>tfw 4
Can I still profit from this or am I a certified NPC?
>"Imagine a red star"
>Imagines a grey star
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Some people struggle to hold vivid images in their minds. Grey is the absolute best he could, firing on all cylinders.
No number here represents a red giant
What a gay test, what retard made this, was it you OP?
Orange man bad :^|
>"Imagine a red star"
>Fuck you trying to tell me what to do I'll imagine a grey star
>Imagine grey star
>Throw a pink one in there just for fun
>Scroll down
Huh? I thought of 6 because I looked at the bottom of the picture with a red star and a 6. Am I missing something here?
What am I missing here? How could one imagine anything other than 6?
NPCs can't see anything when they close their eyes, except at best dim shades
If you can't see 6 you're probably a wagie
I can see it in my mind, feels like some multidimensional shit. But I cannot render a sharp image at will when I close my eyes
This is exactly how it feels for me it’s like two different programs running at the same time or some shit
same here desu
i can see a red star as an abstract idea or something but i cant just close my eyes and see it
I see number 6 like any normal person, but I'm not great at visualizing at all and it has this kind of "flickering" quality to it, even though it's quite vivid when it's there it kind of flashes in and out of existence really rapidly
that's because thoughts live in your brain not your eyes. op is baiting
No when I was younger I could see vivid pictures in my mind. Years of drugs and alcohol have removed that ability m’lady
none of these stars even close
>Close your eyes and imagine a red star
>Close my eyes
>Start imagining a fucking tree
What did my mind mean by this?
this just means you need to take 5g dried psylocibin cubensis in the dark alone
You think outside the box brah, you're gonna make it
>tree grows a dick
What if i can imagine a red star easier when my eyes are open?
what does that make me?
tfw that's not even what real stars are
tfw stars eat hydrogen
tfw space is water
disgusting sub 140 iq brainlets
Based and realpilled.
It means you are either
>watching a sunset
>Looking at a Japanese flag
When I imagine things it doesn't appear in front of my eyes but "inside" my brain if that makes any sense and it is like a #D autocad drawing or some shit
I read imagine a red star and saw 6 without closing my eyes. When I closed my eyes I saw myself sitting in my chair with my eyes closed.
why would you show the 'answers' in the same pic? i saw them and now I can imagine any of them at will but I don't know what I would have imagined initially have I not seen them ffs retarded scum kys niggers america was a mistake
uh oh
I'm in an brightly lit office where everything is white wageslaving away.
I think I just daydream too much and got better at it with my eyes open.
Did it.
Fattest 6 ever.
Sorry that some of you can't even picture a hot bitch while you're touching yourselves.
Not only you won't ever get one but you can't even imagine it.
Damn. No wonder you horny faggots jerked off all day in the shower if you could picture tiddies at will.
>Sorry that some of you can't even picture a hot bitch while you're touching yourselves.
kek I never thought of it that way, but that has to be a huge downside of having aphantasia.
This has to be some psyop tier shit. If you can close your eyes and literally summon indistinguishable-from-reality images at will, you're either a meditation master, lucid dreaming, or psychotic.
inb4 >t.npc
nice bait
i'm not gonna honor you explaining how you are pretending to an npc getting triggered by this
to be*
The first time I saw this sort of thing it baffled me. How could you not have an inner monologue - its so ingrained with how I live that everyone has it. right?
Nope. Not only no inner monologue but no visualisation like this.
What happens if you try to imagine a grey star?
>Imagines a grey star
>What the fuck is wrong with you?
lol right?
wtf is going on here
This makes no sense. You just see black when you close your eyes. Imagining something isn't the same as seeing an image of it.
This, honestly. Who the fuck pictures a pentagram when they're told to think of a red star?
You look with your mind's eye. Obviously your physical eyes see black but your conceptual eye sees any color you want.
you can't picture a red star when you want to?
>tfw coming up with a bad ass bounty hunter story in a star wars inspired universe while attempting to go to bed at night
>mostly revolves around "force" powered automatons
>could fill a book for how long it is and could recite it from the start
>basically a fully visualized movie
>all in my head
Maybe OP is colorblind?
I actually fantasize I am a teacher on an all female high school with all the girls that went to mine and that they are my harem. Fully visuallized 4k detail ofc.
t. unironical incel 28yo KHV
Hold the fuck on
You mean to tell me that not everyone can picture an object in their head, with their eyes closed? This isn't a joke?
Lmao this is awesome
Firing 100% of my brain I can get a fuzzy 6, never been able to make myself see shit before
This is a low grade npc test. It's better to test these two:
1. Imagine an endless wall of one color, without any shades in front of you. How large is that area and where do the shades or other irregularities appear?
