Vechain partners with WALMART

Where are you fudders now? Sunny Lu and vechain will take over the world

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Mainnet useage increasing is great coinciding with this - but will it change Vechains down-trend?

30% pump has me hope so

muh partnerships

Will i make it with 2 million of these chinks

Wait...40% pump. Mah bad

Reddit is going crazy right now!! /biz missed out again

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Isnt this only walmart china? Still big news but


Im not in link or vechain but i think everyone has some apologizing to do.

i sure hope so fren, brainlet 400k stack here, pls tell me i'll make it too

this is what biz incels get for being racist, im gonna buy me 2 blonde european bitches with my vechain node

Go back to plebbit faggot.

This shitcoin bled from 300 sats to 55 and you plebbit idiots are jumping up and down because of a 30% pump


No ones buying your shitcoin. Nobody cares, look at that abysmal volume. Pathetic.

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does it make u mad that in 50 years whites wont exist lol

This is all still in the Chinese hustle playbook. Utilise a Chinese subsidiary of an American business to lend credibility to the scam. Watch this space, you tards are still getting hustled, hook line and sinker. Best part is, link is still tearing and you've got chink bags.

white people are unironically more brainwashed than Chinese

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So wait till amerimutts wake up and pump it again?

I hope citizens will be tracked on VeChain.

If this is real then holy shit

>in China
HUGE just like OMG in Thailand!

Is this for real or did they just buy a pair of shoes there?

VET partners with the second largest retail store in the world. :) And OCE... OCE next BNB. Your welcome /biz./ Now's your chance biz boys; were now at a penny. 2 dollars easy in 1 to 2 years. Do the math. Don't die poor. The futures built on partnerships. Are you starting to see what will allow u to lambo? I do and it feels good. :)

user you might want to check the difference between the GDP of those countries

where do you think the rising upper middle class of chinkland are going to spend their money?

every chingchonglinglong needs food to survive, if you had to buy food for your loved ones to eat, are you going to buy them shit that could kill them or from respected brands that take extra steps to ensure the quality of the food

Don't reply to me I'm not buying your chink shit

What's the move now? I bought at 100 sats sold at 92

at least tell me youve spent 5 mins thinking about this or are you just that much of a brainlet?

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