Is this shit dead as fuck or what?

Is this shit dead as fuck or what?
I have ridiculous returns even though everything is going up.

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Why would it be dead? It continues its mission as usual.

The development is in chaos and there is no funding to pay for devs

RV pays a quarter million yearly to both teams

Nah that's just FUD by BSVtards. Funding for devs reached 100% and things look positive


You can buy a Jow Forums pass today with instant 0conf using BCH.

Their lead dev Armory Segshit looked depressed and very uninterested in their latest online dev meeting.

Would not be surprised if Armless Susshit leaves and leaves bch in shambles.

lul and in reality roger vers jew lawyer is so scared hes fudding BSV

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why dead? its more alive than ever
bs they have funding

tons of shit being built around BCH.

I'd like Rizun to take the lead

It's a low hanging fruit, it doesn't take much effort to fud BSV

this. If maury leaves good riddance
BCH has plenty good devs to take lead.

i never understood the difference between bitcoin cash and litecoin

cashshuffle is a complete fail

amaury wants to sell the network to VC

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Something I've noticed about BCH is that Telegram pajeets seem to prefer it to regular Bitcoin. That's enough to make me steer clear.

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That's not a lot of money
100% of a small amount of money isn't a lot
Not that impressive in 2019

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Who the hell is VC?

>RV pays a quarter million yearly to both teams
kek thats like 3 real engineers

VC means venture capitalists

Man, crypto is a mess

Thats 5 entry-levels programmers for a year where I live.

venture capital

no doubt. thats why there is no ETF and institutional money coming. these people are not stupid. they can see what a shitshow this entire space is.


And so far, the winner of the hash war is lite coin

You guys kinda convinced me it’s no good anymore.
I profit off of BCH but I could have fou d better coins around. Even core yiel more returns. Guess I’ll cash out and find greener pastures

a literal exit scam and copy paste of bitcoin lul
there is really only one hope for this entire space

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>Not that impressive in 2019
bitpay, faggot. BCH is on 40.000+ online shops

lol Shoulda figured you're a bsv shill. That shit is the biggest pile of garbage out of the 3.


Personally I hold a small bag of BSV alongside my comfy BCH just because their shills are sop relentless. BSV will pump great with the low IQ crowd.

anywhere you can use BTC. BCH is also accepted. but its not vice versa cause of the huge BTC fees ;) merchants don't want to use BTC. they go for BCH.

was a smart move but that pump is over. there is no way mr mrs normie is going to buy antiguian money laundering coin once BTC starts to moon.
bsv will continue to get crushed and this will all become more expensive for calvin to maintain...even with the help of his new colombian 'friends'.

yeah don't mention the BSV shills.
CSW is a fraud and the BSV team doesn't play nicely with anyone. its doomed to fail because of this, even if I do like the Big blocks original vision idea. they fucked themselves over by attacking everyone and eveyrthing that isn't Bsv

exactly. BTC is rekt as a payment system and has been rekt since 2017

Im not sure user. I think CSW and his island friend will pull a couple more scammy media stunts. Im looking forward to the cope when he doesnt dump BTC on halving.

amaury secheut is a fucking nigger. i hope he leaves and never comes back

bsv tards and corecucks are cancerous newfags

>low iq
>supports bcash
>likely roger's sockpuppet

(by which time Ill probably already have sold at arounf 800$/BSV)

How much does craig pays shills?

Attached: BSVSHILL.jpg (1186x407, 107K)

bout three fiddy

lmao that one would've been obvious even without the ID

Sometimes I wish there was just BitCoin

What if all 3 of the forks never happened?

Things could have been so good. If we had the progress of BSV and big blocks/unwriter, the adoption of BCH and the ticker of BTC, there would be no ETH, no XMR, no LTC even. Greg Maxwell would have been ostracized a long time ago, and the miners would have never capitulated to the Segwit ruleset. Craig Wright would still be in the shadows, happy that his creation succeeded without contention.

What if...

wow thats obviously not bait!!!

sir we get paid to kyc wallets in bsv currency. please buy bsv sirs. thank you and please come again sirs.

yeah its a real shame. we could all be filthy rich already. BSV is literally the last chance we get of making it.

also one bsv post earn ~one curry chicken meal basmati rice at bombay price level sir

>his creation

What will it take for you to stop believing this lie? He hasn't proven anything... ever thought why not?

>t. never read BTC whitepaper or a single one of cregs posts

This posts reeks of paid BCH shills. Disgusting.

his posts consist of pseudo-intellectual garbage exclusively.

nice try BSV pajeet.

