Living in a bachelor flat with hardly any niceties to it. Just sitting in it while browsing biz and doing errands for random stuff.
How do I introduce women into this world if I never was on a date or a relationship?
Living in a bachelor flat with hardly any niceties to it...
Other urls found in this thread:
Listen to zuc
Why ruin comfy life?
How do I introduce my bell end into it's oesophageas? Does it accept Israeli Shekels?
This is not a life you can share with someone
vitamin d
tongkat ali
weight lifting
Kek, did you try tongkat Ali? I bought some on a Chinese website but got scamed.
what's her name?
Assuming I'd like to introduce women into my life, how would one do that given the circumstances? Buy a car and drive her places? fuck her in hotels? go to random fun events in the city?
Abby Shapiro
Why would you want to ruin your perfect life with a woman? Holy shit man, get it through your head IT DOESNT GET BETTER THAN THIS.
During the bullrun I cashed out enough money to throw down 1 years rent on a fantastic flat and had it furnished with total minimalism. That years were the best of my life. I was hoping LINK would moon enough that I could buy it but I guess Ill have to wagecuck for a few years until I really make it.
But that year...that year was heaven.
Did similar, but was a lifeless husk. could, and still do, sustain myself from my cash-out. didn't accomplish anything substantial due to no energy and general feeling of defeat.
Some regular human contact besides the occasional prostitute would be nice.
Read the Blackdragon Blog.
Also get his book now that he is giving it away for free until July 1st:
I've been having problems with this stuff for a long time but he has helped resolve them. His free content is pretty fucking good and I can tell you the paid stuff is incredible. I can't wait to give this guy more money. The more I give to this man, the better my life goes.
Also, if you really get into this, don't tell anybody here. Most people are losers and will never try to understand any of this, no matter how sound it is, they will try to bring you down when you explain it to them.
>The more I give to this man, the better my life goes.
nevertheless, I'll check it out. thanks
Don't forget to download the book now that's free though. It's pretty much impossible to find anything from him in torrent sites or to download anywhere else. He has a really good copyright enforcement system. Kinda the reason I give him my money honestly instead of trying to pirate his stuff.
Meditate and read more books user.
The blog certainly has an interesting and unique take on incels.
>4. According to some studies, the amount of never-married sexless men has increased a little in the last few decades (though not very much since 2005). But the reason isn’t “Chads”. The reason is something I’ve been talking about on this blog for years. It’s because less young people are getting married.
>Guys are getting tired of getting financially ass-raped in divorces, so the rate of men in their 20s getting marred has dropped like a stone. Since a percentage of men were only getting sex because they were getting married, that group of men has gone without sex since marriage rates have dropped.
In our parlance
>monogamy/marriage WAS the beta revolution
I'm ok with paying money, but thank you.
That depends on what kind of woman you want
Think about it this way, right now you're just thinking about what a woman can add to your life, think about what you can add to hers. Why would a woman be attracted to you? If all you can add to her life is money, than you'll get the kind of woman thats just interested in your money. There are plenty of those running around clubs or waiting in dark corners of the street.
Where was it implied that I'm focused on benefits to myself? Genuinely don't see it.
the whole premise of the thread is what one can do so that the relationship is mutually beneficial and fun.
I recommend Mark Manson's book Models also. Pretty woke stuff.
Read him years ago
Read a lot of this kind of psychology in my university days. I was really drawn to it because I knew it was true and it overlapped with my personal experience quite a bit
Rationalmale is good
Chateau heartiste
Book of pook
Don Juan
Those are good starting points
Get a personality that lets you think of fun stuff yourself...
So you don't have one yourself and project given your lack of concrete advice. No need to be butthurt.
No I just don't come to fucking Jow Forums for date ideas, lmao, am I being baited here?
You do know that Jow Forums isn't just populated with losers like yourself?
>The more I give to this man, the better my life goes.
Oof, I'd yikes but it would be inappropriate in this situation.
Religion took care of it's followers. It gave women a framework in their mind that directed them to an otherworldly aim (to get into heaven by not sinning).
By taking away this implicit threat to one's soul, or even someone believing they have a soil, one's life is purely driven by the NEW programming:
1. Finish highschool.
2. Go to University. Slut it up.
3. Get a career. Spend the rest of your 20s wagecucking. Slut it up.
4. Settle and have a child.
5. Divorce.
6. Remarry.
7. Rinse and repeat.
I have no solutions aside from becoming wealthy and focusing on improving yourself, and that makes me sad.
If you want pussy just hit some decent bars and dont act a fag. If you score you make her take you back to her place.
If you are looking for a partner just put yourself out there until you find someone. I would suggest attending functions of interest maybe, although they do say opposites attract
Tldr chase a check never chase a bitch percocet molly percocet