Watch a film from the 90s that got mediocre reviews when it came out (5/10s)

>watch a film from the 90s that got mediocre reviews when it came out (5/10s)
>better than 90% of the trash coming out today that gets 9/10s

Has the quality of films really plummeted due to 'design-by-committee' approaches or are critics just completely braindead?

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It has Zoomer, also the 'music' is getting worse & worse. Sorry your generation is shit

>Has the quality of films really plummeted due to 'design-by-committee'


But it hasn't negatively effected profits, so don't expect a change in trend.

Remember when films had scores and not just FotM zoomtunes plastered over it?

>critic score - 50%
>audience score - 90%


Those arent critics ratings your seeing. What those ratings are is online news sources who get paid by major studios to pump out top ratings for their new movies.
Literally just go foreign or indie if you want good movies.

Definitely. I came to the conclusion that in 2012 the world did go under, in regards to arts and movies and music

back to /tv/ incel

>be me, well into my 20's
>don't watch movies made before 2009

Fell for it once. Old movies and TV shows are inferior in every possible way. Unwatchable

>has never watches star wars, LOTR, pulp fiction, God father or whatever dumb overhyped cult classic

Game of thrones and Arrival are 10x better than anything produced in the 90's and 80's

video games too.

There's always great films, a film from last year called Upgrade is brilliant, both in cinematography and story.

Marvel films are actually enjoyable, despite the NPC mindset. I've been forced to sit through a few of them and Robert Downey Jr. deserves a lot of praise.

But the majority of films are shite, you've always had to wade through the shit to find the diamonds.

Another great film, although Japanese animation is Your Name. It's not the typical anime tropes, of high pitched stupid cat girls, it's a down to earth well written story.

>Hasn't played God of War (2018)

I'm seeing House again and I've realized that now feminism does not allow good series

To me they stopped being fun in 2015

>tfw videogames peaked in 2011

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I'm not talking about dumb sci fi schlock you tremendous mouthbreathing faggot. I mean films about people. The real problem with films today is that everything has to be 'muh epic blockbuster'.

I see you really exerted yourself with this bait

more like 2004.

>hey user, wanna come with me to see Capeshit 16? I knew you hated Capeshit 15 but this one is so sick and ties together so many plotlines like what happens to Molluscman and who falls in love with DialupModemGirl!!

hollywood peaked in the late 90ies (pulp fiction, fight club, green mile, apollo 13, titanic, shawshank redemption, forest gump - these are all 9/10). after that the quality decreased and the quantity increased. there's still every year 1 to max 2 good movies (interstellar, inception etc) but hollywood as a whole has the best times behind it.

I actually watched Upgrade last weekend, it was decent, though it had a couple of cringey lines.

The marvel films have been complete trash since Iron man 1 and are progressively getting worse

Watch the original Twilight Zones!!! Fucking master peices

He 80s and early 90s were unironically when the best movies were.made
This was.when the mob and not the kikes ran Hollywood

Fallout new vegas and mass effect 2 were good games sips.

I too enjoyed Upgrade. The part where people were taking amphetamines and hooked on VR, because it was much more enjoyable then the real world was pretty cool actually.

yeah youre right theyre good games. but they still dont hold a candle to golden era games like Baldurs Gate 2, Fallout 2, Planescape which all came out around 2000ish. GTA san andreas came out 2004 and marks the high water point for me. after that its only gone downhill.

No, you have your nostalgia goggles on. 90s movies were cringy shit. Movies are 500% better now you are just upset Marvel shit makes up too much of the blockbuster scene.

Fallout 2 and GTA San Andreas were good games sips.

ITT: Millenials

Fuck off, nostalgia bullshit games. You're like old people talking of the golden days.

>San Andreas was the peak... FUCKING KEK

Videogames have so much room to grow, especially once VR takes off properly. Beat Saber is the most fun I've had in gaming since ever

>pulp fiction
Godless heathen.
Shit bait

which film?
why do you talk like a redditor?

Movies released after 2012 are all trash. Also lol at hollywood making a ''remake'' and thereby ruining originial movies just to make more money. The only movies I enjoyed recently are Dunkirk and Interstellar.

Its true, movies were at their peak in the 90’s.It was that great period just before cgi, animated movies and superhero movies caught on.Now its just complete shit.

On the flipside tv is now 1000 times better than it was in the 90s, and even better than movies ever were.The top shows own any movies for telling a story, since they have hours of episodes to truly flesh it out, while now having movie level production.We are better off now for sure.

damn straight *sips
>t. ADD riddled zoomer

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quality of films has plummeted, theyre getting duber and dumber. but critics have always been shit, popular opinion is shit as well, people in general are tasteless

one of the best movies ever, revolver, got absolute shit reviews because people are literally too dumb to understand psychological concepts and just disregard it as some edgy low budget matrix ripoff

28 year old, but yeah Zoomer.

I've played your games when I was stuck with an Intel Chipset laptop in 2010, they weren't all that. Best game I played from that Era was The Longest Journey.

>mass effect 2
absolute shit taste. only the first mass effect is worth playing and it's like an 8/10 at best

san andreas and gta 4 are the best gta games. for very different reasons of course.

gta v is a steaming pile of shit, literally the worst game in the series except maybe for liberty shit stories

>Movies released after 2012 are all trash
>The only movies I enjoyed recently are Dunkirk and Interstellar.

okay user. stop eating those sugar.

There's still good stuff coming out you just have to stop watching megabudget crap.

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This. I hate how ghetto everyone has become. Ghetto "music" like rap and hip-hop used to just be that thing that niggers and trashy poor people listened to. Now music doesn't even fucking exist anymore and everyone is ghetto.

Enjoy feminist characters and blacks being worshipped in every episode of any series you watch

It means you grew up you fucking manchild

this is true. shitty sitcoms and reality tv shows were what we had in the 90's. Competition between streaming services has really upped the ante on tv show production.

this isnt /tv/

this is what the decline if a civilization looks like.

btc is the hedge for the individual, but the collective is beyond savable at this point.