He actually thought he would get rich off saving hashes on a blockchain

>he actually thought he would get rich off saving hashes on a blockchain


Babbies first smart contract and it's worth millions of dollars. Keep posting on here you Dutchies you actually amuse me. Did you learn how to greentext yet?

Attached: Screenshot_20190624-210105__01.jpg (1080x429, 51K)

Other urls found in this thread:


ok cool don’t cry when we’re a new ath tomorrow don’t forget to buy the dip

Nothing personnel, kid.

Attached: Screenshot_20190624-210431_Delta.jpg (1439x1833, 348K)

Bruh even with this 20% a dip it’s still up 100% from 2 weeks ago. You’re an idiot

Yeah I will be sure to buy the dip LMAO. Keep buying this useless token. All of this could be solved natively with ether. No. Token. Needed. If there are actual clients you could have billed them in eth instead of vidt.

pic related, you

Attached: 2f7.jpg (601x508, 31K)

I am up 343% stay mad bro

Can verify with your eyes

disco tranny pay day...


Yeah these behemoths sure like to adopt useless projects right user?

Attached: Screenshot_20190622-090258_Telegram.jpg (1110x845, 353K)

bought the dip again at 85k vits, already up 17% and rising. as soon you made this thread the price kicked up kek

I agree. Shitcoiners need public flogging once identified. Beat them to death on pay-per-view. Proceeds go to bitcoiners and etherians.

Oh no i’m only up 534% how will i ever recover

Dumped that shit when I saw the news about the securities list coming. Everything is going to die.

It is solved with ether and Bitcoin and 3 other blockchains. It uses an ERC20 token which IS an example of a problem being solved natively with ethereum tech.

We all know it's possible to do this natively.with btc and ethereum ffs. These guys just make it easy for companies to adopt because they figure out the GDPR compliance in their framework, offer onboarding and tech support and make.it so ppl dont have to spend money developing and improving these systems. Why should companies all spend time and money developing this if one company does it really well and hassle free?

>you need a token to call smart contract functions!

lmao apply yourself

Read this and come back to me you little salty itty bitty bag holder.


Take note of the "payable" keyword. You can send ether to a function call. Natively. No token needed. It's obsolete by design. All they want is create an artificial supply and demand scheme for something which isn't necessary. If - and this is a if - this shit even takes of remotely it takes near zero effort to make this with pure ether for a fraction of the cost. By design, this solution is flawed. Screencap this and come back in a month or so and add more tears to this bucket: [_____]

What securities list?

Just another case of one shitcoin out of 50 doing well. I guarantee that nobody on this board put more than 10 eth in because they would be bankrupt if that was their strategy.
>inb4 muh due diligence

It's not just about the tech retard, it's about developing it within GDPR regulation framework. They have designed it with CMS to be compliant, easy to use and treat large volume with APIs. Apparently, many companies are finding it worthwhile to adopt V-ID vs develop themselves.

Put in link of securities list

Check the events on etherscan and see how often they actually use it. Protip: the economics are not viable. My best guess is they got hyped into a solution they don't need and aren't even using. Besides, they are the only one issuing files and can even save the hashes themselves. If it's only for fraud detection because they are both the trusted party and verificator. Decentralized trust isn't even needed for the use case they have.

Post link

>GDPR regulation framework
All they do is save hashes. Checksums. There is nothing to be GDPR compliant with? Are you honestly retarded? Checksums are as old as the internet to verify file integrity. By definition a checksum is GDPR compliant because it has no origin data without having the origin to hash.

You guys are retarded or pretending to?

all this recent fud about vid-t because the fudders finally found a way to keep the price down?

Larp list. Doesn't exist

Is that a veiled shill?

Because if I check etherscan. I can see that's it is used a lot


This guy is a retard, vidt is doing 1100 validations a day and that number is rising

Are you kidding me? There are +1000 validations a day, you literal brainlet.

If you try to FUD, atleast do it based on facts.

Attached: Screenshot_20190624-214424_Chrome.jpg (1439x1418, 221K)

>implying i havent made a 3x even if i sell now before a major exchange listing in q3 2019
Keep coping friend.

Attached: 700.jpg (200x313, 10K)

This guy is a retard, vidt is doing 1100 validations a day and that number is rising

>Talk to myself
>Double trips
>Purple ID

1000 eoy

>tfw bought in at 13 cents

are amspec and airbus retarded as well? You must be smarter than their entire company

VIDT $0.000001 EOY confirmed