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Other urls found in this thread:

If its PoW its safe(ish)

Have a look at the new Burger SEC guidance.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
The only way you cunts will ever be free is renounce!

>Pow coins
Ecological disaster, you are not allowed to own them, forbidden
>No Pow coins
Illegal securities, you are not allowed to own them, forbidden

Enjoy your freedom, burger

Attached: sample_56666a9049552f3c8a9ea223b173eb86.jpg (850x572, 116K)

Taxes are the least of your worries if you're holding illegal unregistered security tokens as a U.S. citizen. Holding tokens such as LINK, BNB, QNT, OMG, among others, is considered international money laundering. This is punishable by a minimum fine of $100,000 and a mandatory 10 year imprisonment.

Attached: LETITIA.jpg (474x355, 16K)

>dude trust me

this. forget taxes, your sale of unregistered securities will be 100% confiscated under penalty of prison time

Also Taxes aren't your problem, 'Dealing' in unregistered securities is. You will most likely not have arrested in the nation with the highest prison population for having them, corporations/exchanges/middle men should be worried though.

PoW coins are commodities newfag

Uncle Sam will ban all ICO scamcoins. Exchanges like Binance will eventually derisk and dump all US based ballast before regulators lock them up. Low hanging fruit security like KIN is just a foot in the door. You will get rekt. It has only begun. Screencap this.


why do burgers allow this to happen

link is a security because they require nodes to stake link which gets put into a common enterprise used to maintain the network and expect profit from it.

bitcoin is not a security because nodes do it for free.

I am OC you moron, where did I say PoW are securities? The absolute state of reading comprehension

don't worry user, we'll be sure to send our goons to kick your door down if you do anything (((illegal)))
oh and (((illegal))) means anything our creditors don't like
>ameriKKKa, land of the free, to do as you're told

>Bonjour, gentlemen
Initiate the second phase of our plan:
>implement the binance American ban and KYC requirement...
>stop them from acquiring more all costs...

Attached: 1561339172700.jpg (2343x1457, 994K)

>Initiate the second phase of our plan:
>implement the binance American ban and KYC requirement...
>stop them from acquiring more all costs...
yes master, we will choke out their fiat gateways and stop them from acquiring any further LINK
they must not be allowed to interfere with our plans

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Is Unibright (UBT) safe to trade in the United Stated of America?

No one wants your shitty link, not even the govt.

I won't cuff up nigger cunt.

>where did I say PoW are securities?
Sorry, i did make some assumptions...

Sorries user, didn't see the joke = (

>don't worry user, we'll be sure to send our goons to kick your door down if you do anything (((illegal)))
>oh and (((illegal))) means anything our creditors don't like
Turtle-man from the IBS would like to have a word with you...

Attached: turtle man.png (916x898, 1011K)

Ask your local Rabbi

apply the Howe test like this user did to Decred

Thanks anons dumping everything that doesn't pass a howey test

>don't worry user, we'll be sure to send our goons to kick your door down if you do anything (((illegal)))
>oh and (((illegal))) means anything our creditors don't like
video related:
pic related
filename related

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>ameriKKKa, land of the free, to do as you're told

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The fuck is everyone on about? How would anybody know what your selling or buying?

Ron Paul dunking on ((((shermansteinberg)))):

Detail wise, I don’t know what they’re doing yesterday or today, but I do know they’re watching,” he said. “Whether it’s gold or peanuts or silver or whatever, they will not just give cryptocurrencies a free ride.”

He dismissed Sherman’s call for a ban during a Congressional hearing on May 9. “I look for colleagues to join with me in introducing a bill to outlaw cryptocurrency purchases by Americans,” Sherman said at the time.

Paul called the House Financial Services Committee member “just another thug in Washington.”

“They happen to believe they know what is best and they will run the show. They want to be the boss, they’re dictators, and he’s not unusual,” he said, adding:

“He’s very typical in all degrees in all issues, whether it’s a social issue, like a few years ago when they decided the worst thing in the world is smoking marijuana.”

“People like him are driven by power,” he said.

“I think anarchy comes from the Brad Shermans of the world, because they break down the world and that’s how you have anarchy in [Venezuela], because of [too much government],” he said.

He noted that one of the reasons lawmakers and regulators may be looking at cryptocurrencies in particular is due to the fact that they “challenge the status quo of the monetary system.

Ron Paul truly is a beautiful man

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>How would anybody know what your selling or buying?
have you heard of KYC?
>who am I kidding, this is Jow Forums, of course you haven't

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>“I think anarchy comes from the Brad Shermans of the world, because they break down the world and that’s how you have anarchy in [Venezuela], because of [too much government],” he said.
Brad Shermansteinberg absolutely BTFO

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Kyc? Who the fuck does that? Binance doesn't require it. I've literally never done kyc except for coinbase

idex exists, do you really think its never going to improve from there?

Anything that had an ICO or added staking later on is a security. That means you literally have to buy either BTC or NANO.

>get taxes taken from your salary that you make a living from
>try to make a better life for yourself by investing some of it
>get taxed on your already taxed investment
>get taxed for getting taxed
>too much taxes to pay, can't afford to pay taxes
>get arrested
>get taxed for your stay in prison
>can't get a job (therefore don't have taxes to pay)
>get taxed for not paying enough taxes


Thats why CZ did IEOs


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This is all blown out of proportion. All you really gotta do is live a life where you work hard and save your money.

and FLO

I don't want to work hard though. I'm done working hard. I want to get lucky on a shitcoin, make a few million and retire in Vietnam or something.

>Kyc? Who the fuck does that? Binance doesn't require it
it's required if you're moving more than 2BTC daily

>do you really think its never going to improve from there?
oh it's going to improve alright
they will know all of our information and holdings (fiat or crypto it won't matter)

>webm related, this is the future you chose

Attached: amazon blimp.webm (1280x720, 1.54M)

Hmm tough one just move less than 2btc daily jesus fucking christ theres no way you poor fucks really need more than that

>theres no way you poor fucks really need more than that
lol if only you knew

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also if you participated in any ICOs you would have had to run through the KYC whitelist

ICOs represent, by far, the largest portion of my profits from 2017/2018

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>yfw they realize that only way to stop crypto is to buy every bitcoin

(((They))) clearly must not give a single fuck about bitcoin considering just what you said. If they did give a single fuck they would do just that.

I know for a fact you do not NEED to move more than 2btc daily.
Gotcha. A bit of a different boat then. I never participated in an ico. And have only done kyc for coinbase. Everything else is just normal logins.
I just dont like seeing anons backed into a corner with fear.
The IRS is a joke. The govt is a joke. It's all jokes. But again in reference to binance ban, I suggest OP that he move off binance end of august

>But again in reference to binance ban, I suggest OP that he move off binance end of august
yeah, burgers need to make the steps to get off of Chinance ASAP

>I know for a fact you do not NEED to move more than 2btc daily.
at one point in 2017, I was moving more than a couple BTC a day for friends/family when they were scooping up LINK since they didn't want to open their own account on binance (they're mostly boomers so they just wired me the funds in fiat and I did all the buying for them)
I moved over $250,000 over the course of a couple months for at least 8 people last year, not to mention the linkpool ICO we participated in

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