Magic Beans

0xBTC will pump so hard during the Golden Bull. It just makes sense. No amount of FUD can tarnish the most interesting iteration of Bitcoin since Satoshi's white paper. All that's lacking is exposure, which is changing fast ( That market cap is fucking tiny and it's a good project with a based community. Buy some magical beans user and prepare for Andromeda.

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How much to make it?

AS a pure mined currency with no ICO and handicapped at 21 million, 0xBTC is a way for people looking to invest in crypto to diversify outside of BTC. It's still a deflationary store of value, but is uniquely tied to Ethereum (#2 protocol in crypto) as a token. Bloody genius

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No one can ever give you a satisfying answer to that question. What I can say is with where BTC is going, the sky is truly the limit. This project warrants a suicide stack at the very least. It has the same tokenomics as bitcoin for the sake of Jesus Christ

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10k stack, it's tracing XMR exactly during it's first 2 years. XMR is about a hundo right now and that would make a 10k stack worth 1mil n about 6 years if it continues to follow the normal PoW economic cycle. Halvning is in 2 years, inflation is a bitch right now.
Hope this helps someone out there.

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Market cap is under $2million, 10x is $20million which is laughable how easy it is to get there. $200million (100x) is bottom of top 100, another easy milestone that useless shitcoins reach for no fucking reason. I personally see this hitting $500million MC EOY.

This seriously is the most promising low cap gem that exists, if you don’t grab a stack of at least 1,000, I suppose you truly hate money.

just fucking dollar cost average in, it's not going to to drop off from here

0xBTC is fucking BACK. I withstood a year of degrading FUD and shitposters. I never quit, though I did doubt at times. The word is getting out there. I feel a pump brewing down in my plumbs

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just wait when miners dump

the price could drop relatively 50%, sure. but when you're buying over time and the mcap is this low, I don't see a high chance of losing that value

it will definitely have its run but we got 2 years before halvening. Good token for sure

Bro if BTC starts bull running it will happen sooner than 2 years. This market cap is tiny. I pumped this token $0.05 with literal lunch money

Haha yeah miners are going to dump with this volume and market cap. This is blatant and obvious accumulation.


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let’s go boyos

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>volume: $526.06
Pajeet's bags keep getting heavier

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Nobody trades this shit on IDEX, niqqa
Although they should

Miners absolutely do dump, I've been trading this on Mercatox since forever and I watch how they work. However they've gotten smart enough by now to dump gradually and usually just by adding more and more size to the sell side of the order book, they only rarely actually hit the bids. If you learn the way the miners work, you can definitely improve the prices you end up DCAing at

very interesting. What prices should we be DCAing in at right now sir?

absolute scam fucking pajeets

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Depends entirely on how badly you want to get into a position and how concerned you are that it's going to randomly take off to $1 or whatever before you can finish accumulating. I found that once I had the amount I was going for the pressure's off and you can enjoyably take a step back and wait for opportunities, which usually come when the miners dump

dude look at meratox volume is excluded due to obv fake volume

Yes, did you not understand my post or something? I've been trading on Mercatox for a year, you think I'm not aware that they constantly print fake trades? If you're not an absolute brainlet you can easily pick out the real trades from the fake ones, since the fake ones all take place between the inside bid and offer, and are ridiculously outsized compared to the size on the book

don't fall for the scam this shit gets shilled everyday by miner pajeets with heavybags. I was lucky enough that a user saved me with based advice that this is indeed a scamcoin from the miners. DONT FALL FOR IT, I WARNED YOU NOW IT'S ON YOU.

good luck fell Jow Forumsanon

We know it's you, pasta user. At least change the way you write so that it's not so obvious.

why would you want to own a scam miner coin??

I realize that there's a cohort of people for every single coin that calls it a scam just for fun, but what's frustrating about you is that you don't seem to even be able to formulate a coherent idea of in what way it's a scam. FUD isn't fun to read if it's just schizo rambling, you're supposed to come up with some kind of actually convincing or at least interesting conspiracy theory.

