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Permanently stored historical weather records are actually pretty useful. During my PhD in atmospheric physics I had to pull a lot of strings to get access to them.


Is this the end of Drumpf?

I just looked into this and although it's not 98%, it's more like 95%.
With that in mind.. I'm selling half of my BSV holding until they have other stuff going on. This feels too scammish for me.

Sirs I need to be having the weather so I know when to poo outside and avoid monsoon rains.

I bet it's pulling the weather in Mumbai too

The "weather app" is legit pretty dumb. They present it as some great achievement which is pretty pathetic desu

Historical records are already public

Even funnier is the fact the BSV sheep are bragging about this like it's revolutionary.


Bitcoin Satoshi's Forecast

the absolute state of bsv shills

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Hahaha. I can't imagine owning and supporting this absolute shitcoin.

Headlines soon: "98% of BSV's activity comes from a dumb server logging app.... EDI system... firewall service... IoT control system... voting system... sure they have TB blocks now but it's from some dumb media streaming company..."

top kek

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As opposed to 98% of BTC's activity which is shitcoin trading. At least this is something with utility.

>it's not 98%, it's more like 95%
actually thought everyone knew this already, but then again, I appear to know more over this over-shilled POS pajeet-token than is absolutely necessary for any man. Roll on Friday. And The Beginning of The End. Fucking Finally

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Post timestamped PhD larping faggot

>They present it as some great achievement
No, its just kinda neat.
>Historical records are already public
But not immutable, continue missing the point of Bitcoin though.

Writing 'I have a PhD' on his double D's won't really prove anything.

This guy gets it.

Miners don't care where transactions are coming from as long as they profit

It’s over goyim creg blight is finished

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Storing things on the blockchain is a hype. Each time you submit something, you have to pay. Even if it's just cents, it adds up exponentially with heavy use. It's also slow because you're sending data over an internet connection instead of writing it directly to the database. These factors make it inefficient for professional use. Clearly a hype.

You receive them from a trusted source in both cases, so immutability doesn't matter. It matters in very specific cases (i.e. for content that is too dangerous to store elsewhere)


I enjoy the weather app. I also increased my stack by posting asses on SV, kek.

Clearly. As long as you know.

With lightning network yes... with mesh layering wrong.

and whos the biggest (only) miner of this shit again, remind me ? Mr WeatherHIV app DGAF, he saf aint paying for dumping this shit. Be interested how much this fun would cost at 'commercial rates' tho
>And here ends WeatherHIV


With bsv you’re only 2 transactions away max from any other transaction

There are a bazillion reasons companies need immutable data storage. EDI alone is a huge business. At scale the rate of writing data to the blockchain will be very cheap and more and more companies will want to use it over traditional web hosting. You could host all of youtube on it and they would save money.

It's not just the data storage costs. That is just one part of running a business. BSV takes care of so many things that companies spend a lot of extra money on.

Surprising to absolutely nobody.

BCH is a shitcoin, and BSV is spawned from a shitcoin. A shit that took a shit.

>You receive them from a trusted source
Those records can later be altered. The point is its stored forever on the blockchain where it can't be altered. Weather is just a simple implementation of things that can be stored. The fact that the information comes from a trusted source doesn't matter.

So for example: a police department is logging evidence from a crime scene. Each time an item is logged there is a hash/timestamp with a signature of the officer who logged it. This is invaluable to courts because they can go through and audit the evidence with full confidence that the evidence hasn't been fucked with and if it has it'll have the signature of the last person who did. Doesn't make it bulletproof, but you now have an immutable audit trail.

That's just off the top of my head. Apply that to anything else.

>be accounting firm
>log records into Bitcoin
>building burns down, get hacked/literally anything else that could compromise data
>lose nothing because everything is on the blockchain
>in fact don't even rebuild the office, just take the insurance money and have your employees work from home because your database is on Bitcoin and accessible from anywhere anyway

stop insulting shit. It's a valuable commodity in farming

Congrats on starting another FUD thread, it's not really making it any cheaper to buy in though.

Blockchain weather was always satoshis ultimate vision for bitcoin

Immutability is needed when the data is too dangerous to trust to anyone at all (even yourself). The obvious example is financial records, there are a few other use cases but they have nothing to do with "LMAO just store the internet as a side chain". For all other purposes there are cheaper and faster solutions.

Writing data to the blockchain will never be cheap (assuming that a few cents are still expensive for a single I/O operation) nor fast due to the nature of the blockchain. So these talks are meaningless.

Oh my god. My sides. How’s the weather in fucking delusionsville?

i hope the BSV moon bois sold their bags before it reaches zeros.

If its just one app why is the chart growing? Don't say the weather is changing more frequently lmao.
Corecucks are so desperate to fud.

