You're seeking the wrong things, user. You're wasting your life away pursuing the addiction of money. You know its not what life is all about. You're missing out on true happiness. Just let it go. Let it go.
You're seeking the wrong things, user. You're wasting your life away pursuing the addiction of money...
Other urls found in this thread:
sorry jesus but you're gonna need to fuck off
oh my god jesus, i just was wondering that what i do with my life, but i try to make ikt with crypto and also get a girl so i can reproduce and get a wife and make money with crypto so i can provide food for my family.
Shutup jew
Then he who had received the one talent came and said, ‘Lord, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered seed. 25 And I was afraid, and went and hid your talent in the ground. Look, there you have what is yours.’
26 “But his lord answered and said to him, ‘You wicked and lazy servant, you knew that I reap where I have not sown, and gather where I have not scattered seed. 27 So you ought to have deposited my money with the bankers, and at my coming I would have received back my own with interest. 28 So take the talent from him, and give it to him who has ten talents.
29 ‘For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away. 30 And cast the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’
this, desu.
i also has to confess that im in love for that girl but im not sure if she is love in me, so please help with that, im working hard to make money in crypto so ican feed my family and maybe also get my own girl and family to feed on you know hwat i mean kkthxbye amen jesus
but grug want big moni for buy farm and raise many butifel chrilden with gruggette
STOP making money. START wearing turtlenecks and catching fish with your bare hands
If Jesus can miracle me down food and shelter, sure, I'll stop chasing money.
Just walk into a monastery if that's all you want, retard
>Just let it go.
>Let it go.
song related:
If it's getting harder to face every day
Don't let it show, don't let it show
Though it's getting harder to take what they say
Just let it go, just let it go
And if it hurts when they mention my name
Say you don't know me
And if it helps when they say I'm to blame
Say you don't own me
Even if it's taking the easy way out
Keep it inside of you
Don't give in, don't tell them anything
Don't let it,
Don't let it show
Even though you know it's the wrong thing to say
Say you don't care, say you don't care
Even if you want to believe there's a way
I won't be there, I won't be there
But if you smile when they mention my name
They'll never know you
And if you laugh when they say I'm to blame
They'll never own you
Even if you feel you've got nothing to hide
Keep it inside of you
Don't give in, don't tell them anything
Don't let it,
Don't let it show
>But if you smile when they mention my name
>They'll never know you
>And if you laugh when they say I'm to blame
>They'll never own you
>Even if you feel you've got nothing to hide
>Keep it inside of you
>Don't give in, don't tell them anything
>Don't let it,
>Don't let it show
shit dog, i just need 25k passive a year
fuck it i could do with 15k
in 2016 I made 14k for the whole year
>Don't give in, don't tell them anything
>Don't let it,
>Don't let it show
but then i'd be homeless. it is impossible to be alive without money. you're telling me to "let go" of heating, of food, of internet access, of my hobbies... you're asking me to become a homeless, frozen, starving tramp.
In a matter of a moment
Lost till the end of time
It's the evening of another day
And the end of mine
Now the starlight which has found me
Lost for a million years
Tries to linger as it fills my eyes
'Till it disappears
Could it be that somebody else is
Looking into my mind
Some other place
Some other time
Some other place
Some other time
Like a mirror held before me
Large as the sky is wide
And the image is reflected
Back to the other side
Could it be that somebody else is
Looking into my mind
Some other place
Some other time
>Now the starlight which has found me
>Lost for a million years
>Tries to linger as it fills my eyes
>'Till it disappears
>Could it be that somebody else is
>Looking into my mind
>Some other place
>Some other time
>Could it be that somebody else is
>Looking into my mind
>Some other place
>Some other time
I breakdown in the middle and lose my thread
No one can understand a word that I say
When I breakdown just a little and lose my head
Nothing I try to do can work the same way
Any time it happened, I'd get over it
With a little help from all my best friends
Anybody else could see what's wrong with me
But they walk away and just pretend
When I breakdown
I breakdown in the middle and lose my thread
No one can understand a word that I say
When I breakdown just a little and lose my head
Nothing I try to do can work the same way
Where are all the friends who used to talk to me?
All they ever told me was good news
People that I've never seen are kind to me
Is it any wonder I'm confused?
When I breakdown
When I breakdown
Take the wall away
(Freedom, freedom, we will not obey)
(Freedom, freedom, take the wall away)
Where are all my friends?
I'm so confused
Take the wall away
(Freedom, freedom)
Take the wall away
(Freedom, freedom)
Will somebody help me?
>Could it be that somebody else is
>Looking into my mind
>I breakdown in the middle and lose my thread
>No one can understand a word that I say
>When I breakdown just a little and lose my head
>Nothing I try to do can work the same way
sorry jesus but youre not going to save me from wageslavery
I'm married retard. And I would still have to work. "Ora et labora" after all.
