Thinking of going balls deep with NANO

How based would that be? I have a feeling if bitcoin dumps, people are going to buy alts. Encourage me or talk me out of it Jow Forums bros

Attached: nano.png (960x565, 80K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Libra is going to kill nano.

I bought this shit for a fraction of a cent and sold a few of them at $20 because I didnt expect it to go to $30. Shit I didn't even expect it to go to $10. Buy holo its the new raiblocks. You're welcome.

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How so?

Fast and free transfers are literally all NANO has going for it. Libra does all this already and has a built in audience in the billions. NANO is kill.

Normies will never use Nano when they have ZuckBuck. That the Nano team is incompetent as well, pic, does not help. That Nano has a business model where their amateur network is done for free by friends and volunteers taking all the costs and maintenance for all eternity, makes Nano a crazy dream. Delusional Commie coin.

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This. Libra will be used for currency day to day. I love nano, but sold my bags after Libra announcement. I held that shit through the pump and dump last year but finally sold.

>infinite supply
>"sorry bro, we froze ur libra meme coins because you did not behave like mr. zuckcuck wants you to."

Attached: librablock.png (721x620, 263K)

Nano is the patrician's choice. Name another crypto that can be used for automation and microtransactions that isn't centralized in some way. I will wait.

Plebbitors are so disgusting they are like animals. It would be super duper based if you go back and don't return to 4channel.

are you literally this brainlet to think tech has a god damn thing to do with it? Libre isn't even out yet, and it's already got a bigger userbase than all of NANO and BTC combined. All it's gonna take is a random post with "Bitcoin 2.0 brought to you by Facebook" and normies will eat that shit up immediately.

What happens when one cog in a workflow has their ability to receive/send payments restricted?

I will wait.

they'll make an angry post about it which will achieve nothing while the rest of the users on the platform turn a blind eye to it. Just like they do with everything else in the modern world. What faggot bullshit hippie world do you live in where this isn't the norm?

wew lad, you really think large companies are going to jeopardize their workflow to the whims of facebook moderators? Get rekt.

Normies just don't care. Sorry. Zuckcoin will have ALL the features of Nano

>Stable (not loosing 98% of value in short time, like Nano)
>Can use on Uber, and most likely Amazon etc later. Nano will then never get used by Uber, Amazon etc. Colin said no marketing, cooperation needed.
>Safe. Protected by government
>Safe to use. A fatfinger will not send all your money into oblivion
>Safe, will not be hacked
>Safe will not be regulated and suddenly banned by central banks, making it illegal to use Nano and all money lost
>Billions of dollars used in marketing

For normies, how can Nano compete? Criminals, anarchists and cyberpunks are not a great market, compared to Zucks global market.

How can Nano be used for microtransactions as a global currency with 1700 TPS? That's clownworld.

Don't talk to me, retard. Nano is infinitely scalable. No one is going to risk their company's workflow at the whim of facebook moderators. Sorry clown, but you need to sit the FUCK down.

The Nano foundation is already working out deals so it can be used for:
>interbank transfers between countries
>international remittances

And private individuals are currently building microtransaction markets and creating novel use cases to generate value where advertisements and good will have formerly taken the lead. Hint, think content creation. Get fucking rekt and don't talk to me with your stupid ass copy & paste FUD. I refuse to engage further with you now that I know that you are that same fucking kike nanofudder. Get the FUCK off my board.

>Nano is infinitely scalable
Nano lied about 7000 TPS DEC 2017 and got pushed by Italian scammers. Pic.

Attached: Nano 7 000+infinity tps.webm (600x338, 2.51M)

>Nano is infinitely scalable
You have been scammed. This is reality. Pic.

Attached: Nan 75 TPS Aug 2018.png (670x708, 104K)

>Nano is infinitely scalable
Nano has a broken model. There is no way in hell Nano has infinite scalability, in the whitepaper they claim only restriction is hardware. That's just as insane as claiming that a bicyclist has infinite speed, only limited by muscle strength and will soon have supersonic speed. Clown world.

