
what did he mean by this?

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Really don’t think he’s high enough in the corporate food chain to be making any official announcements. The link/usdt pair has been suppressed all day long. Too late for any rumor pump anyway. Guess we’ll find out tomorrow

Competent member of crypto tema

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i don't think it matters that he's not high enough because i don't think it's that big of a deal to oracle

who is this nigger and why anyone cares

its not like hes gonna drop any meaningful news, get real

A lot of swinglinkers will get JUSTed before the end of q2. There's something big coming (hint: it's not Oracle).

>source: dude trust me

Nice try discord tranny. I learned my lesson from HODLing. You can't trick me into hodling back down to $1 with your shitty larps. Nothing is coming until staking hits in 2021

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Did it come out green for you?

t. Discord Tranny

Everyone here has known from the beginning that Chainlink, Docusign, Oracle will be primarily assisting the U.S government in the digitization of everything.

It's actually from an interview that has been posted here a number of times. Largely ignored. Won't say what it is. It's not really LARP, more of a prediction.

Except discord trannies are the ones who FUD to swing. I've only been hodling and DCA'ing since 2017 and will continue to do so.
Keep projecting, tranny.

>Jeus where have I heard that before
Oh yeah, Trump wanted to digitize all government documents it was in the tax bill.

you literally have no reason not to tell us, unless you're trying to unload bags. So fuck off

Hyperledger designates chainlink theiroracle


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it was a huge sell wall you mong

Nice digits

Nah, too many swinglinkers on here. If you know, you know.
You have to be insane to swing link with this kind of volatility anyway.

New announcements of announcements are coming

what is the rumor about the announcement? Is there even a specific rumor?