ETH is fueled up

Attached: moonmap.png (909x708, 122K)

Wont hold the ratio when BTC moons. Anyone not 100% in BTC right now is just bleeding sats. Arguably BTC is the only thing that truly matters, all other crypto is simply created to cheat people out of BTC.

If its all fueled up then I suppose it won't need me to buy.

whoops! meant to post this.

Attached: ethbtcbottom.png (909x642, 161K)

Why do you think this? I do agree in general but ETH is not a typical altcoin/shitcoin.

that's pretty neat

High IQ post
Alts will come back at some point but BTC needs to crab a few weeks or more for that to happen.
That’s not gonna happen while eurocucks are crashing deuschebank and printing euros like Venezuela.

ETH as a currency doesn't make sense, but 0xBitcoin on Ethereum does. For one, 0xBitcoin is an erc-20 token so it can communicate with dapps and other erc-20 token platforms. Second of all, 0xBitcoin is just like Bitcoin in that 21,000,000 tokens will exist and no more than that. There is a 4 year halving just like BTC. What makes it stand out is being immune to 51% attacks because in order to attack it, you'd have to attack the whole Ethereum chain. Ethereum's Proof of Stake roadmap and technical aspects should work with no problems. There's a reason why Ethereum has so much development behind it even though it had a pre-mine and after the DAO hack. That's not stopping it from being the go to smart contract platform. Tron and many others are imitating Ethereum so much, it's very comical.

Yeah that has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. Your altcoin is not BTC or ETH and hence is worthless.

I got out of ETH, finally broke even on this shitcoin after holding it for what feels like forever. Never investing in a premine scam security again

there are too many fake bitcoins.
stop cashing in on the brand and I might respect your opinion.
But I'm not even going to read what you just said.

thank you for making it completely unambiguous that you're an irrational fanatic.

Attached: gupta-censorship-ethereum-gab-nazi-communists.png (1879x1081, 438K)

0xBitcoin is never going away,
0xBitcoin is as secure as the ethereum network
0xBitcoin grows in power as ethereum grows

ETH's relationship with $300 is a special one that goes back years.

Kek. This is true. We're gonna be here awhile.

>Arguably BTC is the only thing that truly matters, all other crypto is simply created to cheat people out of BTC.
btc is worthless, those that believe in the decentralized ponzi are going to hold through every ath all the way to the inevitable zero. It's only profit once you sold.

Eth always lags btc.

to lazy to make this look nice but if this isn’t bullish then I don’t know what is

Attached: 8EC8A30E-7847-440E-B8FB-09EAE117D636.png (1242x2208, 393K)

Compared to bitcoin

Attached: 38918293-0A91-4181-AE1D-45837C40F9AF.png (1242x2208, 404K)

iirc it has no volume (

believe what you want, but you know that naming any project bitcoin, is not only deceptive, but disrespectful. Especially if it's not even a fork.
yes, it's going away. look at the chart. it's below the value in february.
everything else is worth 2-3x what they were then.
you may as well mine feathercoin. At least you wouldn't be tarnishing crypto's reputation.

i think you must not know the first thing about 0xbitcoin or you'd know that the choice to use bitcoin in the name is neither deceptive nor disrespectful. the author of the smart contract is a big fan of bitcoin, and that part of the name comes from the fact that the smart contract is a faithful implementation of bitcoin. it would have been weirder NOT to have made some reference to bitcoin.

nik patel said this in his recent report: "0xBitcoin isn’t a project I’d heard of prior to researching this report, and even the inclusion of Bitcoin in its name made me a little dubious to begin with, if I’m honest. More often than not, any project that attempts to leverage Bitcoin in its name turns out to be at least somewhat suspect, if not an outright scam. However, I was pleased to find that this was absolutely not the case here, as you shall discover. In fact, this was one of the most interesting and unique small projects I’ve had the pleasure to research, though it is not without its faults, by any means."

furthermore, we don't need to worry about 0xbitcoin "tarnishing crypto's reputation". crypto is not about charts, it's about ideas and freedom. in this respect, 0xbitcoin completely blows most projects out of the water. it's completely decentralized and trustless, distribution based on proof of work. it is a true cryptocurrency no matter what the chart happens to be doing.

When ETH pumps it's going to pump fast and hard. The sad linky kids will be FOMO'ing bigtime.

i'm ready frens

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I only hold link and eth

It and a hundred other dead coins. To be a true currency it also needs to be accepted.

LINK is the only thing that matters user

unironically this
just got rid of eth, ltc, xrp, xrm, zec
100% btc bags
lets goooo

Attached: 23 (1).gif (164x126, 310K)

Are you me? Great combo

Man, just stop. This shit doesnt make sense to begin with and you somehow make it less sensical by attaching past emotions to it.