Post what car you’ll buy once you are worth over 10 mil

post what car you’ll buy once you are worth over 10 mil

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imagine the upkeep

White Toyota Camry XLE
I want to stay low key and easy maintenance.

that’s why this is the 10mil zone fren

imagine the smell

I’ll have a stealth mode daily driver as well, probably a Jeep Wrangler

$8mm is “fuck you” money and enough in my book

I’ve never seen anybody on biz prove they have a net worth higher than $800k so inb4 8mm is nothing

Why would I have a car when I have that much money? I'll have everything delivered to me and not have to go to work. If I ever absolutely needed to go somewhere, I can just hire someone to drive me.

Sorry that car looks like it is for a homosexual. Im buying a ford f 150 hennesy like a real man

There are plenty with networth 1m+ on biz.

2019 Tacoma. Except I dont want that shitty reverse cam all these new cars and trucks come with now a days. I will spend infinite amounts of money necessary to remove it

your mums pussy

Yeah but you don’t buy a new Porsche if your net worth is only 800k, that’s a good way to get poor again fast

the thing that sucks is you have to buy cars from the same make multiple years before they actually reserve you one of the nice ones. Otherwise you will either have to buy a used or resale at huge mark ups.

I'd still buy a mid 80's rx7

probably cheap plastic from the lower fascia

Bentley Continetal


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What is that a 4Runner? Looks pretty badass

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Some second hand that is still in good shape

Realistically I'd get an EV for my DD and a Twingo for the weekends.
But if I were splurging I'd get pic related. I want a car that looks as hyped as I am over being wealthy.

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Before the 2017 bullrun we had a vew millionaire tripfags trying to teach Jow Forums how to start a business actually. They probably still lurk.

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Where in America or EU can you even drive this over the speed limit? Everywhere is an overcrowded brown/chink shithole full of traffic.


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For me, it's the Tesla model S.
Futuristic technologically and looks the part as well.
I'd also probably have a Ford for stealth mode as well.

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yeah 4runners are damn good

are you me?


Good choice user. But you should be able to buy that now, no?

Wait for gen 4. Or hold off for a 2020, at least they have power seats and can oce vertically.

Jaguar F-Type that's at least 2 year old.
Fuck buying new cars. Cars only lose in value.
If you'd buy a new car, ever, you'll never make it.

That's a nice color.


>Choosing an F-type over a MB GT / GT S
I agree on your point about new cars though. When I make it, I'm going to buy a Ferrari F430 with low miles. Maybe a 458 if the prices have come down enough and I've made enough to spend 100k instead of 70k. Those things will appreciate in the next 10 years.

This. I'll get something kind of nice but not really nice like an early 2000s bmw or a newer jeep or something.
And a honda shadow for fun.

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Stealth mode driving a soy4wheeler?

Oldfag-sama tell us a story about the good ole days

I just want a reliable, low key car with modern features.

sois don’t drive jeeps at all

only way I'll ever buy one is if I have enough cash to purchase it outright. So yeah, maybe in 10 years I'll be able to buy a brand new Tacoma or they'll get ugly as fuck and I can get a discount of the current models

its called 'Aventurine Green 2020'

I'd just buy a cheap used lower to mid-end sports car, race the heck out of it, and do bare minimum maintenance. When that blows up, I'd buy another. Repeat until I'm a very good driver or I'm bored of burning through money for adrenaline rushes. If I still give a shit about driving fast after a couple cars, I'd probably splurge on a 911.

6speed Aston Martin DBS
Future collectors cars. One of the last big manual NA v12 astons. Can only appreciate

this. I always wondered why mel gibson & paris hiltol get DUI

cant they afford a driver???

New Tesla Roadster! Easy

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hello fellow redditor

Good choice on the f430, red with gold wheels for me. But in all likely good a 70’s convertible continental is what I’m really after.

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This fucking car. Works as a DD, can be fun too. Sexy af as a sprinkle on top.

