Femanon here, what basics should i know for streaming and stuff :)

femanon here, what basics should i know for streaming and stuff :)

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Principle #1: If you stream, be a man.
Can't stand female streamers desu


yeah but its not about u dumbass.
there are a lot of female streamers with high viewer count retard

girls have it so easy in life.

i dont think so, most streamers that are female appearing that are popular are males wearing crossdress/makeup during the stream

biggest lie ever. i get constantly insulted in my femanon threads.

Well then just don't do whatever it is female streamers do that turns me off so much. I don't know exactly what it is really, but I'm sure you have some ideas

maybe its because you like pee pees more than u like to admit, user?

oh no:( insulted in threads

try getting rejected a million times over, try going months to years without sex, try hearing a compliment once every 5 years