/smg/ - Stock Market General

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BUY dudes

Threadly reminder until it gets added to the OP: there is an IRC channel for real-time stockposting: #/smg/ on Rizon

Are you the user who just questioned me, VTWAX? VTWAX is every company on the planet. But I am swapping out $28k in my taxable brokerage for something with greater growth prospects. QQQ? Growth mutual? AMD?

I put it in the OP two or three threads ago but another poster took it out (but left my other changes)

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Fuck blunpf

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By the way is anyone else getting hammered on the Slack IPO? I am already down 11%

>VTWAX is every company on the planet


I am currently maxing 401k, roth ira, and and extra $15000 every year in my individual account. Been doing this for the past 2 years. How much longer until I don't have to work ever again?

Excellent analysis, braniac

thinking about shorting the nasdaq. thinking that might be something to do.

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Friendly reminder :)

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How long do you plan on living?

>% of inversions

idk kind of want to commit suicide once I hit 40 but maybe I'll change my mind, turning 26 soon

Yeah, I’m down $0.89 on my one share

I think I have to stop spreading myself so thin, I have too many holdings and it’s making it hard to trim when we’re so overbought.

Well shit

>>% of inversions
it lists the yields considered, and shows what % of all the pairs are inverted (duration-directional)

it's nutty that you could have waited 120+ years, invested your $1 in bitcoin in 2009/2010, and outperformed that entire chart by a huge margin in under a decade with a non-productive asset (if you sold the top)

It isn’t.

SMGs council rules that as per long standing tradition of SMG ignoring these types of extratreadicular social places there can be no IRC in thread until the IRC has proved its worth or atleast gained enough regulars to warrant inclusion into OP.

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You’ll absolutely change your mind, unless you get some sort of really painful cancer and get cucked and end up paying shit tons of alimony, and your dick falls off, and trump manages to irreversibly fuck up the economy, followed by a dem who ends up irreversibly fucking up everything that isnt the economy.

Oh, and maybe if Japan, eu, us, etc really collapse like a house of cards in a global economic meltdown, when the boomers finally die and leave us to pay their debts.

Just take it one day at a time fren.

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I think it is.

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Sounds sensible.

Does the smg irc have a dlcc bot yet?

Fair enough, I'll keep doing the threadly reminders then. Let's do our best and 2x the membership count

Life isntr always what u think itll be but u are beautiful

it's mostly for the times when Jow Forums is down (happened like 3 times at least in the past week, just the times that I noticed)

>Oh, and maybe if Japan, eu, us, etc really collapse like a house of cards in a global economic meltdown, when the boomers finally die and leave us to pay their debts.
wait this is the exciting future that keeps me from killing myself

there has been dozens, if not hundreds of "official" /smg/ IRC's (or skype group, or discord channels) over time, but they all fade into the wind once whatever shill started the channel finishes their pump n dump

its easier to just not waste time with posting them

>>it's mostly for the times when Jow Forums is down (happened like 3 times at least in the past week, just the times that I noticed)
we do have a backup board.....

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Not yet. Thinking about building a quote bot in Python when I get some free time

I am the founder of the current one and I have nothing to shill. Just meant to be a space to talk shop and socialize, but if you don't want to join it's all good.


yeah that was me, if you want guaranteed growth then just buy VTSAX man

the economy will never completely collapse, bonds are stupid, and individual companies are too risky

trust the process, buy the US stock market, VTSAX

Redpill me on roth IRA’s vs traditional newfag just starting out saving for retirement at 26 need help senpai

roth if you will spend more money aka need more income in the future

traditional if you will spend less and realize less income in the future


i own VTSAX the mutual fund instead of VTI, becuase i can invest down to the dollar and im well above the minimum which is $3,000

I fucking hate Slack and think it’s a big step backwards trying to bring chat rooms back. Maybe if it ever integrates into anything, but more than likely it’s a faggot dad that will die out like it should.

One you put taxes on the money you put in, and one you pay taxes on the money you take out. For me, money's a little tight so I'd rather save on taxes now.

We use Slack at work (free plan) and it seems okay. The ability to post code files with syntax highlighting is nice. What do you think is better than Slack or other "chat rooms?" Email?



