This is a long term Jow Forums con. The company is based in Kayman islands and the owner is from Russia (Sergey?).

As Bill Gates said: be optimistic when others are caustious and be cautious when others are optimistic.

Now is time to be cautious.
if you are still holding - sell right away

Attached: SCAM.png (225x225, 5K)

thank you, now please go dilate your fake vagina you mentally ill faggot.

thanks just sold 100k

>As Bill Gates said: be optimistic when others are caustious and be cautious when others are optimistic.
But you’re the one being cautious now. So I’m buying more

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These swinglinkers are getting desperate kek

Imagine taking advices from jews

Fuck off I will buy more stinky linkies on monday and there is nothing you can do

I held 33k since ico and sold all 5 minutes ago.
I highly recommend all follow my advice - re-invest into ETH.

The whole principle of crypto is retards wanting to make a few bucks when they could make the new world order currency and free humanity.
But they will lose all their money and blame the new world order for establishing a world currency that enslave them all.

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Exactly. BUY LINK. 1k EOY

Attached: 1556511959419.png (1013x1000, 153K)

LINK at this moment is TEXT BOOK BULL TRAP
Please exit all the markets - either into tether or ETH.

I know what I am talking about, I have MSc in economics.

Attached: bull trap.png (828x560, 101K)

Keep coping faggot

Attached: DD5A24AE-1577-4B87-8449-7025F02C7EA1.jpg (2453x1268, 272K)

>As Bill Gates said:
he said this
>pic related

Attached: bill and melinda gates - good food.jpg (1125x2001, 316K)

NAZI coin will never be worth anything

That’s why link is our best chance
Stop fud and hop in while you can


Attached: noice.jpg (1282x1697, 301K)

delete these right now u fucking newfags

Thank you anons for helping me decide not to buy ChainLink, what do you propose that I buy instead of this scam. Mobius? They seem to be a promising company or maybe Witnet. Help me frens I am so lost

A lot a people about to get fucked by this Jow Forums scam shilling

Attached: IMG_20190531_155140_448.jpg (1080x707, 58K)

Mobius very good choice sir
brown id confirms :)

>delete these right now u fucking newfags
cats out of the bag
you had 2 years

Attached: nope.gif (500x209, 1.94M)

this. the partnerships are fake. News outlet reporting it are either incorrect or being paid off. Google and Swift are NOT using LINK. If you read the actual sources for these claims, it's actually quite clear there is no partnership but linkies try to quote and screenshot things out of context to make it seem like real partnerships and pump their own bags.

this is now a chainlink is awesome thread

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Bulltrap means it goes up before it goes down. If you're going to fud at least put in some effort.


but you're not being cautious now, so I'm selling more.

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