VOID /our/ token

Did you miss BOMB or even NUKE?

Want to be part of the next big one VOID?

VOID is community driven and ran, we work and contribute together.

Entire supply fairly distributed amongst the biz community, NO dev share.

>deflationary crypto
>5% burn
>918k supply remaining and deflating fast.




Get in now or regret later and miss another early gainer

Attached: VOID2.jpg (400x400, 8K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fire token has 10 percent burn bitch

Get in on both idiot

This shit is easy 10$ soon

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I am on both you tropical beaber


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chads will hold both void and fire. get your fire. 10% burn. easy as joining the discord and dropping your eth address in the airdrop channel.

discord gg / u8jGwXH

Attached: fire.jpg (640x640, 39K)

Good shit user

Already raised like 6k/20k VOID for this and it's only been like 9 hours.

This, I have over 2.5k VOID and 900 Fire , VOID will moon first though once it’s on ddex, $10 1-2 weeks after listing

is there a discord


No more aidrop
At this point just buy it before this hits ddex

DDEX will be hosting an airdrop for VOID

Pump et and burn et

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How the fuck am I on here all day and always miss these airdrops?! You dickheads posting shit in some weirdo Australia time zone or something?

Can you link me to their telegram please?

The user above posted the discord link to FIRE token

get in. buy now. we're going on DDEX by the end of the week

Realistic price predictions? How high is this going? Are we going to see something similar to BOMB or has that ship sailed.

Now price is around 0.2-0.25$
After Ddex listing and burn to 800k coins it will be 10$ per token

Attached: IMG_20190625_101349_494.jpg (1088x691, 140K)


10x imo

Are you telling me that I will have made $10k by buying a meme token on ForkDelta for 11 cents each a few days ago while linkfags waited 2 years to get to $2. I love this crazy crypto world.

Yes, its crazy but nobody cares about link fags that hold for 2+ years for 5x


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The things that get overshilled on biz are the coins you want to avoid, whereas things that get shilled sparsely are the real gems. I personally went all in on VOID and I am going to 10x in less than two weeks before linkcucks will even get a measly 50% in a month from now.

Very true, but with some exceptions, like Antshares back in 2017. But there was something "different" to that shilling. But for the most part, one has to sift through all the bullshit to see the real gems.

DDEX listing and airdrop competition will bring it easy to 1-2$ range soon

really a great community project

I mean, the community is pooling for an airdrop and an exchange listing

what's not to like?

This.The community is literally GIVING away their own void tokens for listings and airdrops.The creator literally GAVE all the coins out then disappeared like Satoshi.This is how crypto should be.

Yeah I have away a chunk of my stack to fund the exchange listing

Same here bro.Reddit will eat up the community side of this coin when it they take notice of it.

this has a lot of truth to it. a majority of shilling is just "buy my bags, I bought the last top."

VOID is NOT that. This moon mission has just begun, and it's all through airdrops.

LINK, for example, is a symptom of the post '17 bear market. All those fuckers that bought the top had shared trauma. Hence, the quick move to a cult.

Re: sunk-cost fallacy.

They'll be mostly gone after the next bull run of '20/21

if everyone can donate 20 void it will be listed on ddex in no time, and you will get your donation back x10.

I'm covering about 20 people

already sent my part

Donated over 250 VOID

Good work!

huge community effort going on here, donate Void to that address etherscan.io/address/0xA16C99AFCEC362FBA0FC3ED101313246EA79A8AE

together we can make it!

it's /our/deflationcoin biztards, don't disappoint

Can’t believe the money is actually being raised through community. Crypto as it was meant to be.

This shit will become the new doge, book it.Community is everything,

Checked, yes I put in 100$ in bomb at 80 cent for a joke and sold at 14$ making 1750 where I bought nuke for 0.7 and I got an airdrop and sold it at 6$ for like 8k, VOID is the next one brother join us we in a clown world

I donated 60 and prob donate another 100 when I’m home

satoshis vision

i ams havings bad day anons.

Who is gonna donate me some voids so i can hold it and make a literal fortune off your kind donations?

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Ddex airdrop should be soon, dont fear user

I spammed the email thing and then sold for 900usd. It might moon but i wont be to mad. Free money is free money.

Wait a minute, the airdrop has finished? You actually expect me to buy this shit? ...get the fuck out of here

There’s going to be another airdrop by ddex once it’s listed there.

>wrong deflationary guys
see you at $10

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And based admins via emails lowered ammount needed for DDEX listing from 21k to 10.5k VOID


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This is pretty awesome to see. The community actually taking care of itself. Impressive to say the least. I think we have a winning project here.

it should be noted that these admins hold barely any VOID besides their own airdrop amounts and they are putting in all this work for us. 100% based

MOAB is a scam just like NUKE.

I'm all in

>we rill ruv to rist new scam

>not Claymore
>6000 users airdropped
>CE listing imminent
>Mercatox listing imminent
>active devs

stay poor



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Gtfo roastie

bullshit scamcone