a greedy scamming feminist. Who wouldn't want to join!

Nuke will never exit scam and someday soon you will create a mental block on nuke as it hits new ath of $10, $20 $50 because even he mention of nuke will trigger you so bad because you are so wrong.

She's not a feminist. She just isn't afraid of naked women. Unlike you. Have sex incel.

what if i told they actually did do that

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drop your pants user, and get ready to pay up

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Keked and saved