Sup Jow Forums

Go back to plebbit.

lol OP you think $30 can save your ass?
i literally spend $7,500 PER WEEK to hide my Jow Forums activity. $30 and you can bet ur ass everyone in the govt will know you were here

Start by going back to bluedit.

haha what? this is good pasta
>i literally spend $7,500 PER WEEK to hide my Jow Forums activity

7.5k/mo is a bit in the high range for this vpn, usually about 6k/mo over here in the midwest.

who cares if they know you were here or not?

you want THEM to know?

I can confirm. I use VPN and pass, but "they" still send me emails telling me that trading crypto is a federal offense.

Use Coinbase Pro.
However, you will get fucked with taxes if it goes up, so make sure to put in your taxes that you immediately sold the coins to them after you purchased.

>extremely low effort troll

We are on the precipice of the great bull run and this is the shit that is posted NONE STOP. I really miss 2017 Jow Forums