Poorfolios only ITT. We're all gonna make it bros, post your personal poorfag recipe for success. One day we'll look back from our lambos and laugh.
Poorfolios only ITT. We're all gonna make it bros, post your personal poorfag recipe for success...
You should only have 4 or 5
way too many shitcoins you aren't gonna make it
Get rekt!
why the fuck are you this diversified? never gonna make it
I bought 100,000 XDN in 2014 for £4, then sold them in 2018 for £7,200. Don't underestimate the microholdings user, cryptos make mad gains. A portfolio this diversified is high maintenance but totally worth it IMO
Not bad. If I were you I would probably consolidate some of your lower amounts,
mcaps too high to be this diversified
all in link or xlm or even better fantom
poor boomer here. am I gonna make it?
swap your ltc into link dude jesus christ
i don't understand how anyone could be less than 50% in link
dump everything in to ada or link
I waa thinking of waiting for LTC to hit $200 before doing that
wtf btcp quietly mooning
It hit $2 somewhere.
I'm banking on it mooning.
1000 link
That is all.
>Tfw thirdworlder
Sold some ETH in exchange for LINK. Literally as soon as both go to 1000$ I will have made it.
Am i gonna make it ?
Started 6 days ago....