Post your house after you make it
Post your house after you make it
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anyone have that linkcube house?
a truck w/ a sleeper cab, a nice one
Anything in the city is cringe and bluepilled as FUCK
I would buy an apartment in nyc because I'm not a mentally ill incel who wants to isolate himself from society.
>3 million for a good looking house
>in the middle of nowhere
>"Man this better have 100 acres lmao"
>182 acres
Very well. You may continue.
you want to live in the Capitol building or are you a Link holder that thinks that’s the White House?
>he thinks only brown-jewish neighborhoods are "society"
Quite the opposite my friend
>”dream house” literally has a cuck shed
my sides
its rosemary beach, florida faggot. ever heard of it?
You're just not old enough to appreciate the tranquility that comes with living away from city animals.
i can't post my house i haven't made it yet heh
that house is white user are you fucking blind
You want to live in a cuckshed about to be washed into the sea, surrounded by beaners?
>gimme all yo fukin bitcoinz whyte boi
1.5 mil for 940 sqft and 0 peace and quiet, dealing with people and traffic everyday just so you can live closer to the heart of pointless consumerism. Only mentally ill person here is you
Fuck the haters. Some people prefer a big busy city. It makes you feel like you're part of the organism. Go fucking live in isolation in the mountains if that's your idea of making it. I prefer being mixed in.I'd blow my fucking brains out living in the middle of nothing.
>1.5 MM for Putting at least 5 worthless niglets through "skool" by paying NYC taxes
How about no
Being part of a healthy organism sounds great. Sadly the organism known as Jew York City is infected with the syphillis and has terminal metastatic cancer. Hard pass.
>1.5 million for 940sqft
I just must not get it. I just dont have the taste and culture to see this as anything beyond ludicrous. You could have a beautiful country club mansion here in NC, in the Raleigh area even, in Charlotte too, so its not bumfuck nowhere. If I want to go to nyc so bad I'l just get a nice hotel in central park for a week get my kicks and then go home. But I guess im just low class if I think 1.5 million is acceptable for that hovel.
I know what I fucking posted
Depends on my level of making it.
>sub 1mm
Custom built stone or poured concrete home with copper roofing and solar lining. Water cistern in the back. At least 10 acres for gardening and possibly selling off at a later date.
Above ground lounge room with the residential portion of the complex completely subterranean. At least two hidden SHTF tunnels to escape the property.
>10m + See above, now include underground garage and above groud pool.
I wouldn't want to spend more than 10% of any "made it" money on a house unless I was intentionally snatching up land as an investment. I'd pay for a geographical survey on the expected new coastline of florida and snap up that land so my relatives have beachfront property in a few decades. I'd also snipe countryside properties in Japan.
Tax avoidance, 17th century style. The Bridge House, Ambleside - built on a river between two jurisdictions.
absolutely based and loophole pilled
Is that an abandoned movie theater?
rofl you want to be a troll that collects bridge tolls?
I came here to post this
Linkfags btfo
with a bunch of naked maids to bully me
this beats everything
fight me
harvest moon style
you come to realize that this is the case, and it's disheartening
if civilization amounts to having a whole bunch of people jammed around you in skyscrapers 24/7, then i guess living in mumbai beats living in the countryside of wyoming
after all, who doesn't want to be civilized
>posts brainlet
>doesnt realise he is the brainlet
I like being in some big cities as well, but 940sqft? That's not making it.
looks dope. What is this near?
you can buy a lot of land and house for 3M in VT, but it's a 30-45 minute drive to a grocery store.
when did you give up on life user?
>not living entirely off grid
>having hundreds of acres but needs to go to the grocer
these diagrams are drawn by retards who've only dreamed of homesteading, but have never tried themselves. you absolutely cannot keep cows, pigs, chickens, gardens (fucking hay for the animals?! kek), and a house on 1 acre. the scale of this is way off. I've spent the last 10 years building up a 3 acre homestead, (I don't recommend it) and have nowhere near enough space for cows and fucking god damn hay.
Patrician post
Where do you read to learn about property?
same. I wanna live the poor rich life.
let's ignore the interiors and appreciate the location
that's right, keep running away from yourself. The more distractions, the better.
>ITT sell signals
move aside plebs
you know how much work that is? way more than you're prepared for user.
replace all the shitty vegetable fields with grass for the cows and chickens and you are golden.
If you're going to pay that much for a fkn closet at least pay for it in SF or anywhere in California.
Women are 5x better looking.
Weather is 10x better feeling.
Jesus what a brainlet.
Who TF would live in NYC at those prices as if it's 1970's NYC where actual culture was being formed.
> but muh culture..........
Yeah, bubble jackets and hair buns in Brooklyn. Wow, such culture user!
have sex
pic related
SF really? at least in NYC you don't have to worry about homeless people throwing shit
At least in SF you get to smoke weed, do mushroom and bang hippy chicks.
It's not even a debate, for the same exact prices, SF > NJC.
If ya gonna be surrounded by libs, I'll take the chinks and pajeets you take the jews
Check'd and hex-pilled
I dont know if I dislike it or think its actually really cool. I just immediately thought of the movie predator when I saw it though.
>There's something in those trees
What a waste
sea levels will rise in the next decades, user. living very close to the shore is not wise
patrician choice
A Western version of this. Probably somewhere undisclosed in the Rockies.
Something simple but dope
I've lived in SF. It is horrible. Nothing but chinks and brown people EVERYWHERE.
The white population of even the nice areas is MUCH smaller than it was 10 years ago.
You can hardly even see 15% white when you go into the Marina nowadays.
Tho to be fair it is probably still a lot better than Jew York City.
Fucking based
Why yes I do grow my own food how did you know?
really wish VT wasnt't such a blue state
[The Desire to Know More Intensifies]
You'll live in a shed that some Chad owns?
how many birds and squirrels are donking against that per day/night?
you're gay
Architectural magazines pique my interest since that's what I originally wanted to go to school for.
I feel more anonymous in a big city than I do in a small town. In a place like NYC nobody gives a fuck about you or what you're doing. Go to a small town and everyone and their mother knows your business.
Based. Would rather live in Colorado or PNW though
The Western world is declining and entering increasingly tumultuous times. This also applies to much of the rest of the world.
It may not be a good idea to parade wealth in the coming years. I'd focus on preserving it (by distributing it in terms of assets but also geographically).
Looks like a minecraft house irl
the stinky linky shed
Top Kek