Less than 1 hour
Epic tweet coming. You already know the tech company - but you've no idea how big this tweet is gonna be.
Less than 1 hour
Epic tweet coming. You already know the tech company - but you've no idea how big this tweet is gonna be.
fuck off
Sub $1 end of month
Sub ICO price EOY
Based larper
No link larp has ever been right. Prove me wrong
Kek, swinglinker detected!
Suck My Dick fudders
remindme! 1 hour
Oh man, this is so exciting, I almost larped in my pants
insider here
can confirm
"Racist incel forum destroys promising crypto startup" will be the headline. Well done retards you fucked it all up. Just couldn't keep your damn mouths shut. It's all over. Cat is out of the bag. Advisers and team members leaving, major partners dropping out. You ruined it. ETH never had such a toxic community. Dumped every LINK and all in on ETH. This middleware shitcoin will never pull a 1000x. Fucking losers.
We're all going to he wealthier than 99% or the world.
>you've no idea how big
>B I G
i earnestly hope you are correct, but not a single one of you larping faggots the past month have been correct about anything. so yeah, fuck you, unless you can prove what you say you're a fucking nigger.
Alright OP, I'll be sitting on this thread for the next 35 minutes. You better come through or I'm going to be pretty upset.
There's a reason its called the fourth industrial revolution.
Sergey centralized our money to his account on the Cayman Islands.
Jerry Jordan here. Op is a nigger
have sex
4 u
>not a single one of you larping faggots the past month have been correct about anything
user I called the google announcement the night before it happened
>follow the white rabbit
June 12th
what happened June 13th?
>pic related
>filename related
I would really need to sleep. I'm all in LINK for over a year now.
You better deliver, op, for keeping me awake like this!
>you've no idea how big
>B I G
Link is shit. Replace trusted middlewares with a much more expensive network of literally who nodes. Let this sink in, Linkies: until AI is the oracles', the oracle problem has no solution. Or the solution will be extremely expensive and inefficient (i.e. ChainLink)
>user I called the google announcement the night before it happened
no, that fag cryptogodfather on twitter said it would be one week, it was over a week later with a million larps in between all saying it's tonight. no one called the google announcement.
Insider checking in. Its happening tonight.
>I would really need to sleep
I know that feel
>no one called the google announcement
I guess it was just a coincidence then
congrats on your discipline link marines.
youve shown you got some diamond hands.
now is time to cash in the profits and move on to vidt.
I’m gonna fuck u like a faggot. faggot.
no such thing as coincidence but no one called it in the first place so there is no coincidence.
Ayy yo nigga it's my homie BIG LARP, knoimsayin, what up B, long time no see
The closest thing to a legit larp was whale killer
What is the white rabbit?
>no one called it in the first place
uhh user...
I literally SPELLed it out
there's a reason it's called /SPELLing/
You, sir, are a level-headed, mentally stable individual.
Hey fren, got a new agate today, thought you might like it.
>What is the white rabbit?
don't ask...
Hey 42 can you explain the fucking alien connection to chainlink meme?
He's got one eye ;)
Dude, so are you!
>the definition of sanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results
dude, clean and cut your fingernails
Nice rock but cut your fucking nails pajeet
dude stop that happens every day, not a coincidence when people literally post that every day religiously, that's just false self fulfilling prophecy and I'd rather not pretend to be a kike. I liked you at first 42 buy you've grown increasingly annoying, especially when you reply to like 8 of your own posts in a row. Yeah it's called spelling because words are power and a manifestation of reality, putting a spell on people when you orate eloquently.
I agree.
Vous est une homme insane.
you dumb cunt i'm resetting my sleeping schedule to 12pm till 7am sleeping, i'm not on my phone in 10 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fucking LARP SHIT
>I liked you at first 42 buy you've grown increasingly annoying, especially when you reply to like 8 of your own posts in a row
lmao how new are you? multiple larps have come true throughout the years, even if the majority were fake.
but they all have in common to lure some mongoloids into buying at the top
>coinbase larp OP here
Kek wills it
>fucking alien connection to chainlink meme?
first time I've heard of it, but now you've got me very interested
>He's got one eye ;)
where do you find these things
and they're right bro, those nails gotta go hahaha
posted december 2018
i was blog post larper myself and i still believe in this shit
>posted december 2018
>insider info...info...info...
Think about it, why would a blue cube be worth this much? Why has it always maintained its value since 2017?
Well, what if I told you aliens need CHAINLINK to survive. Yes it is useless for us humans, it is just a cube, but for aliens they need it in massive quantities because some substance/energy in it is crucial for their survival just like food and money is for us.
Get enlightened my simple minded mundane friends.
Bitcoin, link, eth will never fail. For an omnipotent ai super computer to be present, it needs to eliminate its only weakness first, which is a centralized point of failure. Remove this centralized source of power, and push for decentralization as well as backup decentralization plans in place and you can literally never shut him down or hack it to be within your control. Once blockchain is the backbone of the current digital world, things will change for the worse for the lower and non existent middle class.