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Tbh depends on what porsche. A 911 is about 100-130k, even with maintenance and upkeep it really its not going to make a dent at all

>t. nigger

Buy now and get the free v10 soundsystem and a 1 year onions subscription

The Huayra,
Most likely the minute i hit 10 mill i liquidate and buy a fancy as fuck home where i live (NZ), Can buy some nice looking houses for 5 mil. Ill probably get a shitty car until i regain what i spent on the house but to be honest wont buy a really expensive car till 15mil at least.
After 10 mil i would get a Kia Stinger the top one, and a tesla model X

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Car? I will just buy a xiaomi e scooter

>Not going with the superior sls amg
Sorry user, you're not going to make it

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Based v6 in kia stinger right?

Redpill me on NZ. Is it still a good place to live if you’re rich? I just want to be around relaxed people in a beautiful environment. Literally can’t handle murica anymore

cars depreciate very quickly
they are like utter shitcoins which crash 50% in the first day of listing

Not Porsches or Ferraris.

That's because you're a newfag.

This, should last me the rest of my life neeting out in the countryside

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Based and JDM pilled

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i fucking love the SLS and agree its totally superior, but desu you gotta buy em pretty heavily used and with these kinds of cars that's a horrible idea. People have fun with these cars more so than regular ones which means they obv are more worn out at earlier mileage.

If at the time I plan to get one there are some that are low mileage, SLS will take my money

Mercedes amg v8, Classy, Fast and with the money I'll have. I can flex on everyone that were fools and normies and didn't get into LINK and ETH. I'll pull up to my old job and go get a table to eat and I'll watch everyone struggle. I do this whilst I eat my enchiladas and chips in sweet glory knowing I will never have to break my back cleaning tables. These tables that once binded me to suffering are now the ones that my plate is now sat on and I eat off. I leave a 20$ as the tip and never return. That is until I become reminiscent of the times of my wage cuck years and revisit an old sight of where I used to take out the garbage.

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Lambo as a dd

If you're one of those pol idiots you wouldn't like it here. If you want to be around relaxed people in a beautiful place it's great, but "relaxed" here is socially wayyyy to the left of the US. Still more economic freedom though. Land/housing are expensive but everything else is pretty affordable, great if you're rich. Auckland kinda sucks, if you're into big cities it's not enough of one but if you're into outdoors it's too far away.

Maybe in a different color.

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0-60mph in 1.9 secs

For FUCKS sake thanks to your fucking filename I cannot unsee the giant open mouth soi smile on this car. Fuck you, cunt.

I don’t care about left or right, Americans are self absorbed and mean as fuck. Genuinely unfriendly. I just want to be around chill people who aren’t sperging out 24/7

Interesting about Auckland, i definitely want to go to beaches and go on hikes and shit but I also like a nice cityscape with a good music scene. Is Wellington a better choice? I like smaller cities it doesn’t have to be like NYC

>delusional imaginary bragging of a table scrubbing wagie who thinks he'll make it

Back to work stupid loser. Your ERC shitcoin won't make you rich.

That's true.
Although while mercedes service costs a fortune it's really good

I've already made 60K and it's growing daily.
>Got in ETH at 50$
>Got into chainlink at .40

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satisfied with current car desu

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Twin turbo baby, the top of the line one.
Its cheap, reliable, looks good, has plenty of space. Id get it the minute my stock trades hit 600k, il liquidate 150k from that, half of the 150k goes to living costs for the year, and the other half goes towards buying a car and related costs (fuel, insurance, maintenance)
The prices i give are in USD cause 600K NZD is shit all

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Can't decide. Either this

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Blyad Mobile = Best Mobile

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Basically hes right.
But i love Auckland, as long as you can build yourself a group of rich friends, if you are young this is easy to do, just hmu, but if you are a bit older you'll need to join some clubs that rich people associate with.

>read here for my opinion of auckland.

