
digital oil
digital oil
>digital oil

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>"digital anything"

Team are marketing retarded, their tech is good tho, if they dont fix all their shit on V4 Ill be selling my 40k stack and never looking back

>he doesn't know

kys Gilles, you and your shitty threads about this scamcoin

do you ever get off Jow Forums? you post in literally every RLC thread, its pretty insane desu. you've spurred more RLC discussion and posting than any other individual.

There wasn't any discussion, there was Gilles Fedak the fag bumping his own thread using fake ips.
And he's doing it again, am i right Gilles?


>literally everyone who says anything positive about an undervalued project is the CEO shilling it
take your meds

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It's not an undervalued project, it's a scam and it was dumped 4 times by the same devs, because you Gilles had to pay trannies for your parties.
You're stealing from the people who trusted you, and you deserve to die.
Luckily you have already AIDS Gilles.

>it's a scam

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You're not wrong. RLC, AGI, and FUN are unironically great purchases right now. But of course biz waits until after the pump to buy.

your shitty token is sitting in the ATL while you Gilles and Julien are on vacation. All the chats are idle, no one responds.

>no one responds.

last discussion in the offical telegram was about the smell of curry in the poo of someone, and it stayed like that for hours before anyone did anything about it.
This is a dead scamcoin.

>judges a coin's worth based on telegram pajeets

> Gilles Fedak connecting with other IPs to pretend there are a lot of RLC supporters
> No reason at all to be an RLC supporter, since everyone who fell for the fraud has gained 0 or lost money
kys Gilles, you've aids and no one likes you

Well their dead telegram is still more active than their shity and depressing slack.

what are you like a 5 year old kid that needs attention from the team every 5 minutes?

You're not in the position to insult people here, kys Gilles, you steal money.

1500 rupee EOV21

Redpill me on why chainlink is worth 20x (50x fully diluted) more than iexec

Chainlink team doesn't dump on investors to steal money, for example.
Those french fuckers did this 4 times, to pay Gilles Fedak debts with Trannies

lol faggots. just dump. it's literally over. bitcoin is all that matters right now.

Yeah I'm thinking we're back

Does the iexec ceo actually post here?

yes, they can't even afford pajeets, so gilles or his nephew come here and shill hard

>8 posts by this ID

> AIDS by this ID
kys Gilleuese

highly unlikely.

No, he posts in the slack fairly regularly though

Unlikely, but many of the team members like Blair and Julien have admitted coming here often. They also tried to leech off some of the Chainlink hype by creating 'doracles' and a meme chart telling lies about other projects. Then got called out about it and immediately took it down. lmao.