Attached: Nano is Bitconnect 2.0.png (760x400, 329K)

>Get the FUCK off my board.
Back to plebbit, s o y boi. Take the rest of the Nano, formerly Bitconnect, community with you, pic.

Attached: Bitconnect moved to Nano.jpg (1418x746, 255K)

t. retard


Hello there, I am Zack Shapiro. Hope you Nano fans enjoyed me dumping my million heavy bags on your heads, while Nano was crashing, the very bags I got out from Bitgrail while you were stuck and tried to get your "KYC" from Bomber (lol). Take that as a lesson schmucks, don't listen to guys on the internet, like me, when doing financial decisions. Pic is me before you gave me my millions of $$. Aaaah, life is gooOOooOod. L'chaim!

Attached: Zack Shapiro2545636.jpg (300x289, 15K)

You can trust us Nano devs. lol. This is me 4 days before BitGrail exploded. Enough time for us Devs and our buddies to get all our own stuff out. We managed to move millions of our sexy Nannis out when BitGrail was down for "maintenance" and closed for you "normal" people, Bombers KYC bullshit, etc, i.e. idiots who are not insiders. Sucks to be you. lol. Peace out to all fellow Naniites!

Attached: Shapiro Bitgrail not insolvent 4 Feb.png (1440x1277, 986K)

We were on the phones the whole day with bomber to get those 1.5 million Nano out, right before the "hack" and BitGrail was officially insolvent.

In addition I had to tweet like crazy to the small people, the ungrateful Nano "investors" that were pestering us all the time with their, *whiny voice* "I have 8.3 Nano and I am so worried Zack, please help me". Worst part living in America is dealing with white people. They will never be winners. He, he, he, he...

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Even kek agrees that you are a fucking retard

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>Tard rage is when somebody angers a tard (or just a very socially awkward person) to the point where the tard gets so angry that they start going on rampage. The anger will often times give the tard superhuman levels of strength, and once you are in the path of one it will be impossible to escape without them trying to fucking murder you.

Attached: tenor (1).gif (492x342, 792K)

Great "rebuttal" there, in true Nano style. Just some boomer slogans and empty fluff.

Attached: Nano hodler getting assraped.jpg (750x600, 87K)

>Be in 5th grade
>Be in AI class it's like advanced **** for smart kids)
>The teachers decide it is a good idea for us to spend a day with the tard kids because we were ahead for the marking period
>I had never seen a tard previous to this encounter, so I didn't know what to expect
>Walk into tardHQ
>It seems to be a regular class room filled with ugly ass kids
>Ecerybody is assigned their own personnel tard to talk to
>I get assigned neal
>I walk up to the tard and say Hello i'm phil
>One fluent word, "haypil", he says this whenever he is within thirty feet of me, and it becomes my only warning of the inevitable oncoming **** storm
>Sit down and see he is cutting paper
>Ask him what he's making
>The tard starts to make this screeching sound, the only thing I can compare it to is the sound of a ****ing raptor
>A fat downy tard runs up to us "STUOP ITTTT"
>Neal gets up and continues his raptard roar directly in her face
>Downy tard goes bat****, engages tard strength and flips the entire table over
>Neal not only continues his tard roar but moves closer to downy child
>Down kid just starts screaming and tries to run for the door, forgets to open it and smashes into it head first
>Neal silences his roar, sits down and continues cutting the paper as if nothing had happened
>Tardwranglers run in and retrieve Neal, and the downy child, they are both sent home
And that my friends is the first of my many stories of neal. just tell me if you want more.

It's always been obvious any fud on nano I'd coordinated to lower the price so they can buy more. Hell I'm guilty of it even while holding nano/xrb. It's so fun to fud. But in reality no one is ever going to listen to the fud even a brainlet can see what is going on behind the curtains. I don't know anyother crypto that has more potential than nano for growth.

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In many cases yes, but there are definitely some who got rekt by bitgrail. They are in essence the Jow Forumsbuttcoin of the nano community. I just ignore them, but every now and then a retard gets lose and tries to make it his job to try to FUD the project. Case in point above.

