Zhe last 500x

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Hold the line boyos 3rd times a charm

Crypto twitter is starting to fomo

i need this feetcoin to pump aaaa

hope to get some by using THE FUCKING HOLOPORT

by the time the ports arrive HOT will trade at 5 cents. mark my words fren

I bought a lot the last few weeks sub 20sats hope this isn't just a scam lol

Is there an active discord btw? I have yet to meet any holders with large positions like myself.

define 'large position'

there is a discord but it never took off, but there are at least 4 active telegram channels, including the official channels and various community channels...

8 figures

the largest position i have seen on /biz is 122m HOT or something, i got around 35m HOT.

HOT is one of those coins that in hindsight everybody will say, “How did I NOT see this thing mooning.”

user, you got quads and no one checked them. imagine posting in a thread about a coin you bought and no one checks your quads. market sell asap

Checked. If you can wait 12-18 months you will be very happy with your decision.


1$ end of 2020 is fud

This. This thread is made up of 5 people in the same room and none of them have ever been here before.

Based holochad

Hi. New holder checking in. Bought a mini stack of 220k last night. How much for unfathomable wealth?

These boomers are in over their heads. It will be years if ever before this shit is up and running.

I've been shilling this today to people. Everyone was pissed about all the outages (discord, CNN, many other websites down due to problems in cloudflare). I was explaining that the internet has become to centralized, so half of it goes down if something is wrong with something like amazon servers. If we really had "hotels for data" and webhosting, we wouldn't have these problems. (I believe arthur brock said hotels for data at some point).

Try to increase your stack before holoports arrive
Have you check their git hub?
You probably are stupid enough and can't code. They have one of the most active git hub in crypto, just check it out before talking shit

yeah, we gonna make it bro

Attached: 1558152233114.jpg (640x640, 95K)

Activity doesn't mean shit when your idea just doesn't work. Aren't the holoports like a year behind now? How can you trust the competency of a team that can't ship a product within a YEAR of their initial proposed date? If this were a real company the whole exec team would be fired by now.

Should I buy some right now?

They product work.
You are safe here friend, just confess that you miss the ICO, than Idex and now is salty that you don't have a stack.
New Windows versions and updates were late sometimes, but Microsoft it's pretty big don't you think?

What do you hold fren, Tron or some other shitcoin ?

i have been holding HOT for over a year now and of course waiting this long isn't fun, but Holochain has been refactored in Rust for performance and security reasons and i totally support that decision. I'd rather wait a year longer to have a good foundation, you can't rush this shit or you end up with a bad product that is really hard to fix later on (just look at ETH). Holochain Rust is in closed alpha right now, saying it doesn't work is plebbit-tier FUD.

Beneath her feet I lie, beneath her feet squirming amorously. I tug on my dick, she grants me the cummies. I release cummies all over her feet and vagoo. 1$ EOY

Based and redpilled