Expanding the blocksize is not a good innovation, SegWit and Schnorr signatures are the way to go. Craig is not Satoshi, not until he can prove it

>t. low IQ

i can hardly wait till his friday court appearance. I wonder if the court cofirms him, what new cope the haters will come up with
> the judge has no technical expertise, he tricked them!!
> its just a local court so the ruling is worthless
> court may have approved him but i dont trust the system, its corrupt! transfer satoshi from wallet or will never believe you!!!

> meanwhile bsv goes again +50%

they will cope and move the goalpost as usual.

Craig is a genius. Make no mistake. I've talked to him in person. He is 10 years ahead of everyone else in the crypto space.

BSV is the last chance for humans to get their shit together. Period. If we fuck this up and let ETH and BTC and XMR take over, we're all going to be slaves in Chinese factories in 100 years.

You don't understand how consensus works or what Satoshi meant by a chain of digital signatures. Segwit is fucked. BTC is so fucked.

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>BSV is the last chance for humans to get their shit together. Period. If we fuck this up and let ETH and BTC and XMR take over, we're all going to be slaves in Chinese factories in 100 years.
yeah pretty much this. CSW is the hero we need but dont deserve.

You people complaining about funding don't realize that small & efficient teams of highly competent devs like Peter Rizun >>>> inflated and bureaucratic multi-million clusterfucks of "trading specialists", HR roasties, PR cucks and dozens of churn-and-burn code monkeys.

Besides, BCH is backed by Roger Ver and Bitmain, do you seriously believe they'll let it drown? Crowdfunding is ugly, but good for the long run, it lets teams be more independent.

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anyone with half a brain knows BTC is fucked.
anyone with half a brain also knows that the evidence is clear against CSW being satosh. the only thing that csw needs to do is sign a message.

he didn't.

plus the many evidence of fraud ive seen until now.

csw is an asshole

BSV cucks wont understand. They want a stronk authority to tell them what to do.
CSW could literally announce a completely new OPcode tomorrow and all the BSV cucks would follow with cheers despite shilling muh protocol locked the day before.

totally agree he's a genius. He's so immersed in this whole thing and has such momentum hardly anyone else can compete at that level. He really knows his shit to the max. I'm a high level guy myself and i notice when someone like him is legit.
Sometimes he's so way up with his tech talk the 08:15 shitcointer mistakes his pure genius for scam tech babble cause its totally out of their comprehension that not only someone can proficiently talk on that level but that this high level even exists at all. I've seen that phenomen in higher Maths @ PhD level. You show the stuff we do there to random people on the street and the really dumb ones think honestly its all made up garbage to impress and trick them.

For me BSV would be just another random shitcoin if it wasn't for him.

I would have never swapped my entire BTC/ETH/LTC for BSV without Craig being involved.

are you fucking retarded

the only one moving the goalpost are bsv pajeets, always moving dates and coming with empty promises

>BSV is the last chance for humans to get their shit together. Period. If we fuck this up and let ETH and BTC and XMR take over, we're all going to be slaves in Chinese factories in 100 years.
what fucking mental disorder is this? bsvjeets are bizarre

Good post I read about this. People refuse to make a basic attempt at being intellectually curious by what he says and the curious way he often phrases things because they're too busy trying to debunk him.

sorry but you're fucking retarded. all his texts are schizo-tier wordsallads with just enough techno babble thrown in to fool retards like you. he can barely string a coherent sentence together. he once said that microsoft windows is an open source operating system.

stupid nonsense. I was initially open to the possiblility of him being satoshi but the more you research it the more you understand that there is no chance in hell. he lies continually, creating false evidence and even admitting it later, and all his supposed expertise is just nonsense technobabble, he doesnt know what hes talking about but like the CONfidence man he is hes making a bet that you dont either

Like it or not, 99% of transactions are not going to be performed by humans in 10 years. In a proof of stake or anonymous system, Skynet takes over and we become slaves, because a good chunk of the world's economy will be held by autonomous agents and physical machines. Think about it. Proof of Stake is evil.

> rogers cock

>stupid nonsense. I was initially open to the possiblility of him being satoshi

I doubt it

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You're fucking retarded, that will happen in either case, with KYC/BSV the government will be skynet instead. You're fucking delusional, regurgitating shit you have no understanding of

i was suspecting he might actually be satoshi back in 2017 back when bitcoin cash was created. probably before you even bought a single crypto you fucking nigger. but when you look at the evidence its clear hes just a confidence trickster.

there's a link to a fuckton of diplomas he produced (authenthicated) somewhere on

i think someone that has a
masters in commercial law,
a masters in statistics
and a phd in computer science
(+20 other it sec related certifications) knows his shit. you can look it up, they are there for real. im honest here: you are just one pathetic low level pleb, cringeworthy and laughable with your bullshit hear-say pseudo allegations that he's a scam. this fraud/con-man bullshit is like stating 1+1=25. its NOT adding up.

as an aside, my company got embroiled into a deal with a conman who scammed a bank out of 125M. We didnt realize until we were nearly 2 years in the scope of the scam....
spending so much time with that conman I see many of the same patterns in csw. one of the things they do is continually "say too much"...Imagine if csw only said half the shit he does, literally his scam would be 4x stronger. they all do themselves in by lying in cases where silence would be better.

