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News flash walmart is only big in America

Walton is superior

Your mother is also big, nigger.

Still smaller than 90% of the woman in America.

Post a picture of her then

Lol walmart is a 300 billion dollar company bro. Nice cope. All my vet fud made me rich i think.

>more beellon dorrrah pahtnahchips
>tiny subsidery or American company in China


I am unironically amazed that they snagged another quasi-PoC-"partnership". Didn't someone predict Walmart? Some CCK type shit? I could've sworn I saw that yellow oval from the walmart logo teased somewhere...

aka the only country on earth that actually matters.

Maybe you haven't been to china but every city there has one too. Its taking off there like it did in the us.

Oh but also vechain sucks. Just saying walmart is sprrading world wide thrse days sadly.

Walmart is (((boomer))) tier.

No thanks. It'll collapse when there's no more immigrants to buy the cheap chinese shit and no more jews are printing fiat.

Lmao their shill Jason Rockwood is actually employed by them. They actually hired their shills hahahahahah

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Mfw when i just sold all my VET for a huge loss into LINK.

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Made a quick 2 ETH from that pump.

Thanks pajeets.

is this for real?

yeah sunny actually did not fuck up this time and let PWC do the announcement. should shut up from now on.

Just bought. Is one million VET enough to make it bros?

Yeah in 3 years

2-4m USD in 2021

Do you retards realize how big this is? The price will be worth triple by the time the Yuropoors wake up

I would go 50/50 Link Vet... potential for more profit with Vet

too late to buy now? should i fomo frens?

this is my exact portfolio desu

I also have a vthor x node i am bagholding but c'est la vie

guys quick, do i fomo or not? is it priced in by now? many thanks frens

No marketcap is still too low


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Based, how much you holdin

since I just bought (at 80) I expect the price to fall down again.. but you never know.

I'm already almost up 1 ETH

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fk its at 96 rn and my funds aren't in. cucked

Bagholders report the fuck in

Can I finally be free

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worth 1.8 mil minimum by 2021 my friend

Only holding 2 mil i hope i make it

It's already retracing, probably about to retest 100. No need to fomo rush.

do not sell...this thing gonna pump another 50%

Walmart partnership is bigger than Google

Retracing...about to test 100. no need to fomo. user wut?

That's what /biz fud will do to you user, my condolences

back in at 88 sats.
lets see how it goes.



what I mean is that it probably will hover around and retest 100 sat region for a while.

Didnt even give me a (You). damn

That’s actually not true I lived in Beijing and walmarts were huge there


Not POC, live and going on right now.

Yea, relations btw us and china not so good right now. This screams pnd. Someone made money tonight its just not you



What most retards don't understand is Walmart and pwc China operate independently from mother comp it's like a China franchise when d reality bcumz clear 2mrw a lot of fags will be bagholders

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walmart china has a 6.5% market share in china and is the 4th largest retailer in the country. you are the retard here.

if this is Walmart's attempt in capturing a slice of China emerging markets wouldn't now be the time to go all in?


You're fucking delusional if you think Walmart is big in China in any sense of the word. Even Japan makes more money for Walmart than China does, and China has 10x the population size.

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yeah and how much shit are they actually gonna track with vechain lol? 100%? 1%? Total transaction volume will be fucking nothing because it's a chink scam

>only 6.5%
>retards acting like they're taking over the country
top fucking kek

Realistically, probably 0%. What motivation does a store manager have to actually figure that shit out and try to train their staff to use it? It's just some suit shaking hands with a crypto rep to look like he's cutting edge and futuristic.

All these partnerships are both "partners" just wanting it on paper for self-interest. They never amount to actual adoption.

Dude I lived there. I know how people see Walmart, it’s almost upscale there. Chinks trust Americans more than Chink companies, for good reason I might add.
Walmarts are like Starbucks, in that they locate them in upper middle class areas.

Sure you did, your anecdotal evidence goes against company reported statistics to boot. Definitely.

Not to mention that you think the american brand being in china would change anything about trust, it's still run by the Chinese over there you fucking moron.

I don’t care if you don’t believe me user

user isnt the tagging and tracking all done automatically with machines and sensors?

like the hema supermarket?

There’s only 500 Walmart’s in China. They’re doing food tracking only. It’s nice, but not USA Walmart bog of a deal

I have no reason to believe you when you're obviously lying, and even Walmart disagrees with you.

> Walmart partnership.........only pumps 35%

LMAO imagine hodling a coin with a mcap of VET and expecting to make money.

Meanwhile, VIDT pumped 40% off a rumor of a Binance listing.

Imagine hodling a shitcoin like VET for months and months losing sats from 350 to 67 and finally, a big partnership comes and you're still 80% rekt from where you bought at 1 year ago.

What a bunch of brainlets.

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Stay stinky linky

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are you brainlets really not getting in on this PUMP right now? I GARUNTEE another 40% from here when the official announcement comes out from both sides.

It's live:

lol these dumb faggots think they're going to overtake ethereum and they have only have moved from #30 to #27.

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Begone laowai fag

Listen brainlet, take your boomer coins and piss off back to plebbit

VET has zero chance of making anyone money. It bled from 330 to 67 and even with Walmart barely sustaining a 30% pump.

Walmart is pretty big deal in chinkland actually

lol it's already fucking dumping

wait a couple days fag and its back to where is belongs its walmart "china" they specify china for a reason u just got chinked
walmart us gets all their tech from walmart labs and doesnt share their tech with chinks

Thank you so much !!! I’m finally free !!! Pumped and filled my order, got out with 13% profit :)))
Never touching this shitcoin again

lmao dumping get chinked get creamed

I can't believe this stupid coin pumped so much...

I got a boner looking at that

is VET the new LINK? should i sell my LINK for VET?

No. LINK was one of the few coins that pumped tonight WHILE BTC was pumping. That's significant.

doesn't that mean VeChain is significant too user?

Sure. But don't sell all of your LINK for it. Be reasonable. Also, VET has no history in its chart yet. I'm reasonably bullish on it because of the partnership catalyst, but people will be looking to dump bags early on. Trade with caution.

wait till normies realize that in china, food comes to you

No larp I have 6000 of the prefork coins but I was so distracted I never converted them... Am I fuccced???

Yes. you dun goofed

Jackson, Jason, Oliver and others will be happy with the organized pump. The inner circle was informed about this pump weeks ahead.

No. Download the mobile wallet. Follow the instruction. Easy peasy

Do you not know about the baby food that was killing babies in China, theres so much fake food in that country is unbelievable.
I know people in Nigeria that say Chinese food products are not touched there because the Chinese kept selling them fake rice. These motherfuckers were selling them plastic beads pretending it was rice.


This. VET is unironically huge in this regard.

Who cares about this chink scam 2019?

that's like 4 years old data retard
chinese can build 100000000 walmarts in a week

China hustle chink scam 101
- how to lure in the roundeyes

weak fud. we're going to $1.

> 6.5
Never believe gook lies

He's right about hooks thinking it is upscale. They have pizza huts pushed as fine dining with ridiculous prices.

Not saying that Walmart will work but they are weird.