I have no degree...

I have no degree, no HS degree (I was kicked out of the house by adoptive parents during exam season) no money for a degree and no job (nobody wants to hire a 23 year old loser with no experience) no trade school wants me and I can’t rely on anyone to loan money as I have no relatives as far as I know of. What plan would be good for me to pursue? I belong to the class what you would call “precariat” I guess. I am asking because as I said no trade school wants me and they said this today to me. I suffer from mental illnesses too because I am living like a retarded hobo for most of my life but that’s only relevant to let you know I cannot get an A level diploma right now and pursue engineering or something like that.

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Join the army

You could fart on the street for a living. Make a performance out of it. You'll become an internet sensation and will make thousands a month on youtube.

>I belong to the class what you would call “precariat” I guess.
Are you a Marxist?

start off washing dishes, anybody will hire you anywhere. its the easiest job to get hired for felons etc. learn ur way through the kitchen become cook chef manager ceo $$$
army has requirements that he probs wont cut

McDonalds and Ethereum

join the military

Due to your mental illness, you should find an organization with a religious background like the Salvation Army or find a local Mosque and ask them what you can do for work. Get a gym membership so you have somewhere to shower and look as presentable as you can. Once you get a gig, show up regularly and on time and, if possible, without being weird let people know that you’re looking for somewhere to rent. Always position yourself as someone that’s trying to better their life instead of someone who is down and out, even if you feel like that.

Sounds like you make never ending excuses for your own failures and poor life decisions. Unironically clean your room and start acting like a man.

Get a student loan if you want to go to school, but let me guess, muh Jews. I highly doubt any trade school said they didn't want you, they just want money. Need a high school diploma to get in? Then go fucking get one.

Do something, anything, or just kys.

This is very good advice thank you user.
I’ll try the salvation army thing. I made a friend that likes me out of pity and he lends me his gym membership card when nobody looks so I’m doing that already. But yes I can do something with this.
I guess I should have passed my high school classes when I wasn’t homeless but it was hard without having the books and with my 2 adoptive parents from literal hell. I don’t have a room so that’s not necessary, I do keep the places I stay in neat and tidy. I can’t go to trade school as I said, I went to an interview today. In fact in may and june alone I went to 5 trade school interviews and they all said the same thing. I can’t afford a full high school diploma right now but even if I prostituted to do that I won’t pass it because of circumstances. Don’t get me wrong though, I’ve met my kind everywhere and they all use drugs. I don’t have money for drugs though and I’m too autistic to take it. Anyways I will try asking the salvation army what I can do and I will also try getting a C level high school diploma to work my way up. Kys btw asshole.

Also forgot to add that tradeschool doesn’t want me because I’m just as old as the teachers and because I have no work experience. *

were you under 18 when your boomers kicked you out?
literally sue them for destroying your life you can easily win with a good lawyer who knows his shit and is out for some sick media attention

you already know what to do user, you grind until you make it. posting on this board isn't going to help you, you already knew that too.
for what it's worth, I was homeless at about the same age (I'm 33 now), had little work experience and no degree. I made it. it's a long slow climb, but you won't get there if you don't start. one foot in front of the other until you get there.

One day you will be old, user.

If you can stay drug free and show up on time you can hold a job. Just do those two things and grow from there.

What if you can do both of those well but you lose interest in a job after 6 months.

Most people aren’t interested in their job. Lots of people hate their job or are very bored every day.

Then you’ll be totally normal. Most people lose interest in their but realize they have a moral obligation to work and support themselves so they are not a burden on other people, on society, or on taxpayers.

If you can support yourself but choose not to then you are no better than a thief.

i'll just live off savings while i watch twitch tournaments and play video games and shit and stay up late as fuck and then rinse and repeat.

Get a GED and then do FPBP.
Else, do any of these jobs that want "No formal education".

>(nobody wants to hire a 23 year old loser with no experience
that's not true

>Also forgot to add that tradeschool doesn’t want me because I’m just as old as the teachers and because I have no work experience

I hope you just misinterpreted what they said. It is very unfortunate that they don't want to help someone trying to change, I empathize with what you're going through.

I did work at McDonald's for a while, it's hard but minimum wage jobs like that will take you. And if you get good at it, you'll eventually learn quite a bit about things like stock takings and inventory management.

Once again, I'm sorry. If Society doesn't work towards managing Ageism, I worry about a future of people who become disenfranchised.

%70 of US military age men don't meet the standards of the military. either from allowing their bodies to atrophy or from """"mental problems""""

Stormcloaks or Imperials?

ask your parents to buy you a cheap car to live in. work minimum wage live in your car and buy crypto