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To sign files cryptographically you don't have to upload them to the blockchain. If a file has been signed, you can verify that it hasn't been altered without gimmicks.

What's the zip code?

>tfw its only one app doing this
It's like the early days of smart phone apps. Just imagine the amount of transactions that will come with apps built with a two gigabyte blocksize coming next month.

I can't access those files anywhere in the world. Also if I use your method I have to store them. I don't want to store them. I also don't want to be responsible for securing them. I'd rather just pull the data from blockchain when I need it and not ever worry about maintaining said data.

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I'm talking from the perspective of enterprises, they can't afford to spend several cents per I/O operation and deal with high latency for the questionable benefits of "being accessible by everyone everywhere". It's horribly inefficient.

This man is reaching levels of cope never before seen in this modern age.

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Why does biz and Reddit agree on this one thing, but nothing else? Is it not strange that vehement hate is shared by both factions?

have you got that one with 'we'll give 500 million Africuns custom smartphones, then, they'll all work for us ?'. I lieked that one. Truly, a visionary amongst us

I don't think people understand what happens when the internet becomes tied to a network like Bitcoin.

One of the major problems on the internet is actually finding useful data. Companies like google are already manipulating results for political reasons, social media companies are full of trolls and russian bots, fake news is everywhere.

With Metanet, every packet becomes assigned monetary value. The result is that the signal to noise ratio improves dramatically. You actually get the information you request instead of a bunch of ads, bots and invasion of privacy.

People ask, "who would pay money to use Twitter?" What they're not getting is that you actually make money now, provided you aren't a troll and make something of value.

Metanet/BSV will change literally everything that is done online.

toppest kek. Meanwhile you can buy a Jow Forums pass with BCH


BSV shills are low IQ. They read CSW and unwriter articles and it sounds academic to them but they don't really understand it so they think it must be genius

because they (creg & Calvin) are, at heart, all memes and jokes aside, a pair of wankers

It's not though. In the future all processes will likely be done on chain, but for now shit can be done locally and then saved on chain. The interval depends on the firm and the significance of the data.

If companies don't have use for it, then they don't have use for it. However EOD operations for a multinational or even regional could be made far less cumbersome with a simple transaction made by the branches instead of maintaining databases. Maintaining databases is a lot of overhead and headache.

I've worked in the noc for a large CDN and its unfathomable to me how anybody things "metanet" is a legitimate way to store your data. Its inefficient and slow and can never compete with a professional setup in speed or price.

>Just sign the altered file and replace the sig
Storing the sig on a blockchain makes it immutable and permanently accessible

This is an example of incredibly shallow thinking. "One of the major problems on the internet is actually finding useful data" - you can't philosophize about the blockchain with that level of argumentation. "Every packet becomes assigned monetary value" - it's the natural forces of the market, you can't direct it with wishful thinking. The masses clearly flock to free and easily available content over the alternatives.

my bad I thought this was a vidt thread
carry on

this is useless babble. If metanet succeeds you still need someone like google to index it in an actually efficient & fast database to search it


Immutability. Somebody can remove something from a server through various means.

Once something has been put on a blockchain, that's it. It's not going away.

People can sell their data still and get a "free" experience. But, it will begin to become apparent to everyone (even "the masses") that there is no such thing as "free". The internet changed the way people think, this will too. Bitcoin won't fix everyone's lives but it will enable people to be more creative and productive online.

You know what’s funny about you corecucks? Tether can print 1 billion bitcoin tomorrow and your faggot ass wouldn’t utter a word, yet every little thing Craig does you look criticize like some broad on her period.

holy shit its a real website

Oh, you're a comedian

Bitcoin as a network is actually very efficient. It just uses a different way of processing information. Bitcoin is more like a biological system than the traditional computer networks we have seen in the past. From a certain point of view the human brain is incredibly inefficient and redundant, but it is ultimately much more powerful and robust than anything humans have designed in terms of computers.

The real efficiency that Bitcoin brings is one driven by economic forces and having everything connected to everything else. It is a completely different computing and information paradigm than we are used to.

so what? Do you thing instagram cares about immutability or on paying 1000x more for storung pictures? Big boys like cloudflare are literally laughing their ass off at this pipedream.
Once a file is on muh blockchain you still need a CDN to fetch and cache and deliver it from normal infrastructure. You pay orders of magnitude more for storage and still have to pay for bandwidth.

No shit, Sherlock. The difference is a premium service that doesn't control your data/shill ads to you. Alternatively you could opt for the "free" option, but if you haven't realized already nothing, not even Jow Forums is free. If you haven't bought a pass then you're working for Google for free.

You have no idea what you are talking about. For full text search on terabytes of data you need everything in ram at one location. If metanet actually succeeds(lmao) there will be services just like google indexing it.

