Bitcoin is not a good investment

Change my mind, the only fuckers that can buy and participate in such a highly priced market already made it, why dont we worry about new opportunities? If you dont have at least 6 figures why do you even buy Bitcoin?

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>you dont have to buy a large amount to make gains

you hella stupid yo

Why are the biggest brainlets always poorfags

Nigger one coin is 10k. Where do you see these major gains at?

When it hits 100k

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Unironically this.
Also anyone who is still in BTC and thinks that it won’t be fucked by what blockstream did to it is completely retarded.

>If you dont have at least 6 figures why do you even buy Bitcoin?

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>Change my mind
no, die poor

No you're right dude, drop like $500 in link and your other form coin instead of the one getting adopted everywhere and rivaling a world currency

lol. No one cares about "changing your mind" Now gtfo, we have shitcoins to shill here


I think Bitcoin(SV) is a great investment. Turn your 200$ into 2mil in just 5 years.

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2mil? did you just take that out of your ass?

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Everyone here talks about crypto non-stop. That's why you know it will fail. You need to look into untapped markets, which is the gold junior market. You think crypto was volatile and had good gains? In bull markets historically gold juniors rise so much and so fast that they make crypto look boring.

I'm spending it all on buying ORN tokens

nigga u arent ready

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you're right, better buy chainlink instead

I really like this image, user. Where is it from?

what in gods name is gold jr

why buy something that still can make x100 when u can buy bitcoin that will maybe do x2 x3, a little more if we get lucky, lmfaoo

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You do realize that going up 100% is the same whether you invest $100 or $1,000,000 it's still a 100% gain you absolute fucking moron

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It’s not an investment because it doesn’t grow in value or produce any value.

Dollars decrease in value as dollar supply goes up.

Eventually bitcoin value will be fixed as supply is stable, and the value of a dollar will forever decrease.

It’s not that bitcoin’s value goes up, it’s that a dollar’s value goes down.

>hurr bitcoin investment
>durr me put money on exchange and leave there hurrr
I'm quoting you
bitcoin is a protocol in which I transform my shitty money (((FIAT))) into smart value (PRIVATE KEYS)
those keys are mine and only I have access to them
you are a boomer and will never make it
good luck on your 401k when inflation reaches 20%/ year

>why buy BTC that will only reach 100k when you can buy ${SHITCOIN} and make 3000X
reality shows BTC bleeds them all

we have a plebbit warrrior coming here to teach us what to do with our money
thanks for your input faggot, but you have to go back