Have more money than Ive ever had at any point of my life thanks to crypto

>have more money than Ive ever had at any point of my life thanks to crypto
>still feel like a peice of shit
>still a doomer with no hope for myself or humanity
>still hate myself

Yeap its fucked

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You have to challenge yourself. Learn, design, create, gym.

Why don't you go travel? All my female friends say it's the best thing in the world.

Read this, fren. Then use some of your crypto gains to take yourself on a similar journey.

Female friends? This b8?

Change your diet.

Start lifting. It makes you feel amazing I promise.

Definitely agree with the lifting/diet. Try changing that. But then again, even when I was working out and diet was clean, i felt good, but still lost in life and dont know what the fuck to do. At least you got the money.

Sex buddies that got older and he still sends memes to. Some of them are worth chatting with despite you moving on.

Diet and exercise feed the body, but mind and spirit require different acts to develop and maintain.

>T. Former competitive powelifter with a 15 years of lifting experience and an 8 pack the still hates himself.

user it's not just the material goods that matter. Human beans need mind, body, soul. You need to balance these and grow them to become happy with yourself.

Try reading up on philosophy, mathematics, language, literature, history, psychology mythology. Find something that will interest you and pursue it. Use this knowledge to help others grow and make society a better place.

lift and run, grow faster and stronger. Compete in sports competitions. Get Jow Forums, eat healthy.

Find something to look forward to whether that means helping others by teaching or unironically traveling. Find spirituality to ease your tensions of death and the afterlife and to become whole with yourself. Listen to relaxing music. Try and use your newfound wealth to make changes in society. Make a legacy or do something you will die for so you can be happy waking up every day fighting for something.

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only on Jow Forums will people actually try to answer a question like this. That's why I like this place.

Start investing some money in political lobbying and activism.

Sure, the empire's doomed, but if you were a rich guy in 350 AD Rome there would be tons of options to make a meaningful impact.

Same here, where $10k will get a long lasting pro-crypto loophole amended into a budget bill or $50k will land a contract for some SpaceX supplier that bumps up Mars settlement by 6 months.

i just looked up ayahuasca retreats in the US, i think im gonna go on one, ive wanted to for years. thanks for posting this link user

Add at least one 0 to those prices.

same boat financially but im in the process of getting Jow Forums and improving myself socially while still seeing and believe the doom, hope has been and continues to be kindled in me and i'm starting to respect myself

bless you anons

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Fuck all these Anons telling you what to do.
Only you know what you truly want , even if it is dark super illeagal shit just make it fucking happen with that new money you have.
Stop living the life others want you to and fulfil your own desires.

>Inb4 , but this faggot is telling you what to do too

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fuck I hate faggots like you. god it fucking sucks being poor on Jow Forums. I have to see so many privileged little shits like you complain about how shitty their lives are while they drive their nice cars, go out to eat all the time, have a nice bed to sleep in, get fucking hot water. I have to deal with these faggot nigger apartment neighbors blasting their music keeping me up at night, I wake up in the morning to a chilly shower, go to work at my government job w/ no upward mobility, come home and have to walk past the druggie under my stairwell, and have some half-cooked rice and beans for dinner because the apartment complex won't fix my retarded fucking burner. FUCK! you don't know what bad is you little faggot. I made $400 from crypto, and I started last year--and I was up 3x my initial investment. It's gone now because I used it for my mom's doctor visit. This is what despair looks like--a ceaseless pit of poverty and stagnation. Jow Forums is my only refuge and I hope to make it out of this shithole with smart investments. sorry to take my aggression out on you, user. I'm just a bitter poorfag who's jealous of your success

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my wagecuck job takes up most of my time to do all those things. i gym though thats the most i have time for

>tfw even a billion dollars won't do enough to save what i care about

you matter user

this. I got into math and it's helped me a lot

damn user, this resonates. was in the same situation 8 years ago and managed to climb out of it. be patient, don't lose hope, and don't lose yourself to drugs like I did. I don't know if it's allowed on Jow Forums, but do you have an ETH address? I'd be willing to chip in $20 or so. God Bless, buddy

Donate to starving children in 3rd world. Countries

I've been burned by so many people, so I'm not expecting any money, but I appreciate your encouragement and kindness, user


start writing user
just buy a journal and start writing whatever pops up in your head. A sentence or a paragraph. Anything really.

How is hatin yourself helpful to you in any way?


it's almost like money doesn't buy happiness. hm.

i am white, meanie

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Is it money or is it still just #s on binance. Its a big difference. Cash some out and take 6 months off to get happy.

yes it does