>It's always been obvious any fud on nano I'd coordinated to lower the price
The state of delusional Nanoids. So pointing out scam and how Nano will never work is in "reality" made by people that will invest in Nano? Are you nanoids that desperate and disconnected to reality? I got the very same "arguments" from the Bitconnect community when I warned them as well. Why does Nano have such a crazy and nasty community? Pic.

Attached: Nasty Nano Community II.jpg (1417x674, 245K)

After our first faithful encounter I hadn't seen Neal for a while, so this story takes place about 3 months after my previous story
>Be walking down the hall with friends to lunch
>Hear a faint yet memorable voice
>Don't answer, pretend I heard nothing due to the events of last time
>Hear the sound yet again, except this time it is directly in my ear
>"HAYPIL" He had just appeared on my side, he had to be atleast thirty or so feet in the other direction previously (this speed will come into play in later encounters)
>Wave awkwardly to him "Hey Neal"
>He extends a bag of cheetos he had in his hand in my direction "Want sum?"
>"No thanks Neal"
>My friend not knowing the kind of devastation Neal is capable of reaches over and grabs one of the cheetos out of the bag without asking
>Neal looks up with pure malice
>Oh **** not again
>Approaches my friend deliberately looking into his eyes
>Engage raptard roar
>This one was in short bursts, it appears as if he has different roars for different situation
>Friend says "what's wrong with him?"
>Say nothing, as I do not want to feel Neals wrath
>Friend backs away as Neal appraches chewing the cheeto
>Neal lets out one last violent tard roar and hurls himself at my friend, knocking him over
>He jams him hand into my friends mouth and retrieves the liquidy remnants of the cheeto while continuing his tard roar directly in his face
>Stands up and eats liquidy half eaten cheeto after silencing his roar
>Tardwrangler comes speeding down hallway and grabs Neal by the wrist to pull him back to tardHQ
>Waves at me "Buypil" not a single ounce of regret or any emotion for that matter in his eyes
>I wave at him in utter aw "Bye Neal"

So you got traumatized at school as a child?

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Neal Part 3: Battle of the Tards
You see Neal mainly kept to him self, he did not like his tard kind. But he extremely dislike one tard name hames, this is the first of their battles that I saw.
>Be in 6th grade now
>New AI teacher is a very avid tard supporter
>We are now going to help the tards out once a week for the entire year
>I enter the tardHQ and see Neal in the corner
>Hasn't grown an inch sense last year (turns out he will remain 5'0 for his entire life)
>He looks as if he is in total concentration reading a book
>I walk up to Neal "Hey bud whatcha reading"
>Gives me one of those toothy tard grins "haypil"
>Sit next to him and look at the book
>Dr. Seuss a cat in the hat
>A skinny, tall, tard walks over to us
>I could tell he was a dick from the first second I saw him
>"wut ar yu reding nile"
>snatches book of out neals hand
>"Tis buk is fur babbys"
>Neal gets up "giv ut bac yames"
>James holds it up above his head "tak it"
>Neals rage is apparent, it is that of a thousand suns
>Neal sounds his raptard screech
>This is slightly different from his roar, it's soul effect is to piss off other tards
>"Stup it nile tak yur dum buk"
>too late for that bud


>Neal continues to approach with his fist above his head as far as he can rach
>Screech continues, at this point TardHQ is compromised, tards are going crazy
>Crayons and **** is being thrown, one tard is crawled into a ball in a puddle of piss
>AI class is told to evacuate, I stay to watch imminent luls
>James is not clenching his ears for dear life
>Neal is finally within striking reach of james
>He throws his mighty fist down into james nuts with the accumulative force of 1000 banhammers
>James drops and begins to throw up on the "magic" carpet
>Neal silences the screech, picks up the book james had stolen from him, and sits down to read it directly in james puddle of throwup
>He looks up at me with that toothy grin as I just stare
>Tard wranglers bust in, one grabs me to bring me to safety the others grab the debilitated james and Neal
>Neal screams after me "buypil"
>I just watch as he is hulled off to the principles office, not giving a single bit of resistance
>That day was known as N day up until I left for the highschool
>Be in 2nd marking period now
>Neal had been suspended for pulverizing James nuts
>He's back now
>I have started to look forward to our days helping the tards just because of Neal
>Unfortunately it's not that day
>Be in art class
>Teacher says we have a tard coming to our class from now on cus the school has started new integration program for tards
>Neal walks through the ****ing door
>"Class this is Neal"
>"Hello Neal" we said in unison as I waved
>Teacher lets him sit next to me cus he knows me
>James walks into class after him
>James is introduced to class and is put at the same table as us just by luck
>We are starting water color painting right now
>Neal decides he wants to paint an apple, cus that's what I was painting