A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry; but money answereth all things.-Solomon
>sorry jesus
I'm sorry we let you down user, it isn't easy but we're really really trying over here:
As far as my eyes can see
There are Shadows approaching me
And to those I left behind
I wanted you to Know
You've always shared my deepest thoughts
You follow where I go
And oh when I'm old and wise
Bitter words mean little to me
Autumn Winds will blow right through me
And someday in the mist of time
When they asked me if I knew you
I'd smile and say you were a friend of mine
And the sadness would be Lifted from my eyes
Oh when I'm old and wise
As far as my Eyes can see
There are shadows surrounding me
And to those I leave behind
I want you all to know
You've always Shared my darkest hours
I'll miss you when I go
And oh, when I'm old and wise
Heavy words that tossed and blew me
Like Autumn winds that will blow right through me
And someday in the mist of time
When they ask you if you knew me
Remember that You were a friend of mine
As the final curtain falls before my eyes
Oh when I'm Old and wise
As far as my eyes can see
>I want you all to know
>You've always Shared my darkest hours
>I'll miss you when I go
>And oh when I'm old and wise
>Bitter words mean little to me
>Autumn Winds will blow right through me
>And someday in the mist of time
>When they asked me if I knew you
>I'd smile and say you were a friend of mine
>And the sadness would be Lifted from my eyes
I want money to avoid suffering, i literally can live (not survive, live) with 200 usd a month, i don't need much, but im tired, im so tired that i just want the bare minimum to avoid dealing with any other human being
Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?
27 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?
28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
32(For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Who knew that Jesus was telling us to be NEETs and just speculate on crypto this whole time?
when will link hit $1000?
when can i retire?
when will we kick the jews out of the government?
>when will we kick the jews out of the government?
this song is for the criminals who are working feverishly to hide God's light and truth
If I had a mind to
I wouldn't wanna think like you
And if I had a time to
I wouldn't wanna talk to you
I don't care
What you do
I wouldn't want to be like you
If I was high class
I wouldn't need a buck to pass
And if I was a fall guy
I wouldn't need no alibi
I don't care
What you do
I wouldn't want to be like you
Back on the bottom line
Diggin' for a lousy dime
If I hit a mother lode
I'd cover anything that showed
I don't care
What you do
I wouldn't want to be like you
>im married
Fuck man, I envy you
marriage sucks
t. know several friends who went that route and they all hate their lives
Yes, I need money to reproduce and pass on the 140 IQ genes you gifted me with. I can't stand the thought of relying on gibs from the (((government))) to raise my children.
capital belongs to the LORD because people use it to better themselves and their community, the BEAST(government) thinks it has the right to own capital
render unto god what is god's(BTC) and render unto caesar what is caesar's(fiat)
If you trade your holy BTC for fiat instead of using it for good works you WILL be judged harshly by the LORD
They probably married thots. I'm catholic and I'd only marry a catholic woman. Can't go wrong with that
>They probably married thots
> I'd only marry a catholic woman
you motherfucker i bet some dumb low iq nigger will fall for this
I mean people who actually practice the faith, not boomers who only go to church for Easter or Christmas
Now this is the God I know. AMEN!
>muh not real catholics
your criteria basically falls into "she doesn't look like a thot" which unironically means she is a thot
>>muh not real catholics
Yes, exactly that. Would you consider straight a man who calls himself straight but enjoys getting plowed by BBC every weekend? I don't think so
post your real catholic church (the catholic church isn't even real, it's the orthodox the real one)
>Jesus gave St. Peter (the first pope) the key to the gates of Heaven
>Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would lie in the chair of Peter and that it'd never lead the Church into error or allow it to be overcome by the gates of hell
>fat orthos go "b-but muh power trip" and turn schismatic
Very real, yeah
>could lay some hardcore apolgetics in this thread
>but my frater called me a "retard" for not becoming a novitate
Why even bother?
Go ahead, frater
What you said is laughable, read again about the story of the christian church and stop listening to your pedo bishop, the schismatism about the dogma is waay older than the great schism
>Who knew that Jesus was telling us to be NEETs and just speculate on crypto this whole time?
As long as you do it in faith, I don't see a problem. Unless you know that He is leading you to do something else. If you're aren't sensitive to his leading, then you're just neet looking for justification.
except that catholics are going to hell because they attach works to salvation and attribute divine status to men, while worshiping idols.
anyway about thots, both religion thots are shit tier because they are either liars or they suck the dick of the authority figure of the local church, at least orthodox thots are anti semitic meanwhile american catholic thots are fully cucked by (( them )) and some of them practice circumcision which is ridiculous
i hope you aren't a mormon or something like that, or else you are so deep down in cuckery that you aren't even salvageable
I see orthos are really good at mental gymnastics
All you have to know is the Catholic Church can't possibly fail in dogma or doctrine
pic somewhat related
I'm sorry, I don't speak dog language
>I'm sorry, I don't speak dog language
i'd rather be a dog than burn in hell for all eternity
But I literally said I'm catholic wtf
And I don't have to worry about american "catholic" thots. I'm not in the US anyway
explain your gay image faggot
>image faggot
>image board
but what did they mean by this?
>explain your gay
user I'm not into you like that okay...stop calling this number
>explain your gay image
see with your eyes, not with your mouth
>pic related
who is the one on the bottom
is it schizophrenia? is that it?
>who is the one on the bottom
take a guess
>explain your gay image
they tried to warn us about Father, we didn't listen...
>Business & Finance
Fuck off idiot