What shopping for alts feels like

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This is the "women" you have in America? Boy, no wonder y'all depressed pieces of shit

oi m8 don't run your gabber to much

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I'm not from Cuckland brah. Eastern Europe poorfag here. But hey, at least our women are women and not fucking hambeasts and orangutans

our s women are sooooo beautiful

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whatever helps you sleep at night user

Yes Walmart is the perfect depiction of women in the states. Fucking moron

triggered the amerilard. have sex incel

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the boomer bitch isnt any better. FUCK YOU BOOMER.

Pic related is how the average female looks here btw.

The one you posted are very rare cases like one in 1000. Faggot

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these are women of walmart.
they're a different breed of human.

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Outside of the liberal elite and celebrities, it sort of is. It's a nice mishmash of the poors and lower middle class that represents us well. Although its worth noting that a segment of the lower middle class will opt to shop at Target instead, which is the same thing but with slightly higher prices so there's less minorities and crowds to pass through.

the saddest part is the tatted fat chick would still only fuck 7/10+ guys, our sexual market is fucked

you're fucking delusional

He just needs to have sex

she's not even fat or ugly.
she's just gross.
you can tell she's had sex with relatives.
you don't need to be a "7/10+ guy" you just need a little oxy.

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Midwest white collar catholic families have some attractive women desu. Lean center right politically.

Only Americans believe that nonsense because of some hot -ski's who had their genes washed by Anglo and German blood.

Your people are like american asians in britbongistan. Well, not really. Low IQ and poor, but your women and their obsession with beta fags

Wtf are you even trying to say? You need to lay down the kool-aid bro


skeleton's making a break for it!

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I avoid shopping at either.
If I need clothes, I go to the little korean discount work clothes shop.
If I need groceries, I go to an actual grocery store. If I need an xbox or a toaster, or whatever, I shop online.