You did it, Quanties. Congratulations. t. Linkie. See you in the top 5

You did it, Quanties. Congratulations. t. Linkie. See you in the top 5.

Attached: qnt top 100.jpg (1345x387, 143K)

Why can't LINK pump like that?
We're the cucks of crypto...

because it has 1 billion supply

Maybe because the deluded mental patients on here can't stop fudding so muh Reddit doesn't get rich

i wouldn't mind a nice 10x

Uh... are you new? It quadrupled within a couple weeks.

Fuck this shit. I'm all in Quant. I'm tired of 2 years of Chainstink stockholm syndrome.

I fomo'd in hard at $5. Thanks to the anons who convinced me it will never go under that price again.

We did 10x in a bear market.... We will be in the top 10 very soon

NDAs and white label partnerships

you need to go back