The miners have literally been selling since the very beginning, that never changed

They've actually been on hiatus for a while, ever since they ran up the difficulty to 1.5 billion. I'm waiting for them to start dumping again before I buy more

Meant for but you deleted and reposted

are you the same shithead from the last thread who couldn't form a cogent argument, so you just flung racial slurs? lolling pretty hard if so

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That's true there has been less selling pressure, but there's also been less hashrate to go with it. I figured the big guys went over to RVN but will inevitably be back

Right but there's actually a causal link there - the selling pressure is low BECAUSE the hash rate is low. When the hash rate increases, selling pressure will increase.
Btw this also illustrates a good point of this coin, because this kind of opportunistic mining and fluctuations in hash rate would be instant death for any coin that relies on PoW for security, but it doesn't harm 0xBTC at all, it just smooths out the price action by reducing sell pressure when the price gets too low relative to hash rate

>Falling for The miners dumping meme
>not understanding cryptocurrency

Hmmm... Vlad Zamfir (Ethereum OG) thinks ERC tokens (like 0xBTC) will be far more useful as currencies than ETH. I literally can't think of another deflationary store of value out there on Ethereum.

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Kill yourself

Hash rate doesn't produce more coins or influence selling pressure. The difficulty adjustment tries to keep the blocktime to 10 minutes. If the hashrate is low its just a couple guys who get the coins, if the hashrate is high the blocks are more distributed, unless you have a huge farm. Sell pressure is determined by the psychology of the miners not how many or the hashrate.

You're right about the mining not affecting security being a huge selling point.

Bomb, Nuke, what ever the fuck it's called Burns 1% every txn to deflate the supply. Imagine bomb and 0xbtc qualities in a token, could be the sweet spot for deflationary pow coins before they halve twice.

angry street shitter detected

>Hash rate doesn't produce more coins or influence selling pressure. The difficulty adjustment tries to keep the blocktime to 10 minutes.
True in theory, but not in practice. In reality, due to the way the difficulty adjustments work, you see periods where the block time is significantly longer so emission rate is low, and periods where the block time is significantly shorter so emission rate is high. Currently we're in a period where the difficulty is gradually decreasing and block times are long, which is why there is low selling pressure. Once the miners get going again, we'll see the block times drop to well below 10 minutes and much more selling pressure. I've seen this cycle over and over with 0xBTC

Hello, Hadji! Today I managed to find your thread which brought me great happiness. How have you been, my friend? I see that the water shortage situation in India is being taken care of. Hope you're doing okay!

P.S. Still looking forward to the day you stop shilling this dead scam and you KYS

Sincerely yours,

0xBitcoin's been in a class of its own for more than a year now. With every day the case for it grows stronger, especially in the midst of a bull market with Ethereum upgrades around the corner.

I probably will some day, but not today

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Hadji, please respond! I think samefagging 0xBTC daily is taking its toll on your mental wellbeing. I am worried about you, please respond!

You should get out more. You clearly need a hobby.
You're right there is fluctuations in blocks and that can change how much new 0xbtc will be dumped onto the market - multiplied by who actually gets those coins. However there is also 4.5M coins out there vs ~7200 made per day. Sell pressure is more complicated than hashrate and number of miners.

>Sell pressure is more complicated than hashrate and number of miners.
True enough, but hodlers very rarely seem to sell this coin, so I've found that this simplified view actually captures the dynamics I see on the order book almost perfectly. The only people who regularly sell are miners and market makers (you can pick out the latter by how they add orders on the bids very quickly when you lift their offers)
The real emission rate isn't "7200 per day", it literally varies by a factor of four or five at least over periods of months (eg 5 minute block time vs 25 minute block time). That makes a huge difference, because those 4.5M coins are almost all locked up in people's wallets.

Fair enough friend; reasonable assessment. This inflation rate is the highest it will ever be.