Brainlet Vidt Trader

> Bought at 120k VIDT after Binance rumors, panicked after major dump yesterday sold at 86k VIDT to buy cheaper, the floor is now hovering around 100k VIDT.

I'm utterly financially ruined

Attached: Swing_VIDT_Brainlet.png (694x864, 155K)

and I fucked your mom

Do not buy it back if you are American or you'll literally never be able to sell it and will be a bag holder of an illegal security for life

How come?

What makes it an illegal security?

And it’ll be back up to 120k again in no time. Only reason it spiked like that and crashed was because of a whale. We had organic growth for days before that, this’ll be at ATH within a couple days again or sooner.
low tier fud

what is vpn

his mom

Why is it illegal in the US? It’s not on Binance. Can someone please let me know.

LOL there is nothing illegal here. If anything sell to some privacy coins and u good.

If it’s not illegal then what’s the deal with holding this? I’m from the US and would like to purchase but don’t want to get rekt by my own govt

just fud, buy it and stop worrying

Haven't you learned anything from swinglinkers? They always get rekt.

>panic selling at 86k
Wow, yeah thats your fault man. This shit is only going up, did you expect it to happen overnight? You shouldve accepted your fate as a temporary bag holder. Even if you buy back in eventually you'll break even

He wasn't swinging, he panic sold at 86k after buying the new top lol. He didn't get familiar with the stock's trends and supports and was either impatient or short sighted

>"to buy cheaper"
meaning he was finna boutta swing

hahahahaha you're right, oh my god. from finally pushing all the way to 130k, correcting bag to 86k, surely it will go much lower

High IQ plays, too bad the market is retarded. ":D"
Btw, a message to all swingvidters, VIDT is gonna pull a HOLO based on the volume and pace. Cap & kek @ a later date :End of message:

>VIDT is gonna pull a HOLO based on the volume and pace. Cap & kek @ a later date
It is going to pump or it is going to slowly dump?

Can I borrow your magic 8 ball real quick?

HOT started on IDEX as a small cap, 20-30mil IIRC. Was #1 with strong volume for weeks on end and you know how it went. QNT and CHX did this as well, now this seems very similar, only we're at a measly 10mil mcap atm.

Redditors get btfo'd
Lol these memes make themselves these days

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Do not swingtrade VIDT. It only ends in pain.

>top volume on idex for days now
>volume is bigger than quant's

bullish as fuck guys

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The very definition of Jow Forums swing. Buy high, sell low, repeat.

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