2. Imagine your friends/relativesrelative face as a whole. Not just eyes or mouth or nose, but his/her full face in front of you as clearly as possible.
Do you guyz see things you imagine?
I just thought to myself "red star, ok, i get it".
Why would you actually think of a physical object? Rhats what monkeys do. Think in words instead, lel
If someone tells you to picture a red star in your head, and the only thing you visualize is the words "red star" instead of actually visualizing an imaginary star, youre a fucking brainlet.
Reminds me of that meme floating around here where the african kids are trying to figure out on a chalkboard what 2+2= and the kid draws a picture of a hand with 4 fingers up
Fuck /pol
>he's unironically a 1
Holy shit, imagine being this unimaginative. Literal NPC. For me my visions are like way behind just a 6. And yeah I can sit for hours and imagine women nude. I can see a woman and literally fucking undress her in my mind with realistic graphics/physics etc, it's amazing. The mind is fucking amazing.
>tfw watch custom made porno's in my head at night
>no inner monolouge
>no ability to see with minds eye.
Feels good man.
Honestly no inner monologue and no visualizations like this is scary. Are NPC's who can't do this even human. I remember the first time I encountered another user who said he had no inner monologue, it was brought up in a group of friends and he had no idea what we were talking about, and I was stunned when I realized his internals worked completely differently to us.
Like are they just soulless robots, are all their thoughts completely aloud? Is their experience of life so passive it's like watching a television show through a pair of eyes whenever they aren't actively engaging in life? Fucking sub humans man.
He thought the NPC meme was a meme
Kek and Based.
I do the same thing except my Star Wars movie is about a Sith gunslinger hunting down Jedi fags during Order 66. It's a full trilogy by this point.
>only 4k
Kek mine's in 8K, 144fps and fully 3D. Still based fantasy though. Guys like us are the true masters of the universe, it's a shame we have to live among the plebs.
The story I mentioned happened in 2012, I've known it's not a meme for a while now. Still scary to consider that most people on the planet are like this though.
Idk, dude.
I craft some things from time to time, some of them are purely decoratif, and I often do them without reference.
But I have never seen something in my imagination. It is just descriptions or ideas. Like, this thing needs a flat belly, I understand what it is without visualizing.
You have words to describe the world in, why would you think in images. That is literally animal tier.
What the fuck is this shit?
For reference I imagined a burning star of david
Is this not normal? I thought everyone could imagine themselves fucking anything conjured up in their mind? Although I'm much more degenerate and imagine myself fucking pokemon
Your works will just be derivative then if you base them off of worded descriptions. For truly unique original images/artworks you need to think in images.
The way to develope an inner monologue and visualization is through reading and composition. It doesn't take much. This is developed early on in childhood development. I imagine that if the time for this to happen is somehow skipped such as learning to speak has to happen before a certain age, then it never can develope.
Has anyone else's imagination gotten worse as they've grown older? I distinctly remember in gradeschool and highschool that I would always spend at least an hour cunstructing vivid scenes in my mind's eye before falling asleep, but I've realized I haven't done that in years, and am struggling to get past 4 on this test. Is NPC programming overriding my autonomy? Have I been an NPC all along with a realistic "backstory" programmed in to make me a convincing player character larp? Is imaginative degradation correlated with alcohol or cannabis use, or simply frontal lobe development from growing up? Is imagination a use it or lose it phenomenon that can be trained or something innate and static?
kek yeah wtf there can't possibly be people who can't imagine like . refuse to believe it. i'd have to go back to porn
It is apparently an ability locked off to most "humans". I think we are falling for the Dunning Kruger effect, but not the usual, we are smart/creative and have this ability, and think that everyone just naturally is on our level and can do and understand this type of thought, but we are wrong. We are so far above the level of normies and NPC's to a point that it's almost scary.
Any of you anons enjoy sitting in bed at night and imagining yourself in your own personal fantasy adventures like a complete autist? I know I do and it's always been comfy as fuck, although I do it less now that I'm older.
I have a pretty active inner monologue, but I can't visualize anything at all with my mind's eye. What does this mean
I'd like to see this researched. A always daydreamed in school and people called me a stoner and said I looked like I was permanently high/stoned. But I was a poorfag and would rather spend my money on vidya than drugs. So I never actually did weed until I was like 22 and a roommate let me smoke his bong once. It was amazing, but I've never done it since. I've always had these vivid imaginations in my head with no need to ever use drugs at all, but now that I am on the cusp of making it with Link, and my younger brother is getting massively into drugs and wants me to smoke weed with him, I am worried if that would cause too much reliance on drugs to have such a vivid imagination. I like being able to be stoned while sober as my school friends teased me about.
I guess it also might be a maturing thing, or a use it or lose it, I don't know but it sounds realistic enough of an explanation.
