Well, for absolute dummies, who didn't bought link and absolute poorfags and thirdworlders who have no money to buy suicide stack (2000$ is a shitton of money, my frens in my country I only can get this in two months), what we should aim to get some profits?
I aim on HOT now, because it made 359% profits last year and I'm shitpoor student in turdworld.
Next coint to aim
Charts from coingecko. What will you say user? I think it's pretty good.
vidt user
HOT is a sjw coin. Avoid.
Holy crap. I think you may be right.
If you dont go in on ftm you are a fool
Who cares anyway? Just force it right direction.
I think your green ID may be right too, user.
I bought vidt not too long time ago and I'm /comfy as hell. Go for vidt if u want to make it friend.
Hey street shitter. I tried warning about PRL, BNTY, Vsync (at 1.7mill mcap), and publica at
Kek unironically undoubtedly just went ALL in
What about the tron coin OP
Classic mistake op go into real estate
Trying to arbitrage this shit nice find
I go now, but I just have to invest in something that is going to raise.
Boomer ignore this.
This or
That's a good start to flip through. Basically there is a very high chance that Chainlink is the next big thing. It is currently the most serious project in all of crypto, and has a fair chance of moving beyond crypto and becoming a legit thing on legit exchanges. From a tech perspective it is currently the only decentralized oracle network, so it holds a monopoly, and smart contracts are only legally enforceable if they are done with a decentralized oracle. In regards to the token itself, it functions as collateral value for the info from Derivatives (1.2 quadrillion per year in money moved) and Insurance markets passing through the oracle for the smart contract. This could revolutionize a lot of finance and finally get blockchain to stop being a meme tech and be a real tech. There reason there is so much vicious FUD is because so many anons think Link is such a surefire bet they don't need to shill it and want to FUD it down so they can buy more. 1kEOY is a real possibility if Link gets the derivatives market share they want. Remember Bitcoin was only a few cents less than a decade ago.
Link is treated different to any other crypto. Any other crypto gets good news, it's shilled to oblivion and promoted everywhere for a quick pump. With Link there is a double standard in that everything is torn to shreds and FUDed to shit because of eternal accumulators. Just means Link is so much more legit in the long run though.
Good shit nigga retarded normies wont be able to trade it cuz of it being on FD hahaha
You could try BOMB or lowcap mentioned in this thread
Ok, I will also try to invest in this shit. 100 linkes will be enough?
>tfw I just barely made it in time to get almost a "make it" stack at 9K
Maybe I won't make it but I'll be comfy as fuck. All I need is a paid off house and 400K to re-invest and live off passive to never work again. Essentially I just need Link to hit $100 and I'm set for life, or at least set until I can sort my life out
Can anyone explain any reason why Holochain will go up?
1. Actually working technology?
2. No premain?
3. Partnerships?
Not gonna believe this copypaste.
More for me
Tron lol
Dude, these are fucking scams. I would believe in VIDT, but shitcoins in this copypaste are either:
Made -80% last year
Or have 0 coins in work.
What the fuck?
Delete dis you're going to ruin a good opportunity
Alts suck
Based kek unironically made 2 btc off this