>James starts **** with up because he's a dick
>"Yur apals luk lik shet"
>Neal ignores him because... well because he's ****in neal he doesn't give a ****
>James obviously angered by being ignored by me and Neal pours all of him paint onto my painting
>Don't give a ****, but Neal sure as hell did
>Commence raptart roar short burst mode (this is when I found out that short bursts means he's about to wreck ****)
>Neal throws all his paint right into james eyes as the class looks on in horror
>James can't see **** and Neal has not taken out skittles that I assume he had hid in the foreskin of his penis (I found out he's uncircumcised in a later incident) and begins pelting james with them
>He's hurling these at mach 5 speeds into him
>James falls off the stool he is sitting on and brings the girl sitting next to him along too
>Neal walks around the table, picks up the paint and slowly empties it onto both James and the girl (it is apparent that Neal does not give two ****s about civilian casualties)
>The roar has stopped
>Kids are all huddled into the corner aside from me, the two tards, and the poor girl caught in the mix
>Teachers siggnals for tardwranglers waiting outside, hames and Neal are picked up and taken from the classroom
>Neal is in complete and utter peace while being carried away, he simply waves at me
And that was the end of the schools integration program after the girl who got wreckeds parents attempted to sue the school

>It's always been obvious any fud on nano I'd coordinated to lower the price
The state of delusional Nanoids. So pointing out a scam and how Nano will never work in real life as a global currency, is in reality made by people who are desperate to invest in Nano? Are you nanoids that desperate and disconnected from reality? I got the very same "arguments" from the Bitconnect community when I warned them as well. Why does Nano have such a crazy and nasty community? Pic

Attached: Nasty Nano Community II.jpg (1417x674, 245K)

holy early 2000's jeans

>Be in 6th grade still
>Only a week left of school
>Neal has been rather quiet lately, mainly cus me and my friends now let him sit with us at lunch and what not because he never disrupted anything, and there was the possibility of Neal unleashing his wrath yet again, so james wasn't near him without tardwrangler supervision often
>AI teacher thinks that it is a wonderful idea for us to throw an end of the year party with tards
>Teacher has no idea of the sequence of events she has set forth
>This party is to be held three days before the end of school, and it is to be 80s themed
>Be the day of the party, I have my hair slicked back and be in a white t-shirt cus i'm lazy and unoriginal
>The AI class has set up the entire thing, soda, candy, food, music, and what not
>I talk to my friends as we wait for the tards to enter
>The tards make their entrance into the gymnasium where this is being held
>Most of the tards look... well retarded
>Neal is dressed up as micheal jackson, he looks ****ing badass
>Neal walks over to us, everybody says hi
>Neal seems a little bit off today though, lots of energy
>Turns out Neal skipped out on his meds today, not a very good thing
>Neal=ticking time bomb of raptardness
>James walks over to us, I can already sense his bad intentions
>"Hay gaybo wuts op"
>Neal just stares at him, in a way I had never seen before
>"Wats rong wit nile"
>Neal drops his soda on the ground


