Is it actually illegal to own LINK as an American or are you all just being retarded faggots?

Is it actually illegal to own LINK as an American or are you all just being retarded faggots?

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They just passed a law saying it is illegal to continue mentioning this fucking shitcoin on Jow Forums. Penalty will be lifetime ban from McDonald’s.

it will be illegal to hold them AND illegal to sell them hahahahahaaahaaa

So you guys are being retarded then. Thank god my links are safe

They're not coming after you. They're going after the people who facilitate any kind of trade to you. So, you can live the true linkie dream of never selling, because you literally won't be able to. Even on DEXs you're going to be shunned. Nobody wants the global tentacles of the US government's money arms going up their rectums.

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> even on DEX’s

Lmao yes, because they work like that.

Just trade on kucoin you retard. Come September all of us burgers are moving there anyway

But isn’t link going to get listed in coinbase? And what’s stopping me from going on IDEX to sell?

From what I understand, Chainlink its self is fine. Linkpool is not. No one really knows if Coinbase will have chainlink on it or not, though I do think it's likely.