There are amazing usecases for immutability, but storing every brainlets blog on it is not it.

At scale the cost to store data will be actually pretty small; on top of that, once a file is uploaded it can be accessed anywhere and won't need to be uploaded a second time. Compression techniques will be able to serve metanet pages with mere kilobytes of data.

With Metanet there is an incredible amount of savings due to no longer having to worry about DDoS protection and many, many other security and data protection issues. It just will work and its robustness will more than makeup for the cost of data storage.

It will still shill ads to you. Metanet would not change this

You still have to pay a CDN and those still need DDoS protection and everything that comes with traditional hosting.
Nobody will deliver a petabyte-sized blockchain for free. Once you upload something it will be there (for higher cost than normal hosting) but to fetch it will cost as well.

This is just PR talk. Not even related to the tech, in fact. Normies already have such things as Paypal, subscription sites, Patreon etc. I'll tell you one thing: people don't like paying for fluff, they like paying for hard, tangible goods. Otherwise every single site would have already had the "Pay with PayPal to access this content" button. Sorry, you've been promised shit that's pure baloney.


Why? Google would make more from people paying a 10th or maybe even a 100th of penny from each search than shilling ads. The ad market is actually extremely inefficient.

I agree storing arbitrary data in the blockchain is just dumb and wasteful. we don't need every piece of junk data logged forever for all to see. this is a shortcoming of bitcoin though it should have been made from the start to block crap like this from ever happening.

Nobody will pay for search, ever. If google introduces it users will go elsewhere.

we should have gigamegs and use them for applications that actually need immutability.

I said it would be optional. Google likely won't be the first to implement it anyway.

I'd happily pay a low fee for searches. Beats having all my data sold to kikes.

the truth is i think bitcoin (all variants) are doomed. they don't scale. there is no such thing as digital gold. it either can be used as money or it can't plain and simple. this shit is all just useless dead end tech that as far as i can tell has no other use outside of being a western union replacement at best. the only reason why people shill bitcoin so hard is because they are usually bag holders and they are just protecting their bags.


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I swear it is the same 3-4 people who fud BSV constantly on this board and that they are obviously paid blockstream discord trannies. Why would they else post here and fud every god damn day if they werent getting paid to do it? Its literally these guys jobs to try to psycho fuck with your head you into believing corecucks narratives. They know that the sentiment on boards like these matter because it spreads to Reddit and pleb social media sites(like all the link fud) , and if the general sentiment is that aussie man bad is not so bad after all on this board, then they are out of jobs and their discord Chanel will dissolve, and their employers net worth will go to zero or probably not since they are already soon going into BSV which is the real Bitcoin

topkek I keep having to hide low-effort pajeet threads by BSV streetshitters.
nice try

some day all of mankind's information will be stored within a single BSV block

They will pay a 10th of a cent if the results are actually higher quality and save them 1/10th of a cent of time. In all likelyhood, it will save them much more.

Something tells me you never use double quotes and other search syntax when searching for stuff, the way you complain about "poor search results" when talking about a completely unrelated matter kinda hints at that

bsv shillers are more delusional than bcashies
we are still waiting for BCH 1:1 parity with BTC
Imagine BSV which is half of BCH

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Absolutely based

Fuck off Greg, think bigger for once

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Because they are paid to. Attacking Craig is literally their jobs.

when i search white people on google i get pictures of black people
same for white courples i get mixed black/white couples
jewgle is low quality

Search “American inventors”

Muh global warming

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Why do you care about BSV so much? I won't touch that project with a 10-foot poll but I dont go around talking about it?

No because Paypal can't do microtransactions. This is what you don't get. The future business model of the internet (ie Metanet) will be microtransactions. So every search you do will cost $0.05 . Every news article you read will cost $0.2 etc. Everything is going to be monetized and run on the Blockchain, which in time will replace the ad revenue business model completely.

This type of payment system is impossible with Paypal, in fact it is also impossible on cripplechains like BTC.

ye you just get pics of the peanut butter nigger

>I'll tell you one thing: people don't like paying for fluff
This is disproven entirely with one example: the existence, popularity, and profitably of video game loot boxes.

There are plenty of other examples but that's one of the most egregious.

Life is going to become Fortnite, people are going to beg for it, and it's going to run on BitCoin. (BSV)

Might as well accept it and make some money.

Nah honestly I would consider paying a cent or half a cent to read some exclusive article if it was good.
This is about having the free market decide what information has value.
Just look at any YouTube videos comment section, its filled with the most retarded shit and people, now lets say you had to pay .001 cent to post there, it would be filled with high quality high value comments.
It doesn't matter how little the micro payments cost, just that its not completely free. Imagine ad companies having to pay you in order to display ads or only getting something your actually into