>Neal walks away
>Wait wut?
>James shouts after him "ya guna cri gaybo?"
>Neal walks behind one of the curtains in the gymnasium, nothing can be seen in the darkness over there
>A minute later Neal appears all the way across the gym on top of the stage we had in there
>He is completely naked, underwear and all, aside for the single glove that micheal wears
>Engage raptard screech (the tard rage invoker)
>The tards frenzi
>The downy tard from my original story kicks over the sterio
>"kids just wana hav- kids just wana- kids just wana have fun" it continuously plays that single part of the song
>There are no wranglers around to subdue the tards the rage ensues
>Neal jumps off the stage and charges james
>James is tackled to the ground by the naked neal
>"Gut off may gaybo"
>Neal proceeds to rub his chode-like, uncircumcised penis all over james neck and chest
>The roar is stopped
>"whos da gaybo now yames?"
>Oh god the site was amazing
>The tards run out of the gymnasium crying and screaming now that they can think straight sense the screech has ended
>The only people left in the gymnasium are me, the teacher, and my friends looking at Neal whipe his phallus on james face.
>Neal gets up off a james, his deed has been done
>He proceeds to get dressed again
>Just as he finishes the tardwranglers finally alive
>Too late bros
>The teacher retells the things that had ensued and they walk over to carry Neal and James out
>Neal walks up to me and hands me a quarter for no apparent reason
>As he is being carried away Neal looks to be just as peaceful as he always is, because he did not give a single ****, he never did, and he never will
>Neal waves as they exit through the double doors and screams "buypil"
>I wave back at Neal as it is the last time I will see him for over a yeah "Bye Neal"
I still have that quarter

How ignorant can you be?

Libra is

1. Not decentralized
2. Not feeless
3. Not instant (nano is half a second on average)
4. Libra doesn’t exist for another year

He's a retard, user. Be nice to him.

Zack Shapiro isn’t part of nano anymore. You’re gonna cry when nano is $200 and you didn’t take advantage of low prices.

fuck this coin is about to explode - 1 little pump is going to set it off so hard i'm thinking all in soon

Should i dump my aion for nano

Ever heard of vote stapling????

Considering Nano is already being incorporated into vending machines in the UK by a large retailer (Kappture), I would say yes. Nano has as more use cases than any other cryptocurrency.



Ahhh it's the infamous nano fudster! I actually look up to you bro, you put in a lot of time and dedication into fudding nano. I cannot think of a more persistent son of a bitch. You probably even helped me buy my nano bags for cheaper. So thanks for the discount nano. Keep up the good work hopefully one day I'll be able to do what you do

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>18 posts
lmao how heavy are those bags user?

you would be betting on human stupidity, if you think that a new generation of bagholder will be born just do it

listen you fucking idiots. this coin is DONE. its OVER. i fucking bought back in 2 months ago and lost out major gains holding this trash. its never going to hit near $40 again and we all should've sold.

its fucking DONE. find something else or just buy chainlink.


I kind of hope the retard comes back so I can finish posting more stories of Neal, the megatard.

Theres more??? Post them please I'll be retarded for u

Nope only if the retard comes back and tries to FUD more.

nano is a stupid coin

kek nope only for the real nanofudder

he's asleep man please I need moar.

this but unironically

holy shit this is about to pump

I heard a fun rumor today in a trader chat. The DAG psychopath fudding Nano is actually being paid by the CEO of Constellation (DAG) to stir shit up on Jow Forums since they have no marketing dollars. They think its like a guerilla tactic to get attention. Whats most sad is the dude is getting paid in worthless DAG shitcoin.
You know what they say, any PR is good PR

sum1 just bought a few BTC worth and instantly brought the price up with 2 green dildos. Love how fast oversold coins can moon.

You are right. People are going to FOMO in once they realize there is a concerted effort by a few small people to fud the project.

If they were trying to stir up shit, I am surprised they didn't go after Chainlink though. Probably wouldn't go over too well actually thinking more about it.

Dude, quit being this delusional.

"omg peopleare so going to fomo" i held this stupid bullshit with the same logic. just fucking sell and move on to something else. itsDEAD

It is really close to starting up again

Nigger, I am a Nano maximalist. Suck my dick from the poorhouse.

Buy when there is blood in the streets. Stay poor my friend. Buy high sell low.

