tell it to your blog you fucking faggot
This is the most potent chainlink FUD
Sounds spergy as fuck. Bullish
Does this guy just collect mental illnesses on a point card or what
Who can go into a psychiatrists office and not have all that shit? No one. Most people just realize it's the struggle of modern life, not WAH FEEL BAD FOR ME MENTAL HEALTH
an autistic neet being an autistic neet
none of these problems existed until psychiatrists created them and started telling people they have them.
What was his fud I forget already
Pretty much true, except that some people actually have those things to the point that it's an actual mental illness. If he really had all those things and wasn't just going to a meme psychiatrist, he wouldn't even be able to function enough to use twitter
kek its incredible a group of autismos are truly the ones leading defi and overthrowing the kikes
The man accomplishes a lot and has to mediate an entire quorum of developers who are building one of the most important software systems of all time. I think it's incredible that he's able to be such an asset despite his mental health issues. Imagine what he's going to be like when he gets better.
breaking news: fuck node pool (literally who?)
Probably put on some crazy drug cocktail and be a tranny in a year
This. What's even more retarded is that getting diagnosed just makes you worry about that shit even more. Psychiatry is not a real job.
I don't understand this thing. Could a first-worlder explain this to me? In my country people would laugh if you said anxiety is a mental disease. It's like feeling happy, sad, or tired is a disease.
>peaque soi
Millenials love to brag and one up each other on their mental illness points. It's pretty sickening. Not to mention most of that shit comes from their awful diet since they've been scared off eating meat.
Sure just eat a bunch of sugar and don't exercise and that's what it feels like to have anxiety.
it's a fucking meme, it's people with bullshit irrational made up problems. these people have anxiety over anything and everything that everyone else themselves has to deal with, they're the people who would have just died thousands of years ago and had their shit genes eradicated from the gene pool.
Bullish as fuck.
Just bought 100k more.
Depends on your psychological model. Everyone experiences anxiety. It's a way to show you what to draw your attention to. It can be overbearing if you weren't given a good development environment. The truth is anxiety is simply the fear of loss of love or loss of someone else's good opinion of you. That is why everyone has a bit of anxiety around their love interests, giving presentations, before making a big decisions (though not all of them have to apply to you). A person "diagnosed" with anxiety means they have too strong a reaction to these things, and therapy is there to make one realize what the anxiety is actually related to. When you can figure out why you experienced a rush of anxiety, you can then direct your attention to solving the problem at hand (getting better at presenting, romance, etc.). People with anxiety problems experience anxiety so strongly they don't know what the warning is about, so it just attaches to anything after that, and inhibits their ability to take any action because they don't know exactly know what to take action about. In therapy you go over your developmental past to figure out what causes these reactions so then you can guess better what action to take.
OP here. I largely agree that psychiatry is a meme but I've wrestled a bit with my mental health too– OCD especially can be really debilitating. My issue with these tweets is that this is embarrassing personal information. Why is one of the advisors to a catalyst behind the 4IR tweeting this shit out? Can you imagine Nick Szabo, for example, making a pathetic fucking post like this? What an actual fucking retard.
>hit genes eradicated from the gene pool.
except he's literally building Ethereum and you are posting on Jow Forums.
he's a fucking community organizer or some shit.
>he doesn't understand decentralized governance
shit is the main reason ethereum is what it is, you fool.
Sirs, pls stop hatin on fudson cukson he got problems already. Sirs, his wife very cheatin on him, pls have understandings for him.
a thousand years ago he could maybe have been a scientist if he were born rich. there wasn't much need for autism back then
another Jow Forums sperg who thinks he understands how natural selection actually works
>if he were born rich
Isn't it funny how when people of all classes have better access to resources, society as a whole is better? Really makes you think. You can be genetically blessed but developmentally fucked, even if you're rich.
It's just a chemical imbalance producing too severe of a flight response. Literally take a beta blocker and it's gone
This. will aboslutely fuck your life up if you don't have a strong network of friends and family to drag you out and keep you involved in things requiring committment. I lost years of my life to the locusts after getting a depression diagnosis that turned out to be an ADHD one instead. Fortunately it can be manageable if you know what you're dealing with. It's still very difficult to socialize, though, because your mind always thinks you need to be at some place or some level of being, and if you feel behind in life, it'll drive you crazy.
