There is no way the bear market is unironically over and that this pump isn't completely manipulated. We had bottom barrel prices for 3-4 months and then mooned like the last year never happened. We should be consolidating at bottom prices for at least a year considering that the bottom prices in the last bubble (2013-2015) lasted from January until late october. This boom cycle is happening too quickly and openmarketcap says that volume is fake. Someone who knows more than me chime in.
There is no way the bear market is unironically over and that this pump isn't completely manipulated...
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Even though that’d destroy all my profits if it happened I’d at least have time to buy more. I’ll win no matter what.
Yeah I completely agree with you. We are going parabolic almost instantly again, look at the charts, it looks almost as retarded as Dec 17. Just straight up again. It's gonna come down hard. I think it's just an exit pump for whales and such to get out of BTC before Jan 1st 2020 when CSW gets his coins and is going to dump BTC to death.
These are the bottom prices. You aint seen nothing yet
Everything about ta says we are completely overvalued. The only indicator that says that we are bull is that the next btc halving is in a year but each halving should have a smaller effect on the marketcap as a whole as there are less btc that get cut from each block reward each time.
Crypto is a new frontier, either you've got balls or you don't. Extrapolation will get you nowhere.
ta indicators say its overbought, but price action suggests its not gonna stop.
OP's chart is what's gonna happen though
pic related
1_Trade volume on usd is constant while the btc being traded has been decreasing due to scarcity in the market.
2_The reason why btc bullruns usually stop is because the fees become high and normal everyday users doing wires stop for a time and become purelly speculative forming a bubble.
This has not happened since the 4.2k bullrun as a matter of fact 1sat transactions have been going on and the mempool as cleaned during the weekend that means that we are ready for a week of fomo.
3_The timing of the run from 8k to 11k happened at the end of the week meaning the faggots fomoing and buying with bank transfers are still waiting for their fiat to enter exchanges.
They are going to be all week waiting it to drop bellow 10k to fomo but the fact that they will be waiting means it will not happen.
4_Boomer media is slow and this week news of btc surpassing 10k will happen again this combined with point 3 means that we are in for a massive bullrun this week , also point 1 shows that the btc liquidity in the market has been decreasing.
5_BTC dominance has nearly risen to 60% as shitcoin money escapes to the true crypto king for it's halving.
Superwoke we were all expecting btc supply reduction to cause the bullrun in 2020.
In the end it was a supply increase of central banks lowering interest rates that triggered the bullrun in 2019.
Last chance to enter unironically.
This time is different brainlets , go check what is going to be btc inflation level after the halving and then check every fiat inflation level.
Bitcoin is going to have less inflation level than fiat currencies as a result it will be mooning constantly relative to fiat until governments fix the post bretton woods economic system.
>Someone who knows more than me chime in.
Okay here are my thoughts: the cycles will not get longer. Why? Block reward halving. That's why.
Admit it. You got no coins right ? Faggot. Cope harder.
you cannot really compare crypto cycles to classic stock cycles. the volatility is way higher due to one simple reason:
it can be traded 24:7 globally
stocks are closed on WE and at workdays only for ~8-10h.
therefore a very rough estimate would be that crypto moves twice as fast.
Also, the market moves much faster now because billions were on the sidelines waiting to buy back in as soon as bull market indicators were confirmed.
On the first trip to $20k, people were buying with whatever part of their paychecks were leftover. This time, they're buying with huge chunks that were already set aside. And probably a bigger factor is that bigger players are getting in. Look at the GBTC premium, and how greyscale has been hording bitcoin for the last two years.
Surpassing $20k will be a breeze. These bears who expect a longer cycle and prolonged bear market leading up to the halving are going to be ABSOLUTELY and ETERNALLY BTFO.
Agree with you user; Problem is that BTC is not Bitcoin.
BTC can reach maybe 50k in this run up but no matter how high it goes, at the end of it waits Satoshi to dump it to Z E R O with his 1.1m coins.
I'd rather not be in BTC to be honest. Enjoy those gains while they last.
Redpill for you:
satoshi is the fucking NSA, craig literally shits himself from taking it in the ass all day
Nonsense , Satoshi dumping his 1M coin would only cause the price to fall 20% and that becomes few and few as the monetary supply becomes bigger.
That's not a redpill shill that crappy propaganda that anyone with technical knowledge of btc can recognize.
It's directed against boomers and technically illiterate people.
You are 100% correct everyone was waiting to enter a year before the halving and the fucking whales took the initiative and bought 14 months before the halving(smart bastards).
Never the price has fallen between halvings only crabing or up.
Bears are about to be unironically btfo on massive proportions.
Bull indicators were already in march but if you had the economies slowing , drumpf trolling the fed and bullying it to lower interest rates , and the fact that btc is mooning early due to this bears don't even understand what's about to happen.