T Babies shining so bright while the market takes a big o shat today and tonight. Tuesday will be here before you know it. Will the shat keep piling up? Who knows. But oh well, least I've got my T Babies back when the price was low. While Drip works over time I'll just be sitting back stuffing as much cash as I can in the bank. I'll let my stocks move up and down and keep an eye out for some sweet buyouts if they come my way via my inbox sent from my brokerage.

should i just buy back in tomorrow? 62% of my stack is on the side

Patriot Mobile is going to put AT&T out of business.

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I read enough about it to see that both the science and the business prospects are over my head, or at least over the amount of time that I wanted to spend researching it. But if you can make close to 10% gambling that it won't drop significantly below $4 long term for less than two weeks, that seemed like a fair gamble to me.

Also, you need Jesus.

I was hoping they wouldn't dump this hard. I want to get a short position in at a decent entry price tomorrow.

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>>% of inversions

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absolutely based, MAGA!

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Thanks. I trust you have a Reagan Privacy Email as well.

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This would be cool if your last or first name was actually Reagan

If you understand why having two concurrent /smg/ threads is a bad idea then you should be able to understand why having an IRC channel is a bad idea.

>wow classic is coming out soon, everyone and their boomer dad will try it out for nostalgia
>blizzcon around the corner
>cheapies stock
Why haven't you bought Activision yet?

Huh. Well we’re... not very inverted then, I guess.

So the % of inversion refers to the 3 to 5, 3 to 10, 3 to 12, etc for all the different types of treasuries?

Never occurred to me that the fed funds rate could be inverted?

Same here... I probably would have already gotten in some SH if i wasn’t trying out the Tao of the Rat.

I like their flag logo

> Iran says White House is 'mentally retarded'


He spoke in telly

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Best part is that it’s not even the first time
Same phrasing back in 2017:

And I remember being taught in grade school 2 decades ago to never say the r-word as an insult.

Buy oil? Philadelphia fire seems deliberate.

Facts are not insult

>Muji Competitor MINISO to Plan $1 Billion IPO
Pretty ambitious for what effectively is a dollar store chain

Better get in now before the froth settles
Also before the government shutdown

Also, dollar store chains are the only retailers that really work right now. Dollar stores, Lulu, and Target.

Buy Amazon, AMD, Tesla.

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nigga those should be sold soon

LMT, BA, WM are good buys right now

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Page 8 Save!

slow morning...

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I didn't know a company violating sanctions and exporting things to sell in North Korea, can be allowed to lost onto American stock exchange

Trimming oil a bit to buy more gold and silver miners

you think we've already had peak oil prices? idk about that

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I don't see it getting much higher than it is from supply/demand factors. US is pumping more oil than ever and global demand is pretty weak due to economic slowdown. The headlines re: Iran gave it a pump. I see it going down short to medium term

Gold and silver appear to be going parabolic, maybe not the healthiest thing but I dont see why gold cant hit 1800

Jake Paul got engaged, how will the markets react?

I just practiced boomerism.

I moved my lawn.

I feel,


Green Bull!

Where'd you move it?

to the grass cutter machine and through it

What does it mean if you get number 1?

Nice browser user

You are in a coma.

Im such and fucking idiot. Why did I sell my gold calls to buy puts? I could have taken 1% but now I'm financially ruined.

lmao @ pic

Is ABBV dead?

i am way over my head in MU$32 PUT and its making me nervous

Fuck do I regret not selling PLUG when it was +6%, now at -17% and still holding lol. Thinking about selling it since it's raping my overal gainz. Should I? (I'm at +20% portfolio now)

Why in the FUCK are we not going down for a healthy pullback >_<
Fuck you and Fuck this market go down

We literally just did a month ago
We also had a significant correction in December

I'm taking a hit. It will bounce back r-right?

What are we buying today lads? AMD I hope!

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checked for truth

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I was over +20% on my $32 mu put but instead of selling I held it until it expired worthless

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Sea of red on the watchlist

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That BPMX pre-market pump, now dump.

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Just loaded up on SPY puts. Lets ride the slide!

Getting hosed again today...

>buy KK
>drops 40 cents right after
Sasuga bogdanoff

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vol etc. indicate slight correction possible here

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VGLT master race.

Pumps when stocks pump. Pumps when stocks dump.

Fucking short squeeze

Fucking SPY isn't falling fast enough. Can some one put Uncle Bernie's speech about how he plans to pay for the free college on a loud speaker in front of the stock exchange?

It's just 1% of every round trip. We figured out yesterday that 1% is fucking incredible and now we're going to need 2% on every round trip to make it.