Creg is a genius at deceiving people with technobabble and mimicry. However, his real knowledge is extremely thin and embarrassing, he literally can't code, doesn't understand programming (PROVABLY a noob at it), cryptography, the low-level details of bitcoin and has been called out for it lots of times by BCH, ETH and other devs. He forte is that he stays remarkably bold even when confronted for his dumb, pseudo-scientific theories (like when he lost a bet to Peter Rizun and refused to pay).

Don't even get me started with his schizophrenic ideas of "the internet as a side chain". It's so unbelievably dumb that you can only laugh at it.

You don't get it. Proof of work brings out the best in human innovation, it is pure capitalism and competition and more importantly, it means Skynet must compete too. In a proof of stake system, collusion and hoarding will NEVER be for the benefit of humans.


half the diplomas he claim are nowhere to be found and some of the organizations that supposedly gave them to him say they have never had anything to do with him. certificatinos are a fucking meme, go ask Jow Forums about tech certifications lmao

the dude obviously cant code for shit, he has boomer tier knowledge about technology. he's probably a competent sociopathic CEO thats why he had a bunch of tech companies but his actual technical knowledge is on the level of your boomer dad "who knows his way around a computer"


shit really? I might have do that, the captchas have been brutal. I suppose I could spare a couple dollars to the website that has eroded my life for the last decade.

its a dead end long term but it will probably pump a bit (less than other much better projects) before it dies forever

I thought we moved on from the diploma fud like six months ago. its really tiresome arguing with low information, low IQ trolls. I can only imagine what it must be for a legit genius like CSW. no wonder hes pissed.

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>hurr durr he cant code

Your slavish submissiveness to a dishonest trickster won't help you in the long term. The faith in CSW (and the projects he's involved with) revolves solely around the assumption that he holds a million bitcoins in a magic "trust". I know, I've been there. It "expires" merely in half a year, and when nothing happens, the wave of disappointment will be huge. His fans will start denouncing him. It's inevitable and all downhill from there.

A slideshow composed of the OFFICIAL DOCS is not proof of programming ability. However, his numerous & incredibly dumb statements, pseudo-scientific theories and outright fabrications ARE proof of programming incompetency.

>revolves solely around the assumption that he holds a million bitcoins in a magic "trust"
nope. its because its the only scaleable crypto and the only project with a future. CSW nuking the market with his coins is more like the cherry on top.

Good luck.

this is just the average uni professor hating his job grabbing a bunch of official docs and makinig a lethargic presentation, leaving the students to have to do 300% extracurricular research

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Bitcoin SV. The technology is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of law, economics and IT most of it will go over a typical corecuck's head. There's also CSW's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from ancient Greek literature, for instance. The BSV shills understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this technology, to realize that it's not just massively scaleable- it will actually change our CONSCIOUSNESS. As a consequence people who dislike Bitcoin SV truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Craig's existencial catchphrase "STIFF," which itself is a cryptic reference to Cicero's works on rhetoric. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Craig Wright's genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Bitcoin SV tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Wasn't he supposed to do that already? always pushing the dates forward lmao keep drinking the kool aide

no I think youre confusing him with Roger Ver

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A bunch of wishful thinking. "Let's just store everything on chain" is a pure delusion for people who don't understand technical constraints and associated costs.

Nah I have 50% of my mining allocation to it. It's the best for actually sending and receiving so that's actually what I use it for. Still keep Bitcoin as a "store of value" or whatever.

it has wider adoption as a currency than both btc and bsv. and csw was supporting bitcoin cash when that statement was made you utter retard

>the wave of disappointment will be huge
If the history of the world has taught us anything, is there will be little to no disappointment. The slavish retards will actually make this a good thing, it will further the proof that he REALLY REALLY is satoshi.
There is no point to trying to reason with them or help them see the what most of us do and larp at BSV supporters and encourage them to dump more in...its literally their destiny to be wiped out - dont fight the current

>it has wider adoption as a currency than both btc

Vishnu Craig