Visualizing an image is ok, for entry level.
The real test is imagining a taste.
I just see the inside of my eyelids I can't close my eyes and project an image on them.
Yeah this stuff is difficult for some people including me. The cool part is, this ability can be trained through visualisation.
I do it literally every night before bed. Sometimes fantasy adventures, sometimes full sexual fantasies depending on how I am feeling. I usually fall asleep mid story, but sometimes if they are really engaging they keep me up for hours before I fall asleep (some of these fantasties get so complex I've written story notes about them and hope to one day turn them into a film, not even joking). I also occasionally have fucking wild dreams with amazing imagery I've never before seen in real life and when I woke up I was stunned at the imagery my mind came up with, still have the visions in my head, look like they were out of an arthouse movie. I had a dream about this whole devil/apocalypse scenario, and it played out like a movie, and there was this figure of a guy in a small boat floating down a river, and there was this silhouetted dark figure floating in the air directly above the boat, tethered to it spiritually like some sort of spooky omen/demon thingy. I dunno what it meant but it scared the shit out of in the dream and I still remember it. Also a funny scenario, I was dreaming that I was watching movies with a friend, and this film came on by a director I disliked, and I was shitting on his cinematography and my friend was defending it, and I just thought it was meh as fuck, but then I had to admit some of it looked pretty good. Then I woke up and realized the friend, the director and the film didn't exist and I made the whole thing up and I was dreaming about criticizing my own subconscious creations, and the director of the made up film I hated was actually me, but when I woke up I thought the film in my dream looked pretty cool.
It feels so fucking good having been born with a good mind and being able to do this stuff. I'm literally never bored. Creatives are the true master race.
that's easy too. is everyone on this board unironically retarded
>imagine a red star
I have this really intricate sci fi universe with about 20 different species and hundreds of factions. Whenever I can't sleep I roleplay as different characters in the universe. I have to keep a notebook to keep track of all the events and such, it's probably the most autistic thing I do.
Based. When you make it with Link (hopefully you are all in) should you make an RPG or something about your setting.
My imagination used to be more visual when I was younger, like 10-15 years old I was very visually imaginative.
Now I’m much more verbal and conceptual internally, instead of thinking primarily in images I have a more unconstrained and higher order thought process, if that makes sense
I can still switch to a fully visual mode, but for most of the things I’m interested in, a conceptual mode of thinking is better
I am the same, I have caught shit all my life for staring into space because I daydream a lot and somehow daydreaming is different. I don't know why I can't see anything when I close my eyes.
I have bipolar disorder and other mental health stuff but this has happened since before I took all the medicine. Are you like this as well?
Thanks bro hopefully link will get me there one day. I'd like to write a story or something set in the universe but I don't know if it would actually translate from my imagination into something actually understandable. I've only ever made brief notes about various important events and time periods so I can keep track of everything never any proper story telling
Sounds like you have put all the effort into creating a fantastic setting, so that you can fit stories within your setting. I honestly think setting creators are underrated as fuck. A lot of creatives get caught up in their story or who their main character is, but putting all the effort into the world and setting, so that the story just naturally flows out of it easily is the best way in my opinion. I try to do this as well when brain storming.
Maybe you don't need a story to sell your idea. Maybe make it into a tabletop RPG like Warhammer 40k or something. And just write down all your important universe events (I think this is really cool, honestly universes with a proper timeline seperated by major events and has different "eras" is cool as fuck) and factions and all that and then try to get rulebooks and all that published. Or maybe you could join some RPG company as a "scenario designer" (it's a real job), and create a world, rulebook and lore and basic events setup for some new CRPG game, and other writers will deal with the characters, dialog etc.
Honestly one of the reasons I want Link to take off so much is I know a whole bunch of Linkies are creative guys like you and me, and there are a lot of cool game/vidya/anime/film ideas basically relying on Link too take off in order to be made. There was another user here last year who wanted to get into animation, and has a friend and contacts already in the animation industry and wants to fund and produce his own Anime series with his Linkie gains. There is also a Linkie on /tv/ who wants to make movies. Link honestly needs to moon just for stuff like this. Imagine how many cool video games could be made by passionate Linkie devs pouring their soul into dream projects we can get out of Link mooning. No lootboxes or other crap to ruin the experience, just pure soul.
A picture is worth a thousand words. All the greatest minds in history have had a high spatial reasoning ability. You are not going to convince anyone here that thinking purely in words is efficient or "smart."
Yeah. I've made the setting vast enough that pretty much any story could fit into it somewhere. The time between the first major event I've recorded and the latest one is about 50000 years so there's enough time that pretty much everything except the major geography, species and a few huge factions can be radically different.
