Is pimping my gf out to a millionaire jew a good investment

my gf is a radiologist and im a stay at home dad. the top dog surgeon at her hospital is infatuated with her and hes already gotten her a huge pay raise and bought her an expensive car in an effort to win her over. he recently made her an offer to straight up buy her a house, a house we would otherwise never be able to afford, but he made it clear that she'll have to go on "vacation" with him for a couple days and fuck him for the house. we live in a nice but tiny condo right now and our kids r turning 3 and 4, it would be cool to have a bigger space for them but idk if its worth letting a fat slimy kike put his dick in my gf. shes against it but she said she would do it if i told her to

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why does Jow Forums always come up with the strangest larps

>she would do it if i told her to
that means she wants to do it. and she wants to do it with your permission so she's blame free. you are getting cucked.

weak fiction
apply yourself harder, you can do better user, I believe in you. Believe in me who believes in you.

No because it makes you a cuck.

basically this

And why do we always fall for them?

Israel has no right to exist

She's already fucking 20 guys, what difference does 21 make?

this. and 3 kids? sorry OP. I'd say do some prenup/sign your name on the house type shit and divorce when the kids turn 18

You have to ensnare this kike into some kind of elaborate con where even if it falls apart he's still anathema to other Jews who shun him for being a failtard and he necks himself that is the only way such cuckery is worth it.

2/10 larp.

>she would do it if i told her to
if she told you that, you are already being cucked OP.


just make her do it, let her test on stds afterwards
maybe join them if possible, take it to the ass aswell

I've seen this movie. It sucked.

Am I the only one here that is seriously perturbed by the Jew infatuation. It's like each thread I read there's a guaranteed mention of one of the following words: Jew, Jews, Jewish, Kike, Shekelstein, Rabbi, Israel. Why are you dimwits so obsessed with the Jewish people?

take it to r/aita or r/relationshipadvice buddy, they'll upvote anything

Lurk moar rabbi

This is a jewish board goy!

it isn't even a question
being homeless and/or dead is better than letting him do this

If your wife is okay with this you need to let her do it, take the house, and file for divorce

If you're okay with this, you need to kys


>and im a stay at home dad
stopped reading after that you cuck

Have him buy her a brand new car as a shit test before allowing or doing anything else.

Then drive away in the car and never look back.

>If your wife is okay with this you need to let her do it, take the house, and file for divorce
based. and sue for alimony.

Take the money and immediately divorce her

This is biz you fucking incel cuck go back to pol

if you let it happen, you will never get over it and your relationship will fall apart.

and her even saying she would do it if you told her. your relationship is already doomed.

you just got cucked by a rich kike, goyim.

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This is the plot of Indecent Proposal with Demi Moore, and you're a bunch of autist zoomers

this op

if they fuck once, they will continue fucking and she will want the green light to fuck even more dudes. You decide whether its worth it


she already mentally (and perhaps physically) accepted to getting fucked by him.


I know this is larp, but I've told my wife if she wants to go on or whatever those sites are, she's more than welcome to have the men take her out to dinner. No fucking, of course, but there's a literal ton of desperate sad men who pay a lot of money just for some companionship. I think she'd get a big ego kick out of it and be much happier. So far she hasn't done it


>but he made it clear that she'll have to go on "vacation" with him for a couple days and fuck him for the house.
Thanks OP. This got me.

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You will be blamed for how she feels about it afterwards

Jow Forums - Cucks and Bagholders

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also, it means she's already doing it. so at least get paid OP. then get a new gf and just be a side pimp

Your a stay at home dad (aka jobless loser) which means your gf is probably cucking you. Might as well get a house out of it, but don't get too comfortable. When she loses that last smidgeon of respect she had for you she'll kick your ass out, take the kids, and move in with the jew. LOL

Hello newfriend

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>our kids r turning 3 and 4

It's a little old for an inbred pedokike but make no mistake about it, this kike doesn't want your wife.

If a house and some US bux is more important than the mental and physical health of your children then go ahead and subject them to a member of the inbred pedokike cult. One day you're gonna have to explain to them why Mr. Nosebergsteinowitz was sucking on their freshly cut genitals like a binkie.

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ever since the bullrun in 2017 the p/po/tardsstarted leaking onto this board, bringing our collective iq down about 30 points.

It used to be funny, but so many of the newfag Jow Forumstards since Trump/2016 era legitimately believe in a Jewish conspiracy they come off as blithering retards as opposed to edgy teens

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yea all those jews controlling news and media is just a big coincidence
who in their right mind would think that tv spots and music clips glorifying interracial marriage between black men and white women (never white men and black women) 24/7 are orchestrated by some kind of jewish elite, i mean... EVERYONE LOVES black people!

maybe you shouldn't have shoved all of that holohoax garbage down our throats, retards

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We are all Jewish here. Why are you so concerned?

>Business & Finance board
>constant mention of jewry
What did you expect? Same principle applies to the Television & Film board.


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