Have any of you ever legitimately experienced how differently women treat you once you have money? I haven’t made it yet but I’m keen to see how they react once they know I’m rich
Have any of you ever legitimately experienced how differently women treat you once you have money...
You still won't get a women like that by just being rich unless you are a billionaire
why do these instathots always pose in front of food they clearly either a) won't eat or b) will eat and throw up in the bathroom 30 mins later?
Because anyone who uses Instagram is unironically an NPC without the ability to think individually
They treat you way differently. It's like how we would treat a fat chick with a cute face that lost a lot of weight.
You think those milkers feed themselves?
dude lol photoshop
You’re probably the same type of simp that would donate to an ethot
Thanks for actual response to my question. That's what I assumed.
yes. regular in my favourite pub, always wearing comfy threads, no brap even looks at me. rolling up in a rr sport, wearing nice fitting clothes, nice watch etc, standing at the bar ordering shit -> 'oh hey you new here, never seen you before! Im stacy and this is stacy2! What do you do, what to have shots with us!?' not even larping. superficial cunts
Wrong! My current Asian gf is comparable to the girl in the picture. I'm not rich, but I have a job, a personality and most importantly I am white. Checkmate!
They'll smile in your face, jump through hoops and pretend to enjoy your company until they've got their hooks into you. You're a walking ATM and they'll still be pining after chad who treats them like shit and who they're likly still fucking on the side. If you want pussy to like you back pursue charisma not crypto...if you want to fuck whores crypto is fine (and dare I say v useful)
>say that to my chest, incel
does part of you like it though? it must feel good at times. Does it make you more keen on the ones who dont show interest in your money?
Checked. I'd give her half my shit.
I used to be in the club scene in LA/Hollywood when I was younger and would see old ass dudes in the club surrounded by 10/10 pussy all the fucking time.
If you have money, you actually dont have to do anything. They will approach you, at a chance to live vicariously through you. You really could do anything and they will at least feign their like for you. You will still need to be a Chad or Chad-like qualities though to get one to "love" yo.
to make normie fat fucks continue to believe it is okay to eat like that. i applaud it.
>You will still need to be a Chad or Chad-like qualities though to get one to "love" yo.
enormous milk
>I am not chad enough to so, i will settle for anything.
she eats too much gelato
Thots and food is a nice combo
not with money but with looks.
I went from damn near 260 pounds to 200 pounds in about 5 months. I was sexy as fuck. During my jogs I would hear girls shout at me from their cars when they passed. One time a chick next to me wouldn't stopstaring at me when we stopped at a red light. All I did was smile at her and she swooned. Waittressess would flirt with me, not the begging for tips type of flirting either, but like sometimes they would grab my shoulder when they would pass by my chair. Complement me. It was just different. My god the attention I would get from female co workers was great, a few of them openly telling me they liked me. Some dudes seemed to have an inferiority complex around me
I was a sexy bastard but I didnt know how to flirt or talk to women. so through those 4 years of my prime I only banged 2 girls, sadly. Now I'm fat again and I dont get attention anymore
I unironically used to hang out with women that looked like this and 99/100 it’s pure torture and they have zero personality. Of course you deal with it because you want to fuck them, but damn it’s a chore
Why would you not like it? It's literally power over thots that costs you nothing and requires zero effort. You don't have to actually spend money on them beyond the price of nice clothes and man-jewelry, just string them along with vague implications that you might buy them something down the line. Nothing wrong about this whatsoever imo
But your kids won't be white, but they'll always wish they were.
im not an extrovert, but not an autist either. its strange, kind of surreal; but definitely nice. powerful, even. but you know its not real. you just roll with it and dont give a fuck, because you know they dont give one normally either
Cardinal rule of this website: never post a thread with a picture more interesting than your content.
She'll eat a third of it and leave the rest
When I finally “made it”. And by make it, I mean my first year making 6 figures as a 23 year old—I bought myself a Rolex. That was my idea of making it. I’d have 100 things id do differently with the money now, but having that status symbol on my wrist showed me firsthand how women respond to knowing you’ve got some money. They’ll actively engage you. Not forcing it to be the other way around. I started to find it sort of off-putting and annoying. Kinda how they must feel when a guy is orbiting them for their looks. I’ve found that girls will be much more forward in leading the conversation to a flirty area when they see you’ve got money. It’s a pussy accelerant, and it’s wise to realize that’s what it is. They’re not into you. Use the power wisely and don’t get swindled.
I don't want them to treat me good, I want them to keep their distance. I don't want to get roastied.
No going to lie. When I got to crypto conferences I always either get asked if I have cocaine or am I rich at the after parties by random women.
I chuckle a bit and say:
"Not for you."
