>Sen. Bernie Sanders unveiled a plan to cancel $1.6 trillion of student loan undergraduate and graduate debt for approximately 45 million people. His ambitious plan has no eligibility limitations and would be paid for with a new tax on Wall Street speculation.
I busted my ass at work and took risky investments so that I could pay off my $180k in student loans in under 2 years. Meanwhile, Katie will have her $200k student loans for a useless degree totally forgiven.
Even if he gets elected, this will never happen in a million years. Just like the wall.
Xavier Butler
Blake Thompson
>I busted my ass at work and took risky investments so that I could pay off my $180k in student loans in under 2 years. Meanwhile, Katie will have her $200k student loans for a useless degree totally forgiven. Sounds like if it was up to people like you, we'd never have cryptocurrency because older generations had to slum it with fiat so it "isn't fair" that there's maybe something better. Go to hell, boomer.
James Hernandez
and that's how you ruin financial discipline of a country.
Can't wait to see it.
Adam Wood
You made a poor decision and paid the consequences for it so now everyone has to go through the same stupid decision as yourself?
Oliver Morgan
I paid off almost half of my loans with crypto profits you poorfag.
Juan Barnes
That's not fair. I paid off my student loan before cryptocurrency took off, and you get to pay yours off because of some ridiculous ponzi scheme bubble? Who do you think you are?