How many of you bought this when it was $1.78 a week ago?

Attached: 81261823.png (554x342, 47K)

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck man ive been jumping through so many hoops to register and buy a bitcoin.
and on the meantime this thing just keeps going up.
i wanted to buy it at $4

Oh Baby Baby

Attached: asdfasdfasdf.jpg (800x316, 33K)

You're off by about 3x

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90% of the quant fags bought at 2.5$

Congrats, you've hit your first X3 over a 3 month period. How does it feel?


correction when? i want to buy sub 3$

How do you men find things like this?

I found it at ICO through a small "pools" group discord.

Since then, it's been quite visible on /biz (posts since last July at least) as well as other places.

And, here you are, finding it yourself. Congrats! You found it, now gtfih.

i found it here way back in september. it was a no-name idex shitcoin then, but I DYOR'd and it set off my spidey sense. bought in at 70 cents.

Research and filtering out the noise.
Quant Oveledger just announced that their tech will be used by 580+ Banks thru SIA Group, however much of 4channers and Low IQ plebs were not convinced, by this time the price was still around $2.
Some of the whales I personally know launched a FUD campaign aiming to scare away Noob Investors.
People who independently researched, went to the Telegram channel and asked questions are the smart money. Congratulations to those made the right choice.

I bought at $3, I'm still accumulating
Where do you see the price in a year?

Whats your exit target???

UBT up next

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Not even in the same league.

>Quant managed to pull off the greatest partnership in crypto, the S.I.A Group-Quant, 580+ clients on board.
>Quant is chosen Gartner Cool Vendor for 2019. (Past - Chainlink, 2018 BAT, 2017)
>Quant is the OFFICIAL guarantor for PayUk which manages Billions of transactions.
>ONLY 3,500 wallets hold Quant.
>Quant is yet to be listed on a tier-1 exchange and bring awareness to Normies.

Try when UBT announces 580+ Banks and named Gartner Cool Vendor.

I want that 1000% gain. But may hold till $10

Contract with the EU for EUROPE'S adoption.
Literally made to pump

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Check me

Attached: IMG_20190621_202851.jpg (1477x698, 121K)

>0 clients

props to everyone that go into this early! I had a small stack but decided to move to vidt and become a whale there.

This project is going to do great things.

German UBahn

I got a bag with my ZIL money, wish it was bigger now.


fuck i hate buying at this price but i need a suicide stack.

BUY NOW before $10