There are millennia were the universe is really like 40K with pretty much every planet being a cog in the machine of massive warring factions while there are also periods of galactic peace and discovery that have a more star trek like setting.
I've been wanting to find a way to bring in more cosmic horror elements and have some kind of malignant force that is constantly present throughout the whole setting but I don't want to make things overly restrictive. I like being able to make up any kind of story I want in the universe.
If the Link dream becomes true I would definitely try to make something of the setting but I would probably need help from other people to make everything more coherent. A rulebook though actually sounds like a great idea and I have tried before to write a story set during one of the six major galactic wars.
Let's hope our link dreams become true friend.
Do you guys have any tricks to improve your visualization? I actually haven't done it that much since I was about 22. I went into the military to go die for isreal but wound up in their medical facility instead before getting kicked out. Basically it messed with my mind because we did literally nothing all day for 16 hours weeks on end.
Is there any way to improve your ability to form your mental world? I usually take things that I already know about and insert them out of laziness.
Have to go to bed to wagecuck but I'll be reading responses when I wake up thank you anons. I miss doing this, feels like I lost a piece of myself over the years
Fuck this sounds epic in scope. When you make it make sure you hire a concept artists and go wild with the vivid descriptions to him. Cool art really helps sell the setting and you need tons of unique and interesting designs to go along with your lore. So many potentially great sci fi settings get bogged down/held back with generic art. The art/designs are the hook that draws people in, then the cool/interesting lore is what keeps them.
But a 50k year spanning timeline is pretty insane though, with multiple wars and hundreds of factions. Sounds fucking baller. Cosmic horror is pretty cool too, especially when mixed with space. I've only read a bit of lovecraft and played some of the games but it's a pretty good setting. But the idea of spare faring aliens, not a technological race, but almost like space fauna that live in no atmospheric zone, and can prey on ships and stuff is fucking great. I've actually got 2 ideas, one for a game, and one for a film that delves with this concept in the works right now. I need to quit being lazy and turn them into proper scripts/pitch documents already though instead of just being detailed story notes. By the way, what is your opinion on the early drafts for Alien 3 with the wooden planet?
But yeah I go for the rulebook/sourcebook, we've got to do something in the meantime waiting for Link to moon.
I have so much regret
Wow this makes me feel better about dropping out. I was in basic years back, but didn't like getting told what to do by fucking retards and wasting time doing pointless garbage, so I decided it wasn't for me. I spent half my days just daydreaming and not paying attention anyways. So they really try to stamp that out of you and make you become a zombie. Scary. Glad I didn't join now.
Anyways in regards to your questions I am not sure. Maybe just spend more time attempting it. I know for me getting in bed and turning the lights off for bed actually causes my mind to wake up with all these ideas. So maybe sensory deprivation can help to reengage your mind, maybe just turn the lights off and close your eyes and lay down on a sofa/bed for a while. Also for a personal thing, taking walks helps me, I dunno what it is, but I can think so well when I am walking.
>ITT NEETs who think having an active imagination makes them superior and not simply suggestible robots
fucking kek
Not him but yes. Also a one. The funny thing is I write scifi novels.
The first one is pretty hard desu, probably because it's an abstract idea and I've never seen an infinite monochrome wall. The second one should be easy if you're not faceblind.
2. Anyone that says 3, 4, or 5 is not human.
Having an inner monologue and being good at imagining stuff are two different things
That, and people suck at evaluating their ability to imagine shit. They don't realize they don't actually have anything in mind until they're asked to draw it.
i'm stuck on 5 because i'm explicitly trying NOT to replicate 5 rather than make 6 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
NPCs have no inner monologue, thinking in pictures is literal brainlet tier
Personally I don't have an inner monologue representing my own thoughts. I do, however, represent the structure of my thoughts in a visuospatial way where different aspects of the structures like colour, shapes, junctures, spatial relations, etc represent different things like feelings, attitudes, logic, magnitudes, and so on.
I'm 100% sure this makes me more widely conscious of what my own thoughts and feelings are than people who are primarily conscious via inner monologue, because language is far too restricted to represent these things, and especially concisely. It is also highly bottlenecked by the words you know and the grammar you use, and thus your literal conscious thought process is limited by the culture your language comes from in addition to the lackings of language itself.
Of course, you don't "only" use language in consciousness, or else you wouldn't really be very self-aware at all. There are other things there but they are likely a bit more peripheral in your awareness.
I have known people who represent thoughts in other ways. One especially interesting person with a ridiculously high IQ described that she represented thoughts in forms of inertia, gravity, gradients, fluctuations in some mishmash. I never really fully understood. And I don't think people who are primarily aware via monologue will fully understand what I'm talking about either. After all, we are communicating to each other through an extremely representation limited medium. Via language, english.