Alt season

Any oldfags here? What was it like to be in an altseason from 2017/2018?

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>old fag
leave faggot

Oldfags are not from 2017

it was like free money. I miss it so much.

I was busy buying bitconnect

In 2017, absolutely everything kept growing. Completely worthless, meaningless shitcoins grew at a rate of 10% per day on the average.

This bull run has had its gems and quite a few good moons too, but still not at the same level as in 2017

This one wil be better! VIDT $35 eoy
>check myself

every pajeet coin was shilled. every single one.
catalog would change every 15 minutes.

altseason 2017 was when the newfags came, retard


That doesn't make you an oldfag.

It was glorious! ! I would see my portfolio increase by a k or 2 everytime I checked it at one point. If I didn't get in when I did I would've been rekt this bear

Holy shit people on this board think 2017 = oldfag what the fuck am I still doing here. Plz kys OP


and i thought i was a newfag when i came to this board when ETH was shilled when it was 1$

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People were stupid. Everyone was buying everything under the sun, which made everything moon.

This time round people are smarter, binance promos are still doing quite well, but it’s hard to find good gains elsewhere, only a select few really promising projects are increasing in value. People are more rational.

You guys remember the glorious bitcoin cash pump from .02 to .5 btc? Corecucks were pissing their pants.
Hope your stocking up BSV for the final flippening.

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This you could make money flipping any old shit. I remember getting plus 30% in a morning on a shit coin. What we have now doesn't feel the same.

holy shit this board is truly filled with zoomer trash, its actually over. btc sub 1k by 2020

every new listing pumps instantly 10x
no matter how shit it is

oof checked

Welsh, English, French, Italian, Greek and Swedish.

Everything else is trash.

Any ICO would make you ca$H

It was glorious after awhile people just lost money but the first month or two it was a guaranteed 2-3x

hat was 2015/16 iirc. Then you were technically speaking dead or rebirth

It was crazy.

I once bought 10k€worth of PRL at 6 cent. That 10k was worth 500k ath.

In the beginning you had to trade. Buy a coin, wait a couple of weeks/days, and sell at +100%. But nearing the end you could literaly buy anything. Jow Forums microcaps made me a shitload of money. The last 2 or 3 days everything went at least +40% a day. Then everything got rekt.

I made 50 grand off PayFair when it was shilled here at sub 1 cent, sold it for 50 cents. You could pick almost anything that showed under 20% up for the day and make money... almost any coin you picked, put money in and wait 1 day or less and double it.


I almost bought bsv when it was like 68 dollars but I didn't do it

I was all in LINK. Sold the absolute bottom after SIBOS, made some of it back with shitcoins then consolidated into LINK during 2018. LINK ruined me in the bull market but saved me in the bear market. Initial was ~$3k now at about $10k

My first two biz coins were omg and neo. I was constantly worried that neo was a chink scam.

i put about 3 grand in and walked away with $40k before the dip. Haven't felt that euphoria since.

It was a big pump and dump no one ever got the chance to even sell due to zero liquidity

Japanese and Korean best IQ, German and Italian very very close 2nd.

You could literally buy whatever the newest posting was on CMC and make at least 50% gains in > 7d if you got in early enough.

I made 12k off Bounty Coin...that shit was amazing

Greece is prettiest/

I remember once BTC mooned it dried the alts up completely. It was fun seeing BTC go 5x and still not making any money.

But then everything exploded and you made like 2x everyday

Shit was insane

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Bunch of pajeets shilling and shiting in the streets!

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the most reasonable people ive seen on this board today. ive been on a biz hiatus and was gonna make a thread concluding every post you see here are people coming from parts of the internet that see get rich quick ads on pornhub or wherever they came from before. money creates the worst communities if you can even call it that. in conclusion this whole board is infested with normies, indians, kids from /fa/ unironically and reddits and so on

Agreed. Greece and Spain.

tfw bought 115k coss @ 0.11 usd and they rose to 2 usd. Felt like a king. sold around 25% around the peak which held me way above the water during the bear market.

I kept believing it would spike again at some point and be a successful exchange, but 0.035 usd now, when they announced the merge with LALA, CFT & COSS

Rip my dreams

Sold the rest when they announced*

2015/2017 fag here
your gains right now are minuscule compared to my time
>T. 150x initial investment

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I had something like 4000 Antshares at one time. If only I had forgotten about them until they were NEO at $180. Instead I only made like $10k on it after attempting to swing trade a bunch (as someone with zero trading experience), and hodling through the bear market. Shrug, live and learn.

Is nano a shitcoin anons?

It wasn't as easy as people make it out to be
There were always phases where everything dumped
also not every coin turned out to be a winner - I'd say 1/3 of the top 100 in june 2017 didn't even 2x in the next 6 months

this was exactly one week when everything went parabolic
1st week of 2018

Yes but it was all paper value/euphoria—nobody sells the top like a reasonable person, everybody feels they’re a genius

>Oldfags from 2017

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Old fag here
No alt season is coming
Shitcoins made money before, shitcoin s have been bleeding since 20k BTC
outliers will exist but 99% will disappear 12 months from now
Screencap this

Olderfag here. bought BTC with linden dollars on virwox and ltc, namecoin and feathercoin on btc-e. There will be another alt season which will dwarf the last one, but eventually you will be right that 99% will disappear.