>tfw in debt with WHORE of an ex GF
>tfw have to sell my B T C & L 1 N K 1 3 stash
>tfw bought @ $3800 w/ 100x leverage
>tfw still not enough to pay off debt
why even live?
>tfw in debt with WHORE of an ex GF
>tfw have to sell my B T C & L 1 N K 1 3 stash
>tfw bought @ $3800 w/ 100x leverage
>tfw still not enough to pay off debt
why even live?
not her btw
why would you owe your gf money faggot
why did you go into debt?
walk us through the thought process when you decided to take out loans and/or run up credit cards
she had the job, I was the neet..
promised to split shit like holidays etc
>tfw no1 feels bad 4 u
pretty enough to travel to eastern EU for?
just dont pay lol
cannot do captain cummies, she put her father on me.. he already threatened me w/ court
depending on what ties you have there, i'd probably just leave. tell them you need a month to get the money together and then fuck off.
lmao I asked for a month
>3 months ago
>>tfw bought @ $3800 w/ 100x leverage
>>tfw still not enough to pay off debt
This has to be a larp. Even if you only bought $100 you would have like $30k now @100x leverage. You can't have that much debt with an ex.
ok then, say you had some shit fall through but you guarantee you'll have it by august. then leave. also pretty sure you're larping
also ties dun goofed b/c of her, sister of best friend
Did you have a law-binding contract?
If no, tell them to fuck off
You want to delve deeper into cuckdom? Be my guest.
didnt have the opportunity to HODL, had my own bills to pay ;-/
no larp man, wtf would I get out of this LARP
no contract but spoken word = binding word here
I only bought 500e of btc
neet memes
How do you not have money though at 3800 with 100x leverage? You didn't even pay the debt back when you made gains? Unless you can get more money, you might as well just dip or give up the money.
then leave, i don't understand the problem. would you rather live somewhere else or pay her?
bought 0.15 btc, have to pay 4 rent, car, groceries, insurance, etc etc
if I leave my parents will just pay her ;-/
inb4 thatz gud user!! XD xD XD
fuck man you are a dumbass then.
>also pls rate grill
? ya should have been in the wagey cagey. dumbass bought at a better lvl.. time 2 kys fren
your right, now all of his gains are going to his GF. OP is a dumbass.
my left, gainz on own bills
who cares? she is using chinese ewhore filters you insecure fag
the cheek blush?
How much is it anonsun.
Are you in this debt alone anonsun?
Is the Whore with some chad now
literally your word against theirs,
they cant prove shit lmao
Also user, depending on what you spend the money on, and if the whore cheated on you. As well as depending on what country you live it you could probably sue her for that debt and sue her father for extortion.
What was the debt on anyway give some more details i might be able to help
Our down, just ligma bro
drop email addy fren
Transfer everything into monero and declare bankruptcy, retard.
consumer credit is for low IQ average chumps. you're one of them moron and deserve what happens to you.
Oh so she basically paid for your shit. Lol cuck.
Im not a lawyer but i will support you.
I will drop a throw away addy and you will need to prove its you
>long @ $3800 100x leverage
>still not enough to pay off debt
Either you owe 1000 gorillion dollars or you longed $1 with 100x leverage, either way you're a fucking faggot because this is a LARP. Fuck off back to plebbit and check these digits.
>wtf would I get out of this LARP
Some people enjoy pissing off others, not sure why, probably just want to spread their own misery. And because women trigger the fuck out of this entire site, there's your answer
checked and based
don't date jews next time
impressive, nice
pic related is the only answer
just tell her to fuckoff
>you allegedly made a verbal contract to help my daughter who you used to date pay rent!
yeah nah this isn't standing up in court. Tell them 1) you are broke and don't have the money, 2) the promises to help his daughter with her (HER is the imperative word here) expenses ended with the relationship, and then 3) stop returning any communication with them.
Make porn videos with her and sell them to pay off debtz