Whats the point

the days of x1000 are over.
the most we can hope for is x100 after years if our chosen shitcoin doesnt die before then.
i dont know about you guys but i dont even have 10k to throw around.

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the point is to make as much as possible with PnDs while building a large hodl stack
i tried daytrading and lost more than i was comfortable with back in 2018 so now i just hodl, skim a few profits off the top here and there and DCA the dips

t. started with 200 and now have ~4k in crypto

It's never over for those who know how to trade. But they're a tiny, minuscule minority.

1000x is never over. Some asset in this world will always go 1000x.

I thought I missed BTC when it hit $10. Saw it again around $150 and thought for sure I missed it then. Wasn't too much longer when it pumped to $1k, and I fucking knew I missed it. Surely it can't keep going up like this?!?! I fucking missed it every time.
Been watching BTC since 2009. Finally bought in around $10k.
the days of hodl and pray are behind us, but you can trade a 10k portfolio to a million. just look back over the last year and imagine making the right moves. you can make it, just gotta look ahead and anticipate the right moves.

Skycoin will do 100x before the end of 2019

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Chekt, based, red pilled

I started early 2017 and sooo many fags said crypto was over then too

>that gif
is this like, a Jow Forums version of a tv commercial?

estimated total wealth in the world: 750-2000 trillion USD
total wealth in crypto: 0.3 trillion USD

crypto's optimum share of wealth stored in it: 50% (375-1250 trillion usd at current values)

growth potential: 1250x - 4166x

the x1000 days are still coming.

the x10,000 days are over, if you just hold

the memetic equivalent of a billboard. the tv commercial would be more like this:


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>Finally bought in around $10k.

Why would you buy right before a massive correction? You could have had twice as much bitcoin. Sell and get back in after the pullback..before it's too late.

anyone else unironically suicidal for missing out ?
i was trying to catch the bottom and I missed out now this shit literally won't correct even to 7-8k. it just remind me I missed out on the other years

I just can't take it anymore

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This was 10k late 2017. but yeah, I hear you.

Nice gif.

Pee pee poo poo. Synth will dump on you

how are you still alive ?

> x1000 are over
No they aren't.
Even if you don't wanna gamble altcoins to become rich in a year, you can invest in BTC. Guaranteed 1000x and much more in the long term.

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Yes except I'm going all in on the next pull back on BTC, ETH and LINK and will not sell for 5 years.

>I'm going all in on the next pull back on BTC
I doubt there will be one, sub 10k btc seems impossible now

There will of course be a retracement, it's just a matter of when and by how much. Sure it might not go under 10k but if you're a long term holder it doesn't make much difference. I do however think we are going under 10k.

you won't, you will be too much of a min maxing pussy, once it retracts you will wait for a bigger 50% retraction from that correction, and then you will miss the bottom again

stop being a minmaxxing faggot and realize you are fucking up your only opportunity at riches by trying to time something that's literally god given wisdom tier enlightenment timing decision

>if you're a long term holder it doesn't make much difference
if you have 10k now buying at 10k mean one btc, buying at 6k mean 1.666 btc, if btc ever goes to 1M you just lost 666k

the last time bitcoin hit 10k it took 20 days to hit 20k

My limit orders are already set.
You're looking at things the wrong way. Not buying at 10k means if BTC ever goes to a million you just lost $990,000.
Yes but markets don't go up without stopping. Look at the last bull run, there are always retracements. The higher we go without a retracement means the further we will retrace.

Protip: 1000x is 10x just 3 times.

I have a lot to live for. I don't feel bad about missing BTC in 09, it was easy to underestimate then. It didn't even have a price and mining seemed like a retarded thing to do.
I feel a little bad about missing BTC in 2012, but not much cause I was broke at the time with a new baby to take care of, buying BTC actually wouldn't have been smart at that time. (yeah, in hindsight, it would have been lucky, but it wasn't smart).
I do feel bad about missing early 2017 though. I had a 14k settlement check drop into my lap and wanted to buy ETH at the time, but ran into some issues with the coinbase verification and didn't push hard enough to get it figured out, so I gave up and that money was never invested. I have a super poorfag portfolio now, but have to believe that I'm smart enough to ride the right pumps and make it eventually. I can't change the past.

$100 x 100 = $10,000.