Also, I almost gave away my DoB when they were asking for my sign and phone
Not today SIM hackers... Not today.
i would feed this bitch and make her produce milk
>tfw physically attractive but avoidant
Mfw other dudes would kill to have a face/body like mine yet im an incel because id rather sit in my moms basement
>once the know I'm rich
Dont worry too much, user. You won't be rich for long.
Hold up. You do realize corporate welfare and military "friend" spending costs the government way more than welfare mom's?
You know Bezos doesn't pay taxes and gets more in the way of beneftis of where he decides to live based on goading cities to vie for his precense of his man houses?
(Fun fact, you don't pay taxes on borrowing money on your own stocks!)
I've been on a few dates in my life but only with girls that doesn't try to display a luxurious life on whatever dating app i find them. I avoid those girls as the plague. So therefore money have never been a topic of discussion or really interested them.
But if you go on a date with a girl who takes selfies in skyline bars and in front of expensive cars i think you can figure out that your money will interest her.
>I always either get asked if I have cocaine or am I rich at the after parties by random women
"are you?" bam gone
4/10 unironically.
Just talk to someone whenever you leave the basement. I would talk about random things to start conversations. A lot was cringe, but everything in life is, until you get better at it.
Gay faggot unironically
Take out your propaganda IV user, Bezos and Amazon have been a massive net positive contribution tax-wise. Do you seriously think that just because Amazon "doesn't pay taxes" for a few years that actually makes them equivalent to someone who actually RECEIVES welfare from the government? Being granted the special privilege of not having to pay money is not the same thing are receiving money,
>tfw looks don’t mean shit.
The ugliest guy I know has zero problems staying absolutely dripping with new pussy. He’s a hustler who spends 90% of his time making money, and fucking when he’s free. Women are attracted to that hustler vibe. Provide. Provide. Provide. Take me on Instagram vacays yassss
I am well aware that jew wars are also a huge drain just like nogs and spics.
Being attracted to a face that would scare a fucking ghost if it wasn’t caked in makeup/10
>They’ll actively engage you. Not forcing it to be the other way around. I started to find it sort of off-putting and annoying. Kinda how they must feel when a guy is orbiting them for their looks. I’ve found that girls will be much more forward in leading the conversation to a flirty area when they see you’ve got money.
Thanks for the description. Crazy how nothing else can change the courting dynamics so drastically like money. I guess it's the dream scenario for most guys at the end of the day. Though like other user said you still have to be alpha to get a girl to actually "love" you
Have sex virgin
K. You free tonight?
Libtards legitimately believe tax cuts are free money for companies or people. "How will we pay for these tax cuts?" I don't know, maybe stop fucking spending taxpayer money.
Would it be enough to be handsome and White?
Brown chicks have a weakness for blond guys.
I can agree with this to an extent. Looks are easily the best asset to have.They make everything 10x easier when it comes to women and life in general. But as long as you show women you're an alpha male you can still slay fine pussy even if you're a 5
during summer the BaSeDboys on this board don't want to hear this truth
Can confirm. 80% of women who have sought me out purely based on physical attraction have been dark Spanish chicks. They breed with light features well.
It's actually night and day. Every one of your ex gfs will contact you and try to be friendly, random roasties will throw themselves at you, cashiers will flirt when you're at the store because you're wearing decent clothes (this only works if you're not an unattractive manlet btw). Then the second they find out you no longer have cash they will immediately drop you and treat you like shit.
haha me too bro chicks were totally into me but I dont waste time with thots haha XD
Sorry I don't it refined sugar.
Loophole: pretend to be rich, pump and dump them before they can find out you only have two nice outfits.
All the reward like 1/10th the effort.
>Now I'm fat again and I dont get attention anymore
get rich then fatass
I go to harvard law and its pretty much the same thing. Chivks treat you differently when your sexual market value is higher
Yes. Word got around my group of friends and people who knew them that I got rich during the 2017 crypto bull run. Girls have asked me out when before that wouldn't happen. It depresses the fuck out of me. I'm not a person who wants to go to Thailand and fuck prostitutes, I don't care about money that much at all, I just wanted enough to live a simple life and that's what I do. To see girls suddenly seem attracted to me because they think I'm a "success", whatever the fuck that means, is awful, I'm the same lazy guy I was three years ago, I just knew when to click "buy" and when to click "sell"....
>Every one of your ex gfs will contact you and try to be friendly
Thanks for the heads-up user, always wanted a reason to tell the cunt to fuck off
>Girls have asked me out when before that wouldn't happen. It depresses the fuck out of me.
You'd surely rather have that than not have it though
these hoes will never know
I never would have believed it until it happened to me. It was a weird feeling. Every one of them hit me up within the same few months and wanted to see me after they heard I was doing well. Even if they have a bf they will want to spend time around you. It's actually a depressing realization as I didn't think they were materialistic types.
"Men are romantics posing as realists, and women are realists posing as romantics"
Females have things they want out of their man and they are not ashamed to pursue that. It's natural. It'd be best if you all dropped the whole "I'm going to get unconditional love from a woman who is not my mother" meme while you're young and just appreciate life for what it is: a complex web of conditional social dynamics.
