Why did I invest in this shitcoin? Dodgecoin now has a marketcap higher than vet! Wtf is Sunny thinking not getting vet on other exchanges
Why did I invest in this shitcoin...
It's a security user, it had an ico don't buy it
$1 EOY.
this is a shitcoin but there will be a massive reversal soon
cant wait for those free sats
>Why did I invest in this shitcoin?
Catch that drool, Its leaking out of the corner of your mouth!
>This is not a white paper...It just isn't
You have to be a complete fool to invest in this chinkshit. lol got creamed.
Admit it, you fell for the Chink Thunder God marketing
This project has one of the most active crypto subreddits. I might buy if it dips another 25% in sats. It's guaranteed to moon in the next 2 years if it's not a scam.
I got chinked
i am financially ruined
It's an echo chamber of morons so yeah they're active. But it's going to be hard to convince a ton of ne people to buy this shit. It looks scammy as fuck with their cringe marketing and the fact that it's fallen so low without recovering really gives it a bad name. Plus, the sentiment has already changed against it. A lot of former bagholders do nothing but talk shit about it now.
I will buy when it hits 50-75 cmc because chinks will pump it again.
I pray you’re right. Vet has plenty of partnerships so could it moon like XRP did? XRP went from $0.006 to over $3.00 within one year
> this project has one of the most active crypto subreddits
>if it's not a scam.
Every alt is a scam. Their value can only be measured by how many retards you can still convince to invest at price X. A small handful may actually turn into real revenue generating assets one day, but not many.
Stop the fud.
>shilling vechink on a dead board in 2019
Kys senpai, it’s the right thing to do
>he fell for the chink scam is a meme meme
We warned you about this scam. No sympathy
Its not FUD until they can sustain these transactions. For the time being its just high break outs but the transactions dont sustain.
I'm not against Vechain, im skeptical with every investment. I bought into ven when it was 25c and fell for the HODL meme :(
>Every alt is a scam.
ETH, BCH, LTC, BAT and LINK aren't scams.
Fool, everyone knows DOGE will be the world currency...I mean WOW!
>imagine buying a chinese shitcoin peddled by some twink waving a plastic hammer around
>LINK aren't scams.
That's where you're wrong. LINK is a pure exit scam, nothing else.
>100k costs you less than 0.06BTC
only a retard wouldn't buy this. lol i dont even care if this i scam, just bought 100k either we go to the moon or i lose 500$ no big deal if this shit is a scam.
So, other than gains from price speculation, how have any of these tokens generated real revenue for you?
If a tokens team hints that the price must inevitably increase due to "tokenomics", utility or some other use case related bullshit, then until such time that happens, its a fucking scam, even if you do make money speculating on it.
This coin is seriously undervalued. Only biztards can't see it. Just look at the partnerships
And I'm saying this as someone who has never owned any VET until this morning
i've been belowed
best scam ever don't buy in ever. best decision and advice i can give you. DO NOT BUY. I REPEAT.