>bases Bernie will eliminate my 120k student loan debt
>got to go to dream school and party w biggest Toasties and have fun
>fucked redditors and cheap 4channel nerds went to CC and state schools to "save" money
Bernie 2020 niggas
>bases Bernie will eliminate my 120k student loan debt
>got to go to dream school and party w biggest Toasties and have fun
>fucked redditors and cheap 4channel nerds went to CC and state schools to "save" money
Bernie 2020 niggas
Other urls found in this thread:
>kill student debt
>pension pools die
>immediate action taken to create an influx of young foreign labour to pay pensions instead
good plan
>OP's spellcheck dowsnt recognize Jow Forums speak
you need to go back or at least proof read before posting.
in all fields, lass and lassies
Yeah you’re probably all set user, congrats on this.
>hate donald drump
>lean more left than right fiscally
>but think erasing student loan debt is pants on heads retarded
what do
bernie is too socialist for me bros
Here's someone with a well thought out, realistic plan to reduce the student loan burden.
Just another minority vote grab IMO
Don't forget Obama drastically increased the amount of anchor babies and proto humans in college
realize its all just a puppet show distraction
>erasing debts
Imagine being this retarded.
I am from EU and enjoy free education, but come on debts can't be erased all of a sudden. There should be plan for reducing debts in near future OVER TIME, and then maybe have kinda free education, but erasing current debts is just stupid.
Buy currently cheap long term puts on Healthcare and Sallie Mae and then meme Bernie into president obviously.
Cash out your winnings and then convert it all into buttcorns n the days leading up to the inaguration. If it becomes clear that the higher powers wont actually let Bernie do what he says he wants to do (or the people were smart and installed a house and Senate to challenge him on everything he does), then buy cheapies on healthcare and predatory loans with your options winnings. Then enjoy the 2022 bullrun when everyone that cancelled their insurance or student loans FOMOs back into terrible deals so they can pay for health costs and graduate on time.
Andrew seems kinda based tbqh, thanks for the link
It's too bad we have dumb shit like superpacs and only the most popular candidates for either party will ever win
Based Bernie gonna secure the border
Yes no one will be able to escape once he becomes president
doesn't matter if bernie wants it, or even if his party wants it (they do); the economic pressure would lead to more brown people.
>love Trump
>Nobody in my family has ever voted Democrat. Not once
Old faggots are single issue voters and continually keep this country on its knees because they're selfish and stupid.
Fuck it, I'm voting Bernie if he can wipe my 93k debt. What a fucking STUD
Support another candidate then you tard
It would never get through congress so might as well support another candidate
doesn't matter who wins the election, (((((they))))) win either way...
>tfw going to go to university to apply for 100k+ student loans to go all in crypto and have those loans forgiven
Literally can't lose, it's free real estate.
Boomers on suicide watch.
Its possible to get it through congress if Berniebros are competent enough to understand and then advertise how the process of making a law works. Honestly, I'm incredibly surprised more campaigns dont explicitly outline to the masses that they need them to vote some lackeys for their president into Congress so they can actually make good on campaign promises.
Is there a legit way to go about this? dont you actually nee to be enrolled to recieve the money?
This belongs on Jow Forums, not Jow Forums
Take out student loans to YOLO 100x long/short on Bitmex. Because fuck the American taxpayer
>lean more left than right fiscally
Cringe kys
>do this right before the 2020 school year starts because Nate Silver predicts Bernie to win
>fast forward two and a half months
>Trump wins
>you're now in debt for 100K with interest and haven't actually been attending classes
>flunk out and get removed from school
>employers now can see this as your most recent education whenever you try to apply for a job
>never able to pay back the loan because you can only work at McDonalds and can't pass base level HR screens for real jobs
>even if you had a literal PhD prior to doing this harebrained scheme, clearinghouse will fuck you over by reporting the most recent schooling first every time
Lmao imagine the butthurt.
>employers now can see this as your most recent education whenever you try to apply for a job
Or you could just not tell them, retard
Depends on the lender. Some private lenders will loan if you're just admitted. That said, they anticipate moves like this.
>he doesnt know what an employer background check at a real job entails
Oh am I laffin
Burney sucks, id rather have chink ass run. I just realized iv never heard andrew chank speak on popular policies, i only heard him explain his ubi
Tranny brain
society is a ponzi scheme. it doesn't scale. you have to keep creating jobs out of thin air for all the college grads every year. it's not sustainable. eventually you end up with McDonald's requiring a phd to flip burgers. this whole circus is going to end badly.
>Lmao imagine the butthurt
trump voters' primary directive
Imagine having the current president and watching him unable to pass anything even though its a only 10 billion for a wall. You think Republicans won't block a 1.5 trillion dollar bill to zero student debt. If democrats cared about passing this shit they could have worked on healthcare and border security super cheap with Republicans.
Now, because of hyper partisan politics nothing will get done. No politician could look beyond the moment. If only 10 Democrats said "okay have ur cheap wall and redo the obamacare (remove state lines)" Republicans would compromise and not fight this shit.
I went to med school in caribbean and collected 500k debt. this better be the real deal, fren.
i refinanced my debt, can it still be forgiven?
Your SSN pings every school you've attended if they ever care to look it up.
Christ, election burger invasion has already started
>muh inflation
get a clue user
Don't worry, Bernie isn't even gonna make it out of tue primaries again. His own party will sabotage him.
he is right, american workers have had their wages effectively lowered for decades, meanwhile big corps get subsidized to hell and back, letting american workers pay for their jobs getting shipped to mexico
based drew #securethebag
I'm socially conservative but fiscally liberal
What does that make me?