Now you do have $10,000 to throw around, retard.

that market the end of the bull run though. the most parabolic moves happen at the end. I'm thinking we crab for another year between 8-12k.

Anyone ever consider small swing trading returns are already "priced in" meaning they're nothing. Nonexistent. If you aren't already rich, can you ever really make it? Maybe it's best to an hero sooner than later..

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Dude. Duuuuuude. Orion Protocol. The first crypto liquidity aggregator accessible to private individuals. Ever wonder why whales can dump on all markets at once? Liquidity aggregator. Soon, you can do this too. They're launching it with an exchange token called ORN similar to how BNB works, except they BURN the token periodically. It's effectively guaranteed money as long as the exchange is even moderately successful, because each trade made burns part of the token supply which drives up demand vs supply. There will be a public offering in around august. I'm putting down the money I had reserved for having children to go all in on this, that's how sure I am this is going to be big.


damn... it must sting like a motherfucker

I.E. the ones part of PnD groups.

sound a bit like me except you actually looked into it
I learned about btc on /b/ back in 2009 2010 when peoples were giving it away for dubs,I couldn't not figure out how a fucking wallet worked so I gave up
back then I started working in my business so I really didn't care for years and forgot about it, then I went bankrupt, then depressed then learned that btc was 5 fucking thousand dollars in 2017 and dropped my last 4k in it at 11k
of course it crashed and I promised myself I'll buy the next bottom and here we are ... missed it again but unlike you I don't really have anything to live for

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My guy, listen to good advice for once. Orion Protocol. Look into it. Initial price will be 0.012 cents, you pretty much can't lose money on this and you don't even need a big bag to make good profits.

Chainlink will easily hit $1000 per token in the future OP.

Do what you will with this info.

not really. do you even remember 2009 dude? you couldn't just create a new currency in 2009. the only thing that carried this to 2017 was the ponzi effect. I think we're finally past that now, but it was stupid to think BTC was worth anything for years.
I've told my story a few times on biz. I used to browse a small dark corner of the web called the dmt nexus. some guy there started shilling btc back when it was just a poorly documented git repo. I spent some time trying to configure the build on my machine, then decided it wasn't worth my time. the world just wasn't ready for something like BTC back then.

how long ago. i have 2 k to invest. what should i do

chainlink will hit $1000 per token in the year 3095 when thermonukluaer war has made the dinosaurs real again.

Put it into something safe like Litecoin, Bitcoin or Ethereum if you're not up to investing in actual projects that require research. Just going to say this one last time: Look into Orion Protocol.

op is confirmed a retard

please dilate

>Orion Protocol
It's not available for purchase yet or am I missing something?

I really want to hold ETH and XMR but the former is garbage for sats and the latter still isn’t nearly as adopted as it should be

10,000 or even a 100,000 if you're in the favourite shitcoin of the year.

If you really think that, then you haven't been paying attention.

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The point of x1000 is over if all you care about stinky linky. I feel bad for you guys obsessed with a top 25 coin lol

It isn't unusual to miss out on a lot of trades that would have made you money.

The majority of my net worth is a result of:
>buying Bitcoin in late 2015, when it was close to the bottom
>buying KCS in late 2017 and selling it for a 700k+ gain
The majority of my other trades have been failures due to various reasons (i.e. retarded reasoning to enter trade, did not enter with the position size I should have, held onto position too long and forced to exit position at a terrible time)

If you don't see the point, buy stocks.

quit being an impatient faggot and wait 5-6 years like the rest of us richfags.

Shill me dubs user

I like your math

fun fact my only successful trade was buying PUBG items in April 2017 and selling them for close to x10 10 month later
all my other crypto trades came completely even, and I have made zero profit even tho I bought some mooning shitcoins I hodl them into zero and made no profit
after 1.5 years I at break even point right now

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hello dmt-nexus user

In short: Will be US compliant (along with TRX) after Binance closes to US customers in September. It's perfect normie bait (low price, marketable use-case, nice logo, familiar name). Regardless of its actual impact in innovation or use, it's a speculator's dream coin. Massive supply means this thing won't ever reach insane dollar amounts (it'll never break over $10 for example), but 100x-1000x is absolutely possible for this. Justin Sun is doing enough with this to gain attention and to keep it going, and despite being a moron in many ways, he knows how to market to people who will FOMO into this once it really starts a run.