VIDT you fucking brainlets

The volume is almost as big as the mcap... it's foreshadowing that this is basically done on IDEX alone. Once this reaches a proper exchange it will truly blow up.

Considering the list of clients, the use cases, and the fact that the company is generating good money RIGHT NOW, buying in at this mcap is a no-brainer. If you still think this is a ponzi PnD shitcoin then you're a literal brainlet.

Attached: V-ID-ICO-Picture-760x422.jpg (760x422, 29K)

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Price predictions? How high do you predict it'll go

I'm still too chicken shit to use idex

$1.50 when burns start, $3.50 by Q3 exchange listing then a dump to $2.50 day of listing. Long term who the fuck knows

people have been throwing around $35 eoy but that feels like major hopium to me, vidt is my biggest hold but probably something closer to 15/20 is more realistic

i was too but its become my favorite exchange. i like the metamask integration

Why? It's literally safer than a regular exchange if you know what you're doing. There isn't any "middle man"; It's you and the smart contract, if I am using the terminology correctly (Similar to ForkDelta). I highly recommend you learn it. It'll take you all of 20 minutes. Then create or connect an existing wallet, transfer $10 in ETH if you're worried about losing things, and practice using it.

1110 documents validated per day and that number is rising still.

Attached: 1561187042732.jpg (1110x845, 353K)

From Telegram just now. Question was if the estimates they made on how many docs validated per month were on point.

Attached: Screenshot_20190625-071520_Telegram.jpg (1247x778, 307K)

Idex is handy af, the colour scheme is abhorrent though. Don't forget to switch it to night mode.