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>I heard a fun rumor today in a trader chat. The DAG psychopath fudding Nano is actually being paid by the CEO of Constellation (DAG) to stir shit up on Jow Forums since they have no marketing dollars.
Absolutely insane accusations from the retarded Nano community, pic related. I warned about Nano when Nano pumped 4x last summer. Long time before I heard about Constellation, long time before Constellation (DAG) was listed on CMC

Dangerous flaws and major problems with Nano

Nano Heading for Disaster – Dirty Deals with BitGrail

Nano and Bitgrail leaders scammed over $100 million from Bitgrail

DAG's tech is great and their solutions are far superior to Nano.
Just as Nano, DAG is:

However, they are superiour to Nano in virtually every way.
>Part of a large ecosystem, with real use cases that will provide security for the network and world-wide market. Same as IOTA but better
>This large ecosystem and not solely a currency will provide protection from Central Banks regulators, like Ethereum IOTA, but unlike Nano.
>All zero fee systems are open to spam attacks. Constellation has a much more advanced and elegant solution than Nano with their reputation system.
>Nano has an insane business model where Nano node operators have to do it for free. This will either lead to a crash where no one bothers to run nodes for fun and take all the costs, or an insane centralization where Amazon controls nearly everything. Constellation has a very elegant solution where micropayments are free for everyone, while large consumers of bandwith will have to either pay for it in DAG tokens or run their own node.

Attached: Typical Nano 500K buy claim.jpg (1412x647, 157K)

You are one delusional fucking moron. Their team has no crypto experience and just went for a cashgrab. Community is a wasteland of fucktards hoping to get out the basement with some free monies. Tech is straight up vaporware. They fooled you so good on them you deserve to be poor

You retards will be dumped by bag holders. i bought this shit when it was $1 and was called raiblocks. Nice coping morons. The fuck you gonna do even when you are rich? you think it will magically solve all your problems? you'll still be ugly and dorky and fucking lame.

lol who cares about that shit - no idea what your angle is but this is going to moon in less than a day

>Be in 7th grade now
>Haven't seen Neal in over a year, he and his parents had moved to a different school district due to the previously mentioned problems with this one
>Be in the third marking period, it's ok, not the same without Neal though
>Walking down the hall one day, low and behold Neal is walking down the hall, all 5 feet of him
>Run up to him
>"Hey Neal! You coming back to this school again?"
>He now has his own personal tardwrangler at all times except for lunch, who explains everything to me
>Unfortunately I have no classes with Neal do to the whole integration system being destroyed by the wrath of Neal
>I see him in the halls all the time though
>You see the thing about our middle school is it is that it has multiple buildings, which you have to travel outside to get to
>As I mentioned before Neal possesses lightning speed, which he doesn't display very often
>One day I while I am walking to woodshop with my friends I see something blaze past me followed by a familiar noise
>the lightning raptards mighty roar
>50 feet behind him is the wrangler unable to keep up with him
>Everybody looks on in shock as Neal plows directly through a small Asian girl carrying her books (As previously stated Neal doesn't give two ****s bout civilian casualties)
>Neal looks behind to see how far he is from the wrangler
>He silences his roar as he can see he has won
>Neal fails to see the glass door directly infront of him and plows through that just as he did the asian girl
>Neal is out
>Tardwrangler finally catches up and picks up Neal to bring him back to TardHQ just as he comes back to consciousness
>Neal sees me as he is being carried away
>Neal is back everybody

Wow personal attacks now because you cannot formulate a real argument like a educated person. This is our opposition. I too bought when it was raiblocks and at sub $1. I also dropped my bags at $25 and made a nice profit. Fucking faggot GTFO my board until you can bench press 225lbs for reps you fucking onions boy. And eat a dick. Not because i'm trying to be mean, but because I genuinely think you would like it. Must suck being poor, weak, antisocial, and voting for Bernie Sanders.

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imagine saving pictures of retard vapid thots while being a vapid dumbass thinking your pajeet coin with zero transfers, zero fees, and zero value will help you "make it"



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