Portfolio thread

who else is playing it safe?

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fake and gay

all these threads are fake and gay

If you're in America you aren't safe with that portfolio

60% ETH
20% random exchange coin i believe in.
10% under 10 mil cap shitcoins
What do. I think the eth is safe wont touch it and the exchange shit made me tons. Might go more into coins that coinbase will have.

This is what safu looks like desu. Stored on hardware wallet. Dont let binance dox your linkies.

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no vidt you moron

You need 69.69% of LINK, OP.

Dont make fun of me bros

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Maybe a little bit too safe

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Very safu desu

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Hedge some BSV you absolute idiots, or you'll regret it when you get STIFFED right up your ass by satoshis cock

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Why would we make fun of a future millionaire?

post a proof that you're not larping

thanks user :^) you too ;)

OP is the only one with an interesting portfolio the rest are boring.

In a few days Americans will be limited to like a dozen coins in total there's a reason it's boring

Who here /smart money/

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I live on the fucking edge

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500 NEO reporting in. Was a little worried about it lagging below $15 and the 350 ma, but it popped and now I feel confident we are on our way to $27 and then $47

2.2 btc
35 monero


Kek! Poorfag!

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I've dropped all my NEO for NEX and I regret nothing

Feeling safu

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Got them out of the printer yesterday. What do you think?

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Seriously asking: do someone know how am I going to withdraw this sum? On Coinbase they have a freaking limit. Do banks accept such sum? I don't wanna be a paper rich. Help me!

Good colouring. Respectable amount of btc.

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