The government has been priming you for this reveal decades ago, all the movies/dramas now involve some kind of extraterrestrial being or people with superpowers, we have been primed so much to the point that when they do reveal their existence as our overlords and dependency on our chi, creativity and chainlink, we will not even be surprised or scared anymore because it has become pretty normal actually especially for generation z.
This will happen, and you might as well profit from it by going all in the foundational pillars of blockchain and enjoy that wealth for hopefully some long years before we can’t.
The gay guy in marketing can Photoshop better then this user
>Less than 1 hour
this better be worth it
you're cutting into my evening nap
I think this is a larp
will wait anyways
fuck you OP
I forgot, a bunch 9f lady boy neets with no real job experience gather here, lol let me get home first tags. Some people get dirty for a living..
>The gay guy in marketing can Photoshop better then this user
oh no no no...
>ctrl + f "chainlink"
shitskin cope, clean your nails you dirty ape
Some user shitposted that aliens somehow need chainlink and that chainlink was planned by the Jews all along. The symbol of link weirds me out a bit to be honest, it's a fucking cube and we all know who loves cubes don't we.
Oh would you look at the time, only 23 minutes left until OP is a faggot
Yea yea tell me about how all of you grew up with well off parents who never forced you to get into labor force. I don't find them they find me.
Right faggot, it's been less than an hour now. Where is this shit?
Is this video done by some app?
Here it is kek
Fuck you it's out of my control, if I worried about my nails all the time like a faggot, then I'd have no time for anything else.
>Is this video done by some app?
that's from his most recent presentation
people were befuddled but he kept dancing like that for an entire hour
they just left at that point
really strange fellow, that Sergey
they're just fucking with you because you're namefagging and taking pics going "LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME!"
take it like a man, because you're acting like a woman
>I don't have 5 minutes for proper hygiene
sure thing bud
Geniuses are often excentric
arguing about nails like a bunch of sissies
delete this...
>inb4 concern trolling about arguing about nails
>Geniuses are often excentric
they also tend to be a hit with the ladies...
mongoloid untermensch larper
Isnt that right
Women are not allowed to be in the same room when he reads from the Quran.
says the guy with a (((S.I.N.))) and a driver's license
Think about it, why would a blue cube be worth this much? Why has it always maintained its value since 2017?
Well, what if I told you aliens need CHAINLINK to survive. Yes it is useless for us humans, it is just a cube, but for aliens they need it in massive quantities because some substance/energy in it is crucial for their survival just like food and money is for us.
Get enlightened my simple minded mundane friends.
Bitcoin, link, eth will never fail. For an omnipotent ai super computer to be present, it needs to eliminate its only weakness first, which is a centralized point of failure. Remove this centralized source of power, and push for decentralization as well as backup decentralization plans in place and you can literally never shut him down or hack it to be within your control. Once blockchain is the backbone of the current digital world, things will change for the worse for the lower and non existent middle class.
The government has been priming you for this reveal decades ago, all the movies/dramas now involve some kind of extraterrestrial being or people with superpowers, we have been primed so much to the point that when they do reveal their existence as our overlords and dependency on our chi, creativity and chainlink, we will not even be surprised or scared anymore because it has become pretty normal actually especially for generation z.
This will happen, and you might as well profit from it by going all in the foundational pillars of blockchain and enjoy that wealth for hopefully some long years before we can’t.
Why don't we have a fucking betting pool for links for such larps??
>Women are not allowed to be in the same room when he reads from the Quran
In'shallah my brother
I was sharing it with 42, fuck the rest of y'all. Tried to look for nail clippers, can't find any. Story of my fucking life I literally don't give a shit. They don't call us stinky linkies or dirty pajeets for nothing.
>especially when you reply to like 8 of your own posts in a row
so you're telling me you didn't appreciate the JSON parser saga?
how absolutely dare you
>he bought after the google pump
>is considered a golden bagholder
>perceives his bags as very heavy
>will sell when he breaks even
>will miss out the singularity
>will think about about the 1000+ EOY suicides memes
you disgust me
>They don't call us stinky linkies or dirty pajeets for nothing.
he's not wrong
except my musk is more like pussy, weed, ciggarettes, and money
another fake "partnership" coming
You are a MANIAC!
Wow, what a game-changing announcement!
Patent bull. The truth is that Earth, and more specifically America, is a galactic black market weapons manufactory. Earth is in the 99th percentile of planets by mass that can still achieve escape velocity using chemical propellants. But because Earth is so massive, the natives are very strong and can work with really tough materials without necessarily needing the tooling everyone else needs. Because of its state of technological progress, Earth is off limits to prying hands...unless you're a criminal and sell the natives your centuries old research in exchange for them using the power that grants them to set up deep underground forges for more modern weaponry. Project MARAUDER wasn't cancelled, it just went underground.
He said he will give the announcement live instead... tweet was a nothing burger...