Let's settle this! Which city is better once you really made it, LA or New York City?

Let's settle this! Which city is better once you really made it, LA or New York City?

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I love you Taylor. I'll live in whatever city you want me to, my queen.

Neither would be my choice but NY if you gotta pick one

NYC hands down. LA is a Mexican hell hole and the people are all vapid worthless trash
>t lived in LA for 8 years and NYC for 2 years

> Implying every other city doesn't have bad neighborhoods either.

Western cities are nothing to aspire to, NYC over LA doh

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Both are disgusting shitholes.

But if you're a degenerate that insists on living in a shithole, the one with the nicer weather seems like the obvious choice

NYC is basically gentrified now. even people that love in the Bronx are millionaires now. LA is quickly turning into a 3rd world country.

For me, it's Philadelphia

Philly is pretty comfy desu

You can't make it if you live in the third world


Whatever the capital of the Bahamas is

literally neither

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They do but LA is like 90% bad neighborhoods. Unless you live on the beach or in the gay part of West Hollywood you're basically in Mexico.

100% personal preference

>settling in a big city instead of a comfy rural place

she will always be the one for me

This. It's funny how people on this board talk shit about NYC saying it's full of nigs and poor people when in reality it's all young wealthy white people now. It's so expensive to live all the garbage people have been priced out.

The rabbi part where all the landlords live is nice too, but hard to break into

>one filthy leftist shithole versus another

Take the Miami pill brother.

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Bloomfield Hills

I don't speak spanish.

>very low property taxes
>cheap housing
>comfy well-to-do neighborhoods on the outer edges of the city
>all the amenities of a mega city
This is, of course, if I had to move to a city. I'd take Philly over NYC any day.

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Sinkholes. No thanks.

I literally lived in Miami, specifically Brickell on 10 st. next to the train station. Miami is like LA but with much fewer White people and more niggers (if you can believe it). While FL as a state is better than California and NY, Miami is leftist as fuck. All big cities are, sadly. I've almost made it and my goal is Boulder, CO...

Sure the city and state are bluer than my balls but it's almost totally White with a few zipperheads... it's beautiful, clean, no crime and so close to nature.

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Neither, shitty gun laws and hunting in both. Hard pass

This is entirely wrong.

Everything West of the 405 is great.

LA if you like seeing homeless everywhere.

NY has a homeless problem too but it's FAR less visible than any west coast city. We have police everywhere, and more shelters so you don't get these random camps and tents along the highway like you do in the west coast.

I love New York but we have FUCKED UP crypto laws here. Seriously this is the most cucked state in the United States for trading crypto. If you decide to move here make sure you have your finances in check because you will banned from almost every major exchange. Bittrex, Poloniex are banned, IDEX requires a VPN to access, most Coinbase assets are unavailable to NY residents etc.

NYC. If you're rich, you can also afford a place elsewhere in nature. That's the good life - NYC most of the time, with a country home away from the bustling city and New Yorkers.

Both are fucking shitholes

This is literally not true, but there ARE a lot of white people in NYC and there should be more. Whites built NYC and run it today outside of a few industries that are overly jewed. Whites should all move to NYC - you can take this city back from the spics and nigs without any difficulty. They are lazy and simply cannot compete.

New York in the spring
Southern Europe in the summer
LA in in the fall
Hawaii in the winter

Miami is basically South America with more humidity and jews.

raped by Niggers, taxes, pollution and shit infrastructure
>Jew York
raped by Niggers, taxes, pollution and shit infrastructure.

Only foreigners and idiots would move to those cities freely

Which one has the least amount of niggers?

If you think Miami is liberal, wait until you get to Boulder lmao.

That being said, Boulder is basically as good as it gets. Once you become numb to all the weird/liberal shit, this place is the fuckin dream. Boulder is probably my end goal as well user, and I’ve lived here for about 6-7 years now.

I’m trying to live here as long as possible, but wouldn’t raise a family here. Schools are beyond cucked (e.g. kids clearly pushed into different genders by their sjw parents). But, if you’re young-ish, I mean...

>no fat roasties (2nd least obese city in the country)
>exploding tech scene (startups galore, google, twitter, ibm, etc.)
>exploding cannabis scene ($$$)
>expensive af, so no street rats (besides the fucking transients).
>girls are at least 2-3 roastie points higher than any mountain/nature city due to the college funneling hella rich LA/NY/Chicago girls that never leave (I’m 26 and they stay the same age...)
>can literally walk outside of my door and be climbing/rafting/golfing/hiking/etc. within 5 minutes. probably the only thing keeping me sane at this point.
>best concert venue in the world 30m drive away
>world-class ski resorts 1.5h away
>world-class beer scene
>extremely lax drug scene (decriminalized boomers)
>countless weekend day-trip / outdoorsy opportunities no matter the season
>people actually aren’t assholes

I’ve done the metropolitan thing in LA/Denver. It fucking sucks. If you enjoy that lifestyle, you’re probably a boring/miserable human being. Filthy cities, smoggy air, filthy people, great food and culture tho.

Your enjoyment of a metropolitan city is dependent on spending money. That’s all there is to do. Oh shit, it’s Saturday, guess I’ll go spend money on brunch, at the club, the hip dinner spot, etc.

Your brunch bill on the weekend costs the same it costs for me to get some brahs and get fucked up on a raft on class 4 rapids for a weekend.

>t. Actual Boulder resident.

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West Linn.

if you make it, living in the US is definitly not the way to go.
why would you willingly choose a second world nation, on the verge of civil war?

Vladivostokchads please report in.

Not true. The bad part is the cities in south LA and that's only like 10% of the county.

unless you want to be a wage slave until you die, those two cities are not ideal for setting down in

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>>why would you willingly choose a second world nation, on the verge of civil war?
>chooses to live in Russia

Youll have to learn spanish in every major city. There are mexicans everywhere.

>the joke is they are both terrible haha

based and pacnorthwest-pilled

If you want to move to either one, you don't deserve to make it.

New York's alright, New York's alright
New York's alright if you like saxophones
New York's alright if you wanna get pushed in front of the subway
New York's alright if you like tuberculosis
New York's alright if you like art and jazz
New York's alright if you're a homosexual
New york's alright, New York's alright
New York's alright if you like saxophones
New York's alright if you like drunks in your doorway
New York's alright if you wanna freeze to death
New York's alright if you wanna get mugged or murdered
New York's alright if you like saxophones
New York's alright, New York's alright
New York's alright if you like saxophones

OMW to NYC then