I live in auckland, i love it, its a nice city and all its great and you will have perfect views on a house that you can spend as little as $1.3M USD and you will have amazing views. Great thing about nz is no house taxes, you can buy as many houses as you want and rent them out and you keep every cent you make off it, this is also an amazing country for businesses. We do lean left but for the most part its fine, im not happy with the government because they tax the citizens like crazy and make poor people suffer, this is our left government.
Anyway You will find great property for relatively cheap if you come from overseas, but most of NZs residents will never get close to owning these houses because our government isn't doing enough for the poorer people

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or this

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Are the people friendly? I just want to live in a nice house and raise a family and play some jazz in a comfy bar every week.

Wellington is a shit choice, people are fleeing.
The only reason said that auckland is bad is because of house prices, they are expensive compared to other cities, but auckland is the city in NZ to be in, Christchurch suffers from earthquakes and skin heads, wellington suffers cause its shit and people flee it.
Auckland is where you want to be, buy a batch in the Coromandel peninsula or around that area.
If you are running a business out of home, or trade stocks like i am about to start, then i recommend Mt Maunganui, house prices there are still sane, but since you want beaches its the place to be, there is a mountain thats a good exercise to walk up and down. you have an amazing beach and basically its beautiful.

>Auckland is the best city if you are a working man or an investing man. Bad for beaches as it is toxic as fuck, get a house with a pool if you want to swim and when you want beach youll have to drive an hour west.
>Mount Maunganui is the best if you work out of home or invest. Good for clean beaches

People are friendly as fuck. Heck ill introduce you to my friends we can have a fun time.
Weed is also accessible here and police turn a blind eye to it. We dont bother with small amounts or even ounces. Its basically decriminalized

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Also friendo.
Best suburbs in auckland to live in if you come with $2M USD plus to buy a house are

>St Heliers
>St Johns Park
>St Marys Bay
>Ponsonby (rare to find a decent house at 2 mil usd but youll manage)

And then there are central suburbs which are also nice
>Mt Eden
>Mt Albert

There are more desu but i'd rather save you time.

Ok, Cletus.

Nice digits fren. I’m gonna try and visit for a few weeks in 2020 and if I enjoy my time I’ll likely move as soon as I have enough money to get investor citizenship status

Good as fuck info user, thanks
Any place in Auckland that has more of an artsy vibe like where musicians and artists would hang out? Maybe record stores and some indie venues?

I have a throwaway email account.
that you can contact me through if you want.
I would love to help you settle in
Just prove its you by posting a code or something in the email you sent me by posting the code here 5 mins after you sent the email.

The email is [email protected]

central central west. ponsonby, st marys bay.
eastern suburbs are old money.
so central west is your best bet at artsy.,
I went to a fairly artsy school. But private education is the way to go, compairing my experiences to friends who went to public i can definitely say that sending your kids to private schools is the way to go.
Yes it might appear as snobby but the connections they get and the education as well is just incomparable

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Its 5:30am here I’m about to crash all the link hype kept me up all night

I will try to email you tomorrow and I’ll screenshot these posts so you know it’s me from the (you’s)

good sales pitch but auckland in general is trash however you can bubble yourself in an area and get what you want. If you want beach vibes focus on Mission Bay, Kohimarama, St Heliers (15mins drive from CBD). For you artsy vibe go Ponsonby. Avoid all other areas like the plague

Aaight, sounds good.
Even if you don't email i am happy that i was able to help you user. Have a good night. Its 9:44 here and i am preparing for my exam tomorrow that i will probably fail. University sucks

Does the faggot come with the porsche or do you have to pay extra for him?

macro 211?

holy fuck this unironically sounds perfect
>Hip, residential Ponsonby is known for shopping and dining, with stylish boutiques, independent bookshops and trendy cafes along Ponsonby Road. The foodie scene ranges from gourmet taco trucks and burger stands in the market-like space of Ponsonby Central to upscale gastropubs and seafood bistros. Small galleries showcase Kiwi crafts and edgy modern art, while buzzing bars specialize in craft beers and cocktails.

econ 211? are you me?

Nah, I said that because Auckland is a shit city compared to an actual big city. There's a good reason all the really rich people live in central Otago. But yea, if you insist on both coming to NZ and living in a city, sure, it's the only real option.