You take the beta blocker to be able to think clearly about why it happened you mongoloid. it isn't a magic pill. If that were the case you could just take the medication and the added therapy process wouldn't be needed.
>clinically mentally ill
every time
>slyly assuming the therapy procress is needed
based kike
how's your life going, you sound really self aware and able to understand other people really well, you racist pig
>modern psychiatry is just drug pushing from the jews
>the added therapy process is just extra shit pushed by the jews
literally go see a psychologist
fuck off back to your bluecheck safe spaces hudson you insufferable fat fuck
go read a book you uneducated and insufferable poor-excuse for a man
Did you just assume my gender?
We would have gotten to 2 dollars back in May if this faggot hadn't claimed that main net didn't exist
wait, he's a furry?!?!?!?!?!
>decries bluecheck safe spaces
>asks me if I assumed a gender
you are so self-contradictory, no wonder your life is in shambles. get yourself together you baby man. How much LINK do you have?
imagine POSTING THAT PUBLICALLY holy shit this guy is so brainwashed, unironically feel bad for him
i have a developmental disorder and a personality disorder. The origins are mostly genetic but the personality disorder may have had some environmental factors.
I didn't discover I had them until I was in my mid-late twenties. it's not about bragging, it's about being confused my whole life and finally it all makes sense why I didn't fit in.
I've always eaten plenty of meat, and I eat healthier than my peers.
I don't have anxiety, but after one of my shitcoins collapsed another 80% after falling 70%, I had what I later discovered was a panic attack. I didn't realize what it was, and never had one after that. But I do have friends who say they experience this regularly, because of their anxiety disorder.
Psychology is real, despite what narcissistic edgelords on Jow Forums believe.
This. If you have depression or anxiety, telling the world about it isn't going to help. Its just going to make you feel retarded after the fact and thus more anxious or depressed. Protect your ego and never expose your faults and vulnerabilities to the world. Save that shit for your family if you need to tell somebody.
that's the joke you fucking brainlet
you have to go back
I'm one level above that shut up kek
>didn't notice my subtle link shilling
I always feel like I'm supposed to be doing something else. Whether I'm with a girl in a romantic setting or whatever. I never feel present. I always feel anxious about not doing something. But I don't know what that something is. I have ADHD but always thought this feeling was depression/anxiety related.
Just take acid instead. Its like $10 per tab and you can do it in the comfort and privacy of your own home.
how many of you actually solved your psychological issues or are even aware of them? fuck this board I'm an OG linker why am I even here I already fucking made it
for the small minority of people who read this and take it seriously: there is nothing that is genetic or developmental that cannot be overcome with conscious thought and being honest about yourself to a trained therapist. Develop a relationship with your therapist, learn to trust them, tell them about your reactions TO THEM. Don't focus on your past so much. FOCUS ON THE NOW. Are you getting mad at your therapist? Why? Bring these answers to them and they will help you immensely.
Good luck.
The usage of the phrase "mental disease" is different clinically than what pop-culture uses it for.
Clinically psychological "diseases" is just a catch phrase to denote a particular mental behavioral pattern that is in some way having a negative affect on the persons functioning and then you check that pattern against the different methods of treating it that has been developed. It's just a way to organize mental patterns according to order/disorder or function/disfunction and how to manipulate them.
Pop-culture uses the phrase to denote it the same way as physical diseases, like catching a cold, because it robs them of responsibility of making a conscious effort to work through it yourself- which is often possible. Nearly all psychological treatment is ways to manipulate the mind to accept something it always had the potential to do itself, it just that people are idiots and don't understand how their own minds work, so a professional trained in these patterns learn a bit of the patient and then takes the reins and guide them through it according to whatever method seems most appropriate for that individual.
Greatst summary.
this actually good news for link
holy shit
SEO you retarded fucking faggot
don't fall for jewish pity-party scams