>walk into bank with 50k bank draft
>milf teller has to get manager to approve it as deposit
>teller starts talking to qt teller
>qt teller comes up and makes small talk
That's the plan. I'm back on my diet to. I got a porn problem that's led to ED so now I gotta go no fap for a few months so I can get rock hard again. I'm a mess
Nice cope roastie
>t's actually a depressing realization as I didn't think they were materialistic types.
Mine posed herself as the shy innocent girl, but turned out to be a bipolar whore. The first and only girl that I ever loved.
Anything more on how they approached you? Did they just type shit like "Oh user we didn't talk in ages, what's going on?!"
Now when I think about all the shit that happened, I'm not in this for the money, to flaunt wealth and buy shit that I don't need or what not.
I just want to do something right once in my life
show bob
I'm not a roastie, I've already been through the anger phase and am firmly in the damage control/mitigation phase. My gf drives me crazy in some ways but she gives me things and I give her things and it's mainly a matter of keeping her under control.
What are you going to do, stop talking to girls because they're materialistic/superficial/demanding? No you're not, and considering this a Jow Forums board I'm guessing a lot of guys on here wanted to make it precisely so they could draw more chicks into their honey pot, no point in whining about the fact.
Pretty much yeah "user I've been thinking about you? How have you been? We should get coffee some time! When are you in town? Actually turns out I'm going to be in your town! (drives 5 hours out of the way to see me)" I just want to have a peaceful life and not have insane vampire bitches around me.
>what are you going to do, stop talking to girls?
Where the fuck do you think you are?
Yes, I bought a Mercedes and it worked, dated multiple roasties and now have gf
nice bro ive been dreaming of buying a mercedes for my next car
>won't get a women like that
>like that
lol go outside incel she ain't special
source on milk chan pls
I don't know what combination of races the type of girl in OP is, but girls that have this golden complexion are usually hot enough to racemix for, holy shit.
user, who is this?
That is shopped
Imagine you make it and none of it happens.
I duno but I’m pretty sure she is legit extra milky
She half pajeet, other half I assume European
>salt dating
There's even an app for it, I forget the name. Read about it in an article on how to pull it off, found it through some thot screeching about how abusive it is on Twitter
...sometimes we do that to make sure you don't flip a table and take the money we loan at a 1:10 ratio to others.
t. former bank teller cuck
she got nice milkers, but it's obvious she's a needy high maintenance bitch. good for a pump n dump no doubt, but not suitable for long term.
I'm broke as shit, tens of thousands in debt, antisocial, want to quit my current job, show disinterest towards women mainly due to my own internal problems and I still get attention from women.
eyebrows are a deal breaker
Realizing your status symbols are what women find attractive and not you is quite the redpilled.
Advice to anyonewhonhaant realized this yet.
Even after you are in a relationship, even married, you still have to maintain high status appearance or her “love” and attraction will fade.
Lots of men get dumped orndivorced after losing a job.
If you enter the relationship driving a Mercedes and later decide you want a Honda, the females attraction will decline, even if she knows you for year, material things influence their attraction and feelings. They can’t help it. It’s like reverse of coming into money. Where women come out of the woods if you display certain status symbols, if you have a woman and stop showing status they flee, even if nothing about you changes.
Men, you must always be on your game no matter how long you’ve been dating or married.
Men, you can never rest. You have to be ambitious and at least put on the appearance of high status or wealth to keep a woman’s interest.
By this same mechanism you could also be broke and in debt but drive a luxury car, groomed and good clothes women will be attracted. They can’t control this.
money? no
position? yes
literally like anyone else
Whore telling men to appreciate women for being shallow gold digging whores. Kek kys.
If a girl is any of thse things I will move on to the next one. Not all women are complete cunts. My mission is to find the least whorish girl and wife them
Same here man. I know these feels. Also going from lean and getting attention from women to porn addicted fatass with ED. Good luck.
She’s right anons. She’s telling you how it is. Women can’t control their attraction. You can turn them on or off by changing your car and clothes. Their like programmed robots. Learn it. It will make your life easier because at least you will understand some of their behavior.
Input: status
output: horny
Input: average
Output: repulsed
oh shit i never thought of it that way. lol just spend less then we can tax less. thanks donald
>least whorish girl
plenty of prudish religious girls here in the midwest. problem is they expect you to constantly go to church with them and as someone who grew up in that environment, lemme tell ya.. give me a blue pilled feminazi fun-in-the-sack slut any day of the week.
If Jow Forums wants hot chicks who are smart, motivated and not driven completely by their yonis 2 weeks out of a moon cycle, then the only place you'll find such a woman working for an intelligence agenciy who wont disclose what she actually does for a living whilst you believe she is giving matb lectures across the globe.