20k will be easy , then 30k too after that we may stop until the halving then go to 400k more or less depending the intensity of the halving.
If it's a weak halving 360k if it's strong well , John will not eat his dick.
you didn't even read it.... your opinion is discarded.
lol, the volatility is higher because there's no liquidity. when BTC has a 7 trillion marketcap like gold it will be relatively stable.
future suicide, ya hate to see it folks
the real problem isn't knowing or accepting this - the real problem is: how do you short effectively in a parabolic uptrend market?that chart is completely retarded
I'm taken back by this sudden rise as well but I guess that makes it even more legit. Who actually sees this stuff coming miles away? Only a few.
It definitely seems too good to be true, but isn't that exactly what the disbelief "it's a sucker's rally!" meme means?
no, there are clear patterns to a market cycle, and this one didn't hit them.
the accumulation phase doesn't magically become significantly SHORTER with 20x the market cap than it was in 2014. this one truly stinks of trap.
i'm guessing some whale ( a country, a billionaire etc.) got overambitious thinking he was buying """the bottom"""" and will get rekt as much as most people on this board
Looking at this chart, where are we now?
It's propaganda to catch boomers into buying muh real bitcoin.
It's not and the technical arguments are retarded and fake.
absolute bullshit. incredible stupid to shill that shitcoin. at this point you better invest in rope, faggot
There is an army of pajeets for real copying and pasting the same shit and doing small modifications to bait boomers into buying their shitcoin.
we're exactly at disbelief. i'm shorting right now and hopefor that drop to 8k-9k but it goes without saying that the bullrun has started half a year ago. hope i'm not getting rekt with this short (it's only 0.8x leverage) but this run over the last weeks has been too parabolic, retards and newfags are getting too confident longing, but that's not how it works. they won't get rich longing with high leverage, they'll get liquidated
>some whale
How about all the biggest ones
It's time to stop
Shorting a parabolic up movement gets you liquidated faster. There will be a time to short but this isnt it
>He does not know that a year before a halving the bitcoin price has never fallen.
>I think it's just an exit pump for whales and such to get out of BTC before Jan 1st 2020 when CSW gets his coins
Opinion invalidated
Underrated post
Tether will probably print more, raising the price yet again. I just wonder when the world police are going to come along shut down tether. I personally haven't see the correction I expected, still TONNES of fags in non PoW coins...
you literally can't get liquidated if you're using less than 1x leverage, brainlet. it's like tethering up, with the difference that i'm getting paid by bitmex in funding rebates. i'm getting 600$ a day currently
>you cant get liquidated
So? You like to lose money if bitcoin keeps on parabolic?
>last halving was july 9th 2016
user, i..
i said i'm using 0.8 leverage, retard. also, who even keeps all his btc on bitmex? i obviously make a ton of money if btc keeps rising
No one stopping you from making bad trades
they buy, you sell
they sell, you buy
It works simply in trading.
There is not the fomo fuel to justify a bull without correction
Did you forget that every central bank in the world is printing fiat faster every day? All if these charts are based on circumstances in the past and assume normal inflation. We are well past that now. You have weeks left to enter this game if you are lucky.
That shit is nothing in the grand scheme of things seriously look at a year before each halving in the chart every price collapse is inmediately followed by a pump.
They are only temporal because the price tends to be going up in that timelapse as everyone is aware that the supply of btc will be reduced in half.
Price 1st of july 2015 = 249
Price 1st of july 2016 = 705
Now do the same for each halving and you will see that my words are true.
get rekt bearkek
localized eurphoria
So the less people that buy/sell btc means more money for the those already invested?
looks like you guys weren't in btc in 2015. i got fucked in every one of those huge dips, being all in btc all the time. i swore to tether up some after every major move up because there's always a correction. stop talking about the great scheme of things it's old news, we just moved up from 4k to 11.4k in 3 months. i'm not saying we won't be at 150k in 2 years, i'm just saying there will be a correction. and since you're new to this market you're going to get fucked just like every noob that's going long right now
I am not new i was too in 2015 , sadly looking from the outside as a brainlet(i used btc to pay stuff with bitpay every week).
Those fucking huge dips were temporally and replaced with another ath after another.
There won't be a retratction yet the retraction was cancelled by the fed cucking to trump for lower interest rates.
Now btc has momentum to keep growing a few weeks.
Hope imo
I drew that chart, but isn't it already outdated?
We did break 11k.
Lol imagine missing out on the golden bull run because you put too much faith in a chart you arbitrarily drew
>a few weeks
A few weeks?
At this unreal pace?
That means wéll reach 40/50k and that’s way too much.
From july 2015 to july 2016 the price multiplied by 3.
This time it did the same but more than 300 days are left till the halving.
And most people buying are holding so who knows user.