Addicted to leveraged link positions

anyfren else /addicted/

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why don't you show the size instead of being a pussy about it?

I don't know how to leverage my LINK
And I'm not going to either because I'm not a degenerate gambler

is this bait or are you literally retarded?

me too fren, me too

Attached: addicted.png (1006x204, 10K)

I got liquidated on nuo network. How the fuck have you fags not when we've been bleeding sats? You can't trade against USD only vits

Hahaha you got pajeeted. Sucks for you, gay boy.

he's probably retarded

How much LINK can one make doing this with a 9K stack?

fuck you fren, you've got my jimmies rustled into adding more reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
god bless

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also, burner e-mail?

all the actual positions are whited out
i'm guessing you never used nuo

and the fucking VOLUME is listed unadultered front and fucking center fuckwad
if you're asking which direction that volume is betting on, take a wild fucking guess nu/no-linker

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yeah I guess you're just not thinking this through
no one on biz wants anyone to be able to easily figure out what their ethereum addresses are.

you sound educated on the platform fren
do tell your experiences

pls explain what's that fren

Where can I leverage my stink?

no spoonfeeding


Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-24 Nuo - Lend and Borrow Cryptocurrency(1).png (1686x117, 10K)

link is love

Attached: Untitled.png (898x96, 5K)

all dat whiteout
all dat cope

larp more faggot

i assume you're a fellow marine?
where is this hate coming from
you know everything but identifiable specifics
is this /deepFUD/ d0x campaign or...??

you called me a nolinker when you're obviously inspect elementing your shit

no such thing as 6x leverage on nuo bruv

show actual position size and profits or fuck off

Can any legit expert traders tell me if OP is the real deal or if he's just B8ing for (you's)

>no such thing as 6x leverage on nuo bruv
i trust you haven't let a LINK collateralized position accrue substantial gain
this thread is meant to be imformative to to young bloods
you're not being particularly welcoming for someone subcontiously looking to learn
(which i respect, despite your faggotry)

what's leverage frens pls

stop with the fucking whiteout pussy
>n-no i can't hackers will find muh public key

naturally low IQ of you
deleting thread now

>Imagine trusting this pajeet exchange that gets their price from another 2 pajeet exchanges

That’s why it’s so risky. Even if LINK pumps, nothing guarantees ETH won’t too and you’re fucked.

every trade posted ITT is against DAI. You can do link/eth or link/dai. I've made quite a few trades there and have never had trouble like the reddit post describes. It's a lot clunkier than something like bitmex though and a lot of times their smartcontract doesn't have gas in it so you can't close your position. Also you can do limit orders so you really gotta monitor it.

Also OP is a brainlet who doesn't no how to delete his thread full of his fake ass trades.

seething ;)

What exchange is that?

how is it even possible to margin trade a low liquidity shitcoin like link
what exchange is this?

Shit. Didn't